Source code for httk.core.miniparser

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2019 Rickard Armiento
# This file,, originates from the
# high-throughput toolkit (httk) [] which is licensed
# under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 or later.
# However, this specific file were isolated and granted a more
# permissive license to help implementing parsers in other projects.
# (But please contribute updates and report bugs to the httk version,
# found via
# The license terms for this file is given below.
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# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
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# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
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LR(1) miniparser


A relatively bare-bones LR(1) parser that parses strings into abstract
syntax trees (ast) for generic languages. Python 2 and 3 compatible.
Language grammars can be given in textual EBNF.

A simple usage example::

    from miniparser import parser

    ls = {
      'ebnf_grammar': """
         S = E ;
         E = T, '+', E ;
         E = T ;
         T = id ;
      'tokens': {'id': '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'}

    input_string = "Test + Test"

    result = parser(ls, input_string)

Usage example of a simple grammar for balanced parentheses. This
also shows using inline regex via an EBNF special sequence::

    from miniparser import parser
    ls = {
      'ebnf_grammar': """
         Expr = Group
              | Expr , Expr
              | id ;
         Group = '(', Expr, ')' ;
         id = ? [a-zA-Z0-9 _]+ ? ;
      'remove': ['(',')'],
      'simplify': ['Expr']

    input_string = "Outer ( Inner ( Inside ) Further outside )"

    result = parser(ls, input_string)

Note: in the above examples, the parse tables are generated on the
first call to parse, and then cached inside the 'ls' dict.
However, if one wants to pre-generate the parse tables (e.g., for
looking at them), that can be done by calling build_ls(ls=ls)
before parse. You can, if you want, save the 'ls' variable to disk
(e.g. using pickle). However, since a modern computer builds the parse
tables in a time comparable with starting up the python interpreter,
this may not be so useful.

For documentation on the parameters in the ls dict, see help(build_ls).

Detailed description

This is roughly how the parser operates:

1. It takes as input:

   1.1. An EBNF grammar in text format for the language it is
        supposed to parse: `ebnf_grammar`.

   1.2. Some other meta-info about the language that defines, e.g.,
      terminals (elements that are not further simplified), etc.

   1.3. A string to parse.

2. The fist time this langague is parsed, the parser builds up the
   necessary data structures for the language using the function
   `build_ls`. The steps are:

   2.1. The parser uses itself to parse `ebnf_grammar` into
        an ast representation of the grammar: `ebnf_grammar_ast`.

        To do this, it uses an already provided ast of the EBNF
        language itself (but which can also be recreated by the parser
        itself as shown in the examples at the end of the file under
        __name__ == "__main__".)

   2.2. The `ebnf_grammar_ast` is translated to a more BNF-like abstract
        form that expands alteration, optionals, groupings, and
        repetitions into separate rules: `bnf_grammar_ast`.

   2.3. The `bnf_grammar_ast` is processed into a `rule_table`.
        This is a dictionary that maps every symbol to a list of
        possible right hand sides in the production rules.

   2.4. The `rule_table` is used to build a table of the FIRST(symbol)
        function in LR parsing.  It maps all symbols on a list of
        terminals that may be the very first thing seen in the input
        when matching that production rule: `first_table`.

   2.5. The `rule_table`and the `first_table` are used to build
        the ACTION and GOTO tables in LR parsing. These encode
        a state machine that for every starting state S tells
        the machine to either shift or reduce, and when doing so,
        the state the machine progresses to: `action_table` and

3. The parse string is processed the python generator `lexer`,
   which splits the input into lexical tokens.

4. The LR state machine is initialized in its starting state.  Tokens
   are read from the lexer, and shift/reduce actions and state changes
   are made according to `action_table` and `goto_table`. The results
   of the parsing are collected on the symbol stack in the from of an ast.

5. When all input has been reduced into the starting symbol, the
   ast connected to that symbol is returned.

Diagnostic output

- You can add verbosity=<int> as an argument to both the `parser` and the `build_ls`
  function to get that level of diagnostic output.

- For more fine-tuned output, set verbosity = LogVerbosity(verbosity, [<flags>])
  flags can be various flags that can be found in the source code.

  Known flags at the time of writing:

  - `print_all_tokens=True` lets makes the parser have the lexer process
    all input first and prints all tokens before the parsing starts.

  - `<function name>_verbosity = <verbosity level>` adjusts the verbosity level
    for just that one function. For example:

      parser(ls, source, verbosity=LogVerbosity(0,parser_verbosity=3))

  prints out diagnostic output on level 3 for the parser function, but
  skips any other diagnostic output.

- If you do not want the default behavior of printing diagnostic output on stdout,
  both parser and build_ls takes the argument logger=<function>, which redirects
  all diagnostic output to that function. The function should have the signature::


  where the args is the diagnostic info being printed, and the keyword arguments
  communicates flags. In particular, pretty=True indicates that complex objects
  are passed which would benefit from using, e.g., pprint.pprint to typeset the output.

import sys, re, pprint, itertools

#### The hard-coded language definition we use to parse grammars given in EBNF

ls_ebnf = {

    'ebnf_grammar': """
        Optional = "[" , Rhs , "]" ;
        Repetition = "{" , Rhs , "}" ;
        Grouping = "(" , Rhs , ")" ;
        Alteration = Rhs , "|" , Rhs ;
        Concatenation = Rhs , "," , Rhs ;

        Rhs = identifier
             | terminal
             | special
             | Optional
             | Repetition
             | Grouping
             | Alteration
             | Concatenation ;

        Rule = identifier , "=" , Rhs , ";" ;
        Grammar = { Rule } ;

    'start': 'Grammar',
    'ignore': ' \t\n',
    'comment_markers': [('(*', '*)')],
    'literals': ['[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')', '|', ',', ';', '='],
    'precedence': (('left', '|'), ('left', ',')),
    'tokens': {'identifier': '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*',
               'terminal': r'"([^\\"]|.)*"|' + r"'([^\\']|.)*'",
               #'terminal': r'"([^\\"]|\\.)*"|' + r"'([^\\']|\\.)*'",
               'special': r'\?[^?]*\?'},
    'simplify': ['Rhs'],
    'remove': ['[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')', '|', ',', ';', '='],
    'aggregate': ['Grammar', 'Alteration', 'Concatenation'],

    'ebnf_grammar_ast': ('Grammar',
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Optional'), ('Concatenation', ('terminal', '"["'), ('identifier', 'Rhs'), ('terminal', '"]"'))),
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Repetition'), ('Concatenation', ('terminal', '"{"'), ('identifier', 'Rhs'), ('terminal', '"}"'))),
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Grouping'), ('Concatenation', ('terminal', '"("'), ('identifier', 'Rhs'), ('terminal', '")"'))),
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Alteration'), ('Concatenation', ('identifier', 'Rhs'), ('terminal', '"|"'), ('identifier', 'Rhs'))),
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Concatenation'), ('Concatenation', ('identifier', 'Rhs'), ('terminal', '","'), ('identifier', 'Rhs'))),
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Rhs'), ('Alteration', ('identifier', 'identifier'), ('identifier', 'terminal'), ('identifier', 'special'),
                                                          ('identifier', 'Optional'), ('identifier', 'Repetition'), ('identifier', 'Grouping'),
                                                          ('identifier', 'Alteration'), ('identifier', 'Concatenation'))),
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Rule'), ('Concatenation', ('identifier', 'identifier'), ('terminal', '"="'),
                                                           ('identifier', 'Rhs'), ('terminal', '";"'))),
                         ('Rule', ('identifier', 'Grammar'), ('Repetition', ('identifier', 'Rule'))))

#### Custom Exceptions

[docs]class ParserError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ParserGrammarError(ParserError): pass
[docs]class ParserInternalError(ParserError): pass
[docs]class ParserSyntaxError(ParserError): def __init__(self, *args): super(ParserError, self).__init__(args[0]) = args[1] self.line = args[2] self.pos = args[3] self.linestr = args[4] pass
#### Helpers to assist logging and debugging
[docs]def logger(*args, **kargs): """ This is the default logging function for diagnostic output. It prints the output in `args` on stdout. Args: loglevel: the level designated to the diagnostic output args: list of arguments to print out kargs: keyword flags. These are: pretty=True: formats the output using pprint.pprint(arg). """ if 'pretty' in kargs: pretty = kargs['pretty'] else: pretty = False for i in range(len(args)): if pretty: pprint.pprint(args[i]) else: if i > 0: sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.write(str(args[i])) if not pretty: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush()
# Verbosity can be given as just an intger, or as # an instance of the class below, which allows # sending verbosity flags.
[docs]class LogVerbosity(object): """ Class to send in as keyword argument for verbosity to fine-tune diagnostic output from certain functions. Set the keyword argument as follows:: verbosity = LogVerbosity(verbosity, [<flags>]) flags can be various flags that can be found in the source code, e.g., `print_all_tokens=True` lets makes the parser have the lexer process all input first and prints all tokens before the parsing starts. Specifically, set `<function name>_verbosity = <verbosity level>` to adjust the verbosity level for just that one function. For example:: parser(ls, source, verbosity=LogVerbosity(0,parser_verbosity=3)) prints out diagnostic output on level 3 for the parser function, but skips any other diagnostic output. """ def __init__(self, verbosity, **flags): """ Create LogVerbosity object. Args: verbosity(int): main verbosity level to display flags: keywords to adjust output of diagnostic information (see help(LogVerbosity) for more info.) """ self.verbosity = verbosity self.flags = flags for flag in flags: setattr(self, flag, flags[flag]) def _get_verbosity(self, caller): if hasattr(self, caller+"_verbosity"): return getattr(self, caller+"_verbosity") else: return self.verbosity def __gt__(self, other): return self._get_verbosity(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name) > other def __ge__(self, other): return self._get_verbosity(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name) >= other def __lt__(self, other): return self._get_verbosity(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name) < other def __le__(self, other): return self._get_verbosity(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name) <= other def __eq__(self, other): return self._get_verbosity(sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name) == other def __sub__(self, other): return self(self.verbosity - other, **self.flags)
#### Main functions
[docs]def parser(ls, source, verbosity=0, logger=logger): """ This is a fairly straightforward implementation of an LR(1) parser. It should do well for parsing somewhat simple grammars. The parser takes a language specification (ls), and a string to parse (source). The string is then parsed according to that ls into a syntax tree, which is returned. An ls is produced by calling the function `build_ls` (see help(build_ls)) Args: ls: language specification produced by build_ls. source: source string to parse. """ if 'parse_table' not in ls: build_ls(ls=ls, verbosity=verbosity, logger=logger) tokens = lexer(source, ls['tokens'], ls['partial_tokens'], ls['literals'], ls['ignore'], ls['comment_markers'], verbosity=verbosity, logger=logger) if hasattr(verbosity, 'print_all_tokens') and verbosity.print_all_tokens == True: tokens = list(tokens) logger("==== TOKENS") logger(tokens, pretty=True) logger("====") tokens = iter(tokens) action_table = ls['parse_table']['action'] goto_table = ls['parse_table']['goto'] symbol_stack = [] state_stack = [1] symbol, inp, pos = next(tokens) while True: if verbosity >= 3: logger("STATE", state_stack[-1], symbol, loglevel=1) if verbosity == 4: logger("SYMBOL STACK:", " ".join([repr(x[0]) for x in symbol_stack]), ".", symbol, loglevel=2) elif verbosity >= 5: logger("SYMBOL STACK:", loglevel=3) logger(symbol_stack, pretty=True, loglevel=3) if symbol in action_table[state_stack[-1]]: action, arg = action_table[state_stack[-1]][symbol] else: if symbol is None: raise ParserSyntaxError("Parser syntax error: unexpected end of input at line: " + str(pos[0])+", pos: "+str(pos[1])+":\n"+str(pos[2])+"\n"+(" "*(pos[1]-1))+"^", "unexpected end of input", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) else: raise ParserSyntaxError("Parser syntax error: unexpected <"+str(symbol)+"> at line: " + str(pos[0])+", pos: "+str(pos[1])+":\n"+str(pos[2])+"\n"+(" "*(pos[1]-1))+"^", "unexpected symbol", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) if action == 'shift': if verbosity >= 3: logger("PARSE ACTION SHIFT", arg, loglevel=1) if symbol is None: raise ParserSyntaxError("Parser syntax error: Unexpected end of input at line: "+str(pos[0])+", pos: " + str(pos[1])+":\n"+str(pos[2])+"\n"+(" "*(pos[1]-1))+"^", "unexpected end of input", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) symbol_stack += [(symbol, inp)] state_stack += [arg] try: symbol, inp, pos = next(tokens) except StopIteration: symbol, inp = (None, None) elif action == 'reduce': subnodes = symbol_stack[-len(arg[1]):] symbol_stack = symbol_stack[:-len(arg[1])] filtered_subnodes = [] for node in subnodes: if node[0] in ls['simplify'] or node[0][0] == '_': filtered_subnodes += node[1:] elif node[0] in ls['aggregate']: collect = [] for subsubnode in node[1:]: if subsubnode[0] == node[0]: collect += subsubnode[1:] else: collect += [subsubnode] filtered_subnodes += [tuple([node[0]] + collect)] elif node[0] not in ls['remove']: filtered_subnodes += [node] symbol_stack += [tuple([arg[0]] + filtered_subnodes)] state_stack = state_stack[:-len(arg[1])] new_state = goto_table[state_stack[-1]][arg[0]] state_stack += [new_state] if verbosity >= 3: logger("PARSE ACTION REDUCE: ", arg[0], "<-", arg[1], loglevel=1), " AND GOTO: ", new_state elif action == 'accept': break else: raise ParserInternalError("Parser internal error: unknown instruction in parse table:"+str(action)) if len(symbol_stack) > 1: raise ParserInternalError("Parser internal error: unexpected state after completed parse:"+str([x[0] for x in symbol_stack])) if symbol_stack[0][0] in ls['simplify']: symbol_stack[0] = symbol_stack[0][1:] return symbol_stack[0]
[docs]def split_chars_strip_comments(source, comment_markers): """ Helper function for the lexer that reads input and strips comments, while keeping track of absolute position in the file. Args: source (str): input string comment_markers (list of tuples): a list of entries (start_marker, end_marker) that designate comments. A marker can be end-of-line or end with end-of-line, but multiline comment separators are not allowed, i.e., no characters may follow the end-of-line. """ # Speed things up if there are no comment markers if len(comment_markers) == 0: l = 0 for line in source.splitlines(True): l += 1 p = 0 for c in line: p += 1 yield c, (l, p, line.rstrip('\n')) return comment_start_markers = [x[0] for x in comment_markers] comments_dict = dict([(x[0], x[1]) for x in comment_markers]) comment_end_marker = None l = 0 for line in source.splitlines(True): l += 1 p = 0 sline = line.rstrip('\n') # We are not in a comment, and no comment start marker is found, just keep going if comment_end_marker is None and not any([line.find(x) != -1 for x in comment_start_markers]): for c in line: p += 1 pos = (l, p, sline) yield c, pos continue # We are in a comment, and no comment end marker is found, dump whole line if comment_end_marker is not None and line.find(comment_end_marker) == -1: continue # Comments start and/or stop at this line, filter them out while keeping position info poslist = [(l, i, sline) for i in range(len(line))] while len(line) > 0: if comment_end_marker is not None: idx = line.find(comment_end_marker) if idx != -1: line = line[idx+len(comment_end_marker):] poslist = poslist[idx:] comment_end_marker = None else: line = "" poslist = [] idxs = [line.find(x) for x in comment_start_markers] filtered_idxs = [x for x in idxs if x != -1] if len(filtered_idxs) > 0: idx = min(filtered_idxs) comment_end_marker = comments_dict[comment_start_markers[idxs.index(idx)]] for i in range(idx): yield line[i], poslist[i] line = line[idx:] poslist = poslist[idx:] # We are not in a comment now, and there is no more comment start marker else: for c, pos in zip(line, poslist): yield c, pos line = "" poslist = []
[docs]def lexer(source, tokens, partial_tokens, literals, ignore, comment_markers=[], verbosity=0, logger=logger): """ A generator that turn source into tokens. Args: source (str): input string tokens (dict): a dictonary that maps all tokens of the language on regular expressions that match them. partial_tokens (dict): a dictionary that maps token names on regular expressions for partial token matches. This is used to allow finding longer matches if there is intermediate length input that does not match. E.g., to match 5.32e6 as a number instead as as Number(5.32) + Identifier(e) + Number(6). literals (list): a list of single character strings that are to be treated as literals. """ seen_token, seen_token_pos, seen_token_len = None, None, None last_good_pos = (0, 0, "") last_good_pos_next = (0, 0, "") token_regexes = dict([(x, re.compile("("+tokens[x]+r')\Z')) for x in tokens.keys()]) partial_token_regexes = dict([(x, re.compile("("+partial_tokens[x]+r')\Z')) for x in partial_tokens.keys()]) # Preserve order in all_token_regexes, because otherwise the lexer is not deterministic between runs # if multiple tokens maches the same input, which makes debugging painful #all_token_regexes = set(tokens.keys()) | set(partial_tokens.keys()) all_token_regexes = list(tokens.keys()) all_token_regexes += [x for x in partial_tokens.keys() if x not in all_token_regexes] prescan = iter(split_chars_strip_comments(source, comment_markers)) pushback = "" stack = "" c = None class MatchFound(Exception): pass while c != '' or len(pushback)>0 or seen_token is not None: if len(pushback)>0: c = pushback[0] pushback = pushback[1:] else: try: c, pos = next(prescan) except StopIteration: c = '' stack += c if verbosity >= 5: logger("LEX INPUT:'"+c+"'") if last_good_pos_next is None: last_good_pos_next = pos if c != '': try: for l in literals.union(ignore): if stack == l: seen_token, seen_token_pos, seen_token_len = l, pos, len(l) last_good_pos, last_good_pos_next = pos, None raise MatchFound() for t in all_token_regexes: if t in token_regexes and token_regexes[t].match(stack) is not None: seen_token, seen_token_pos, seen_token_len = t, pos, len(stack) last_good_pos, last_good_pos_next = pos, None raise MatchFound() elif t in partial_token_regexes and partial_token_regexes[t].match(stack) is not None: raise MatchFound() except MatchFound: continue if seen_token is not None: if seen_token not in ignore: if verbosity >= 4: logger("LEX YIELD:", (seen_token, stack[:seen_token_len])) yield (seen_token, stack[:seen_token_len], seen_token_pos) pushback += stack[seen_token_len:] stack = "" seen_token, seen_token_pos, seen_token_len = None, None, None if stack != "": if last_good_pos is not None: if last_good_pos_next is not None: pos = last_good_pos_next else: pos = last_good_pos raise ParserSyntaxError("Parser lexing error: Unrecognized symbol starting at line: " + str(pos[0])+", pos: "+str(pos[1])+":\n"+str(pos[2])+"\n"+(" "*(pos[1]-1))+"^", "unrecognized symbol", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) if verbosity >= 4: logger("LEX YIELD:", (None, None)) yield (None, None, pos)
[docs]def build_ls(ebnf_grammar=None, tokens={}, partial_tokens={}, literals=None, precedence=[], ignore=" \t\n", simplify=[], aggregate=[], start=None, skip=[], remove=[], comment_markers=[], ls=None, verbosity=0, logger=logger): """ Build a language specification from an ebnf grammar and some meta-info of the language. Args: ebnf_grammar (str): a string containing the ebnf describing the language. tokens (dict,optional): a dict of token names and the regexs that defines them, they are considered terminals in the parsing. (They may also be defined as production rules in the ebnf, but if so, those definitions are ignored.) partial_tokens (dict): a dictionary that maps token names on regular expressions for partial token matches. This is used to allow finding longer matches if there is intermediate length input that does not match. E.g., to match 5.32e6 as a number instead as as Number(5.32) + Identifier(e) + Number(6). literals (list of str): a list of strings of 1 or more characters which define literal symbols of the language (i.e, the tokenizer name the tokens the same as the string), if not given, an attemt is made to auto-extract them from the grammar. precedence (list,optional): list of tuples of the format (associativity, symbol, ...), the order of this list defines the precedence of those symbols, later in the list = higher precedence. The associativity can be 'left', 'right', or 'noassoc'. ignore (str,optional): a string of characters, or a list of strings for symbols, which are withheld by the tokenizer. (This is commonly used to skip emitting whitespace tokens, while still supprting whitespace inside tokens, e.g., quoted strings.) simplify (list,optional): a list of symbol identifiers that are simplified away when the parse tree is generated. aggregate (list,optional): a list of symbol identifiers that when consituting consequtive nodes are 'flattened', removing the ambiguity of left or right associativity. start (str,optional): the start (topmost) symbol of the grammar. A successful parsing means reducing all input into this symbol. remove (list): list of symbols to just skip in the output parse tree (useful to, e.g., skip uninteresting literals). skip (list): list of rules to completely ignore in the grammar. (useful to skip rules in a complete EBNF which reduces the tokens into single characters entities, when one rather wants to handle those tokens by regex:es by passing the token argument) ls (dict): As an alternative to giving the above parameters, a dict can be given with the same attributes as the arguments defined above. """ _ls = { 'ebnf_grammar': ebnf_grammar, 'tokens': tokens, 'partial_tokens': partial_tokens, 'precedence': precedence, 'ignore': set(ignore), 'simplify': simplify, 'aggregate': aggregate, 'start': start, 'literals': literals, 'skip': skip, 'remove': remove, 'comment_markers': comment_markers } if ls is not None: for entry in _ls: if entry not in ls: ls[entry] = _ls[entry] _ls = ls ls = _ls if not isinstance(ls['ignore'], set): ls['ignore'] = set(ls['ignore']) if 'bnf_grammar_ast' not in ls: if ('ebnf_grammar' not in ls) and ('ebnf_grammar_ast' not in ls): raise ParserGrammarError("Parser grammar error: build_ls needs at least one of ebnf_grammar, ebnf_grammar_ast, or bnf_grammar_ast.") if 'ebnf_grammar_ast' not in ls: # First bootstrap ls_ebnf if it also is missing its parse table if 'parse_table' not in ls_ebnf: build_ls(ls=ls_ebnf, verbosity=0, logger=logger) ls['ebnf_grammar_ast'] = parser(ls_ebnf, ls['ebnf_grammar'], verbosity=verbosity, logger=logger) ls['bnf_grammar_ast'] = _ebnf_grammar_to_bnf(ls['ebnf_grammar_ast'], ls['tokens'], ls['skip']) if ls['start'] is None: ls['start'] = ls['bnf_grammar_ast'][0][0] if ls['literals'] is None: ls['literals'] = set() ls['nonliterals'] = set() for rule in ls['bnf_grammar_ast']: if rule[0] not in ls['skip'] and rule[0] not in ls['tokens']: ls['nonliterals'].add(rule[0]) for rule in ls['bnf_grammar_ast']: for term in rule[1]: if (term not in ls['nonliterals']): ls['literals'].add(term) if verbosity >= 1: logger("Auto-extracted literals:", ls['literals']) logger("Auto-extracted non-literals:", ls['nonliterals']) if not isinstance(ls['literals'], set): ls['literals'] = set(ls['literals']) if 'terminals' not in ls: ls['terminals'] = set(ls['tokens'].keys()) ls['terminals'].update(ls['literals']) # The 'nothing' (epsilon) symbol ls['terminals'].add(None) if verbosity >= 1: logger("Literals:", ls['literals']) logger("Terminals:", ls['terminals']) if 'rule_table' not in ls: ls['rule_table'] = _build_rule_table(ls['bnf_grammar_ast'], ls['terminals'], ls['skip']) if verbosity >= 1: logger("==== RULE TABLE") logger(ls['rule_table'], pretty=True) logger("====") if 'first_table' not in ls: ls['first_table'] = _build_first_table(ls['rule_table'], ls['terminals']) if verbosity >= 2: logger("==== FIRST TABLE") logger(ls['first_table'], pretty=True) logger("====") if 'parse_table' not in ls: ls['parse_table'] = _build_parse_tables(ls['rule_table'], ls['first_table'], ls['terminals'], ls['start'], ls['precedence']) if verbosity >= 3: logger("==== ACTION TABLE") logger(ls['parse_table']['action'], pretty=True) logger("====") logger("==== GOTO TABLE") logger(ls['parse_table']['goto'], pretty=True) logger("====") return ls
#### Helper functions def _build_rule_table(bnf_grammar_ast, terminals, skip): """ Args: bnf_grammar_ast: grammar on bnf ast form produced by _ebnf_grammar_to_bnf terminals (list): list of terminals of the language Returns: A dict that maps every non-terminal to a list of right hand sides of production rules from that non-terminal. """ rule_table = {} for rule in bnf_grammar_ast: lhs = rule[0] rhs = rule[1] if lhs in terminals or lhs in skip: continue if lhs not in rule_table: rule_table[lhs] = [] rule_table[lhs] += [rhs] return rule_table def _build_first_table(rule_table, terminals): """ Args: rule_table: a rule table produced by _build_rule_table terminals (list): list of terminals of the language Returns: A dict of the FIRST(symbol) function in LR parsing. It maps all symbols on a list of terminals that may be the very first thing seen in the input when matching that production rule. """ first = {} lastcount = 0 for terminal in terminals: first[terminal] = set([terminal]) for symbol in rule_table: first[symbol] = set() while True: count = 0 for symbol in rule_table: for rhs_alts in rule_table[symbol]: if len(rhs_alts) > 0: first[symbol].update(first[rhs_alts[0]]) count += len(first[symbol]) if count == lastcount: break lastcount = count return first def _closure(items, rule_table, first_table, terminals): """ Args: items: a list of LR "items" to get the CLOSURE set for. rule_table: a rule table produced by _build_rule_table first_table: a first table produced by _build_first_table terminals (list): list of terminals of the language Returns: A set of all LR "items" that form the CLOSURE of the given items. """ c = set(items) while True: new = set(c) for i in c: lookahead = i[2] pos = i[3] if len(i[1]) == pos: continue elif len(i[1]) == pos+1: symbol = i[1][pos] ts = [lookahead] else: symbol = i[1][pos] if i[1][pos+1] not in first_table: raise ParserGrammarError("Encountered EBNF symbol not in grammar or terminals: '"+str(i[1][pos+1])+"'") ts = first_table[i[1][pos+1]] if symbol not in terminals: productions = rule_table[symbol] for p in productions: for t in ts: new.add((symbol, p, t, 0)) if new == c: break c = new return frozenset(c) def _build_parse_tables(rule_table, first_table, terminals, start, precedence): """ Args: rule_table: a rule table produced by _build_rule_tables first_table: a first table produced by _build_first_table terminals (list): extra symbols apart from tokens and literals that are to be treated as terminals start (str,optional): the start (topmost) symbol of the grammar. A successful parsing means reducing all input into this symbol. Returns: A parse_table dict with two tables 'action_table' and 'goto_table' which encode a state machine that for every starting state S tells the LR state machine to either shift or reduce, and when doing so, the state the machine progresses to. """ if start not in rule_table: raise ParserGrammarError("Parser grammar exception: start symbol '"+str(start)+"' is not in grammar.") start_item = (None, (start, None), False, 0) start_cl = _closure([start_item], rule_table, first_table, terminals) states_table = {} def _find_or_create_state(cl): if cl in states_table: return states_table[cl] else: state = len(states_table)+1 states_table[cl] = state return state precedence_table = {} for i in range(len(precedence)): for pred in precedence[i][1:]: precedence_table[pred] = (i, precedence[i][0]) def precedence_check(symbol, rhs): if symbol not in precedence_table: return 'unknown' found = 0 for othersym in rhs: if othersym in precedence_table: found += 1 foundsym = othersym if found == 1: if symbol == foundsym: if precedence_table[symbol][1] == 'left': return 'reduce' elif precedence_table[symbol][1] == 'right': return 'shift' else: assert(precedence_table[symbol][1] == 'nonassoc') return 'empty' else: if precedence_table[symbol][0] > precedence_table[foundsym][0]: return 'shift' else: return 'reduce' else: return 'unknown' action_table = {} goto_table = {} parse_table = {'action': action_table, 'goto': goto_table} warnings = {} todo = [start_cl] while len(todo) > 0: cl = todo.pop() state = _find_or_create_state(cl) if state in action_table and state in goto_table: continue itemdict = {} for item in cl: lhs = item[0] pos = item[3] rhs = item[1] if len(rhs) > pos: arg = rhs[pos] else: arg = None if arg not in itemdict: itemdict[arg] = [] itemdict[arg] += [item] action_table[state] = {} goto_table[state] = {} for symbol in itemdict: new_state_items = set() for item in itemdict[symbol]: lhs = item[0] pos = item[3] rhs = item[1] lookahead = item[2] if len(rhs) > pos: if symbol is None: action_table[state][symbol] = ('accept', None) else: newitem = (lhs, rhs, lookahead, pos+1) new_state_items.add(newitem) else: if lookahead not in action_table[state]: action_table[state][lookahead] = ('reduce', (lhs, rhs)) elif action_table[state][lookahead][0] == 'shift': check = precedence_check(lookahead, rhs) if check == 'reduce': action_table[state][lookahead] = ('reduce', (lhs, rhs)) elif check == 'shift': pass elif check == 'empty': del action_table[state][lookahead] else: assert(check == 'unknown') if lookahead not in warnings: warnings[lookahead] = [] if (lhs, rhs) not in warnings[lookahead]: warnings[lookahead] = [(lhs, rhs)] else: assert(action_table[state][lookahead][0] == 'reduce') raise ParserGrammarError("reduce/reduce conflict in state " + str(state)+" for symbol:"+str(lookahead)+":\n"+str(action_table[state][lookahead][1])+" vs "+str((lhs, rhs))) if len(new_state_items) > 0: new_cl = _closure(new_state_items, rule_table, first_table, terminals) new_state = _find_or_create_state(new_cl) if symbol in terminals: if symbol not in action_table[state]: action_table[state][symbol] = ('shift', new_state) elif action_table[state][symbol][0] == 'shift': raise ParserGrammarError("shift/shift conflict in state "+str(state)+" for symbol:"+str(symbol)) else: assert(action_table[state][symbol][0] == 'reduce') rhs = action_table[state][symbol][1][1] check = precedence_check(symbol, rhs) if check == 'shift': action_table[state][symbol] = ('shift', new_state) elif check == 'reduce': pass elif check == 'empty': del action_table[state][symbol] else: assert(check == 'unknown') if symbol not in warnings: warnings[symbol] = [] if action_table[state][symbol][1] not in warnings[symbol]: warnings[symbol] += [action_table[state][symbol][1]] action_table[state][symbol] = ('shift', new_state) else: goto_table[state][symbol] = new_state todo.append(new_cl) for warning in warnings: logger("WARNING: shift/reduce conflict solved by shift for symbol:'"+str(warning)+"', involving rules:") logger(warnings[warning], pretty=True) return parse_table def _ebnf_to_bnf_rhs(rhs, bnf_grammar_ast, lhs_name='', recursion=0): """ Args: rhs: a right hand side of a EBNF grammar rule. bnf_grammar_ast: a list of BNF grammar rules that this function can add to when expanding repetition-type rules. Returns: A list of BNF grammar rules that correspond to the EBNF rhs. Modifies: bnf_grammar_ast to include extra rules if needed. """ # Just a literal if rhs[0] in ls_ebnf['literals']: return [(rhs,)] op = rhs[0] if op == 'identifier': return [(rhs[1],)] if op == 'special': special = (rhs[1][0].strip('?') + rhs[1][1:-1] + rhs[1][-1].strip('?')).strip() rule_names = [x[0] for x in bnf_grammar_ast] i = 1 while (('_special_'+lhs_name+"_"+str(i)) in rule_names) or (('?_special'+str(i)) in rule_names): i += 1 repstr = '_special_'+lhs_name+"_"+str(i) bnf_grammar_ast += [('?'+repstr, (special,))] return [(repstr,)] elif op == 'terminal': return [(ebnf_unqote(rhs[1][1:-1]),)] elif op == 'Concatenation': new_rhs = [] for part in rhs[1:]: new_rhs += [_ebnf_to_bnf_rhs(part, bnf_grammar_ast, lhs_name=lhs_name, recursion=recursion+1)] concat = [tuple(z for y in x for z in y if z is not None) for x in itertools.product(*new_rhs)] return concat elif op == 'Alteration': new_rhs = [] for part in rhs[1:]: new_rhs += _ebnf_to_bnf_rhs(part, bnf_grammar_ast, lhs_name=lhs_name, recursion=recursion+1) return new_rhs elif op == 'Optional': new_rhs = _ebnf_to_bnf_rhs(rhs[1], bnf_grammar_ast, lhs_name=lhs_name, recursion=recursion+1) new_rhs += [()] return new_rhs elif op == 'Grouping': return _ebnf_to_bnf_rhs(rhs[1], bnf_grammar_ast, lhs_name=lhs_name, recursion=recursion+1) elif op == 'Repetition': rule_names = [x[0] for x in bnf_grammar_ast] i = 1 while ('_repeat_'+lhs_name+'_'+str(i)) in rule_names: i += 1 repstr = '_repeat_'+lhs_name+'_'+str(i) new_rhs = _ebnf_to_bnf_rhs(rhs[1], bnf_grammar_ast, lhs_name=lhs_name, recursion=recursion+1) for nr in new_rhs: bnf_grammar_ast += [tuple([repstr] + [tuple(list(nr) + [repstr])])] bnf_grammar_ast += [tuple([repstr] + [tuple(list(nr))])] return [(repstr,), ()] else: raise ParserGrammarError("Parser grammar error: unrecognized symbol in grammar ast:"+str(op)) def _ebnf_grammar_to_bnf(ebnf_grammar_ast, tokens, skip): """ Converts/expands an EBNF ast grammar into a BNF ast grammar. Args: ebnf_grammar_ast: an ast representation of the EBNF grammar as produced by parser when ebnf_ls is used for the language specification. tokens (dict): a dictionary defining tokens of the language. skip (list): skip the rules for these symbols. Returns: An ast BNF representation of the grammar. """ bnf_grammar = [] assert(ebnf_grammar_ast[0] == 'Grammar') for rule in ebnf_grammar_ast[1:]: assert(rule[0] == 'Rule') lhs = rule[1] assert(lhs[0] == 'identifier') symbol = lhs[1] if symbol in tokens or symbol in skip: continue rhs = rule[2] new_rhs_list = _ebnf_to_bnf_rhs(rhs, bnf_grammar, lhs_name=symbol) for rhs in new_rhs_list: bnf_grammar += [(symbol, rhs)] tokens.update([(x[0][1:], x[1][0]) for x in bnf_grammar if x[0].startswith("?")]) bnf_grammar = tuple(x for x in bnf_grammar if not x[0].startswith("?")) return bnf_grammar
[docs]def ebnf_unqote(s): s = s.replace(r'\t','\t') s = s.replace(r'\n','\n') s = s.replace(r'\r','\r') # Skip support for general escapes so that '\' does what one expects #s = '\\'.join([x.replace('\\','') for x in s.split('\\\\')]) return s
# If this python file is run as a program, # Parse the EBNF description of EBNF using the # language specification for EBNF and check # that it returns the same as is already provided. if __name__ == "__main__": result = parser(ls_ebnf, ls_ebnf['ebnf_grammar']) pprint.pprint(result) assert(result == ls_ebnf['ebnf_grammar_ast'])