Source code for httk.atomistic.sitesutils

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import fractions, time

from httk.core import FracVector, MutableFracVector
from httk.core.basic import is_sequence
from httk.atomistic import spacegrouputils

[docs]def sort_coordgroups(coordgroups, individual_data): counts = [len(x) for x in coordgroups] newcoordgroups = [] newindividual_data = [] for group in range(len(counts)): order = sorted(range(counts[group]), key=lambda x: (coordgroups[group][x][0], coordgroups[group][x][1], coordgroups[group][x][2])) newcoordgroups.append(coordgroups[group][order]) if individual_data is not None: newindividual_data.append([individual_data[group][i] for i in order]) if individual_data is None: return coordgroups.stack(newcoordgroups), newindividual_data else: return coordgroups.stack(newcoordgroups), None
[docs]def coords_and_occupancies_to_coordgroups_and_assignments(coords, occupancies): if len(occupancies) != len(coords): raise Exception("Occupations and coords needs to be of the same length.") if len(occupancies) == 0: return [], FracVector((), 1) coordgroups = [] group_occupancies = [] for i in range(len(occupancies)): try: idx = group_occupancies.index(occupancies[i]) except ValueError: idx = len(group_occupancies) group_occupancies.append(occupancies[i]) coordgroups.append([]) coordgroups[idx].append(coords[i]) return coordgroups, group_occupancies
[docs]def coords_to_coordgroups(coords, counts): coordgroups = [] idx = 0 for count in counts: coordgroups.append(coords[idx:count+idx]) idx += count return coordgroups
[docs]def coordgroups_to_coords(coordgroups): coords = [] counts = [len(x) for x in coordgroups] for group in coordgroups: for i in range(len(group)): coords.append(group[i]) coords = FracVector.stack_vecs(coords) return coords, counts
[docs]def coordgroups_cartesian_to_reduced(coordgroups, basis): basis = FracVector.use(basis) cellinv = basis.inv() newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroup = coordgroup*cellinv newcoordgroups.append(newcoordgroup) return newcoordgroups
[docs]def coords_and_counts_to_coordgroups(coords, counts): coordgroups = [] idx = 0 for count in counts: coordgroups.append(coords[idx:count+idx]) idx += count return coordgroups
[docs]def coordswap(fromidx, toidx, cell, coordgroups): new_coordgroups = [] for group in coordgroups: coords = MutableFracVector.from_FracVector(group) rows = coords[:, toidx] coords[:, toidx] = coords[:, fromidx] coords[:, fromidx] = rows new_coordgroups.append(coords.to_FracVector()) coordgroups = FracVector.create(new_coordgroups) cell = MutableFracVector.from_FracVector(cell) row = cell[toidx] cell[toidx] = cell[fromidx] cell[fromidx] = row cell = cell.to_FracVector() return (cell, coordgroups)
[docs]def clean_coordgroups_and_assignments(coordgroups, assignments): if len(assignments) != len(coordgroups): raise Exception("Occupations and coords needs to be of the same length.") if len(assignments) == 0: return [], FracVector((), 1) new_coordgroups = [] new_assignments = [] for i in range(len(assignments)): for j in range(len(new_assignments)): if assignments[i] == new_assignments[j]: idx = j new_coordgroups[idx] = FracVector.chain_vecs([new_coordgroups[idx], coordgroups[i]]) break else: new_coordgroups.append(coordgroups[i]) new_assignments.append(assignments[i]) idx = len(coordgroups)-1 return new_coordgroups, new_assignments
# TODO: Cleanup formula generation
[docs]def normalized_formula_parts(assignments, ratios, counts): formula = {} alloccs = {} maxc = 0 for i in range(len(counts)): assignment = assignments[i] ratio = ratios[i] if not assignment in formula: formula[assignment] = FracVector.create(0) alloccs[assignment] = FracVector.create(0) occ = ratio formula[assignment] += occ*counts[i] alloccs[assignment] += FracVector.create(counts[i]) if alloccs[assignment] > maxc: maxc = alloccs[assignment] alloccs = FracVector.create(alloccs.values()) alloccs = (alloccs/maxc).simplify() for symbol in formula.keys(): formula[symbol] = (formula[symbol]*alloccs.denom/maxc).simplify() # if abs(value-int(value))<1e-6: # formula[symbol] = int(value) # elif int(100*(value-(int(value)))) > 1: # formula[symbol] = float("%d.%.2e" % (value, 100*(value-(int(value))))) # else: # formula[symbol] = float("%d" % (value,)) return formula
[docs]def abstract_symbol(count): if count < 27: return chr(64+count) my = (count-1) % 26 rec = (count-1) // 26 return abstract_symbol(rec)+chr(97+my)
[docs]def anonymous_formula(filled_counts): formula = normalized_formula_parts(range(len(filled_counts)), [1]*len(filled_counts), filled_counts) idx = 0 abstract_formula = "" for val in sorted(formula.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): idx += 1 c = abstract_symbol(idx) xval = val[1].set_denominator(100).simplify() if xval.denom == 1: if xval == 1: abstract_formula += "%s" % (c,) else: abstract_formula += "%s%d" % (c, xval.floor()) else: abstract_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (c, xval.floor(), ((xval-xval.floor())*100).floor()) #abstract_formula += "%s%g" % (c,val[1]) return abstract_formula
[docs]def coords_reduced_to_cartesian(cell, coords): cell = FracVector.use(cell) newcoords = coords*cell return newcoords
[docs]def coordgroups_reduced_to_cartesian(cell, coordgroups): cell = FracVector.use(cell) newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroup = coordgroup*cell newcoordgroups.append(newcoordgroup) return newcoordgroups
[docs]def periodicity_to_pbc(periodicity): if is_sequence(periodicity): pbc = [bool(x) for x in periodicity] else: pbc = [False]*periodicity + [True]*(3-periodicity) return pbc
[docs]def pbc_to_nonperiodic_vecs(pbc): nonperiodic_vecs = sum(pbc) if (pbc[0] and not (pbc[1] or pbc[2])) or (pbc[1] and not pbc[2]): raise Exception("cellutils pbc_to_nonperiodic_vecs: cannot represent as nonperiodic vecs, need non-periodic vecs before periodic ones.") return nonperiodic_vecs
[docs]def structure_reduced_coordgroups_to_representative(coordgroups, cell, spacegroup, backends=['isotropy']): for backend in backends: if backend == 'isotropy': try: from httk.external import isotropy_ext return isotropy_ext.uc_reduced_coordgroups_process_with_isotropy(coordgroups, cell, spacegroup, get_wyckoff=True) except ImportError: raise pass raise Exception("structure_reduced_coordgroups_to_representative: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def sites_tidy(sites, backends=['platon']): for backend in backends: if backend == 'platon': try: from httk.external import platon_ext return platon_ext.sites_tidy(sites) except ImportError: raise pass raise Exception("structure_tidy: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def coordgroups_reduced_to_unitcell(coordgroups, hall_symbol, eps=fractions.Fraction(1,1000)): # TODO: This routine is now a bit faster, but maybe can be accelerated further # One may also be concerned about how much memory it uses now. symops = spacegrouputils.get_symops(hall_symbol) #print("ENTER CRDTU",sum(len(x) for x in coordgroups),len(symops)) #start = time.process_time() #count = 0 newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroup = set() for symop in symops: rotcoords = coordgroup*(symop[0].T()) for coord in rotcoords: #count += 1 finalcoord = (coord+symop[1]).normalize() newcoordgroup.add(finalcoord) #if finalcoord not in newcoordgroup: # for checkcoord in newcoordgroup: # if (checkcoord-finalcoord).normalize_half().lengthsqr() < eps: # break # else: # newcoordgroup.add(finalcoord) newcoordgroup = sorted(list(newcoordgroup), key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2])) newcoordgroup2 = [newcoordgroup[0]] lastcoord = newcoordgroup[0] for coord in newcoordgroup[1:]: if (coord-lastcoord).normalize_half().lengthsqr() >= eps: newcoordgroup2.append(coord) lastcoord = coord newcoordgroups += [newcoordgroup2] #print("EXIT CRDTU",time.process_time() - start) #old = coordgroups_reduced_to_unitcell_old(coordgroups, hall_symbol, eps) #if newcoordgroups != old: # print("\n\nONE\n",FracVector.create(old).to_floats()) # print("\n\nTWO\n",FracVector.create(newcoordgroups).to_floats()) # raise Exception("DIDN'T WORK") return newcoordgroups
[docs]def main(): cell = FracVector.create([[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]) coordgroups = FracVector.create([[[2, 3, 5], [3, 5, 4]], [[4, 6, 7]]]) assignments = [2, 5] print(cell, coordgroups) cell, coordgroups = coordswap(0, 2, cell, coordgroups) print(cell, coordgroups) pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()