Source code for httk.httkweb.helpers

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os, errno

[docs]class UnquotedStr(object): def __init__(self,val): self.val = val def __str__(self): return self.val def __repr__(self): return "UnquotedStr("+self.val.__repr__()+")"
[docs]def setup_template_helpers(global_data): def first_value(*vals): for val in vals: if val: return val #def getitem(a,i): #try: # return global_data[a][i] #except TypeError: # return global_data[a][int(i)] # try: # return a[i] # except TypeError: # return a[int(i)] global_data['first_value'] = first_value
# global_data['getitem'] = getitem
[docs]def identify(topdir, relative_url, ext_to_class_mapper, allow_urls_without_ext=True): relative_url_base, __dummy, url_ext = relative_url.partition(os.extsep) if relative_url_base != '' and (url_ext == '' and not allow_urls_without_ext): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), relative_url) if relative_url_base == '': relative_url_base = 'index' # Identify file name for regular content absolute_filename = '' for ext in ext_to_class_mapper: relative_filename = relative_url_base+"."+ext absolute_filename = os.path.join(topdir, relative_filename) if os.path.exists(absolute_filename): break else: #print("Identify failed:",relative_url,relative_url_base,os.path.join(topdir,relative_url), "extensions examined:", [ext for ext in ext_to_class_mapper]) raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), os.path.join(topdir,relative_url)) return {'relative_url_base':relative_url_base,'url_ext':url_ext,'absolute_filename':absolute_filename,'relative_filename':relative_filename,'class':ext_to_class_mapper[ext]}
[docs]def read_config(srcdir, renderers, default_global_data = None, override_global_data = None, config = "config"): # Set defaults global_data = {'_content_subdir': 'content', '_static_subdir':'static', '_subcontent_subdir':'subcontent', '_functions_subdir': '_functions', '_template_subdir': 'templates', '_use_urls_without_ext':True, '_allow_urls_without_ext':True, '_page_memcache_limit':1000} if default_global_data is not None: global_data.update(default_global_data) # Read global config try: config_info = identify(srcdir, config, renderers, allow_urls_without_ext=True) except IOError: if config is None: print("Warning: no site configuration provided, and no file exists in "+str(srcdir)+"/config.(something)") else: print("Could not find site configuration at "+str(srcdir)+"/"+str(config)+".(something)") else: configdata = config_info['class'](srcdir, config_info['relative_filename'], global_data).metadata() global_data.update(configdata) # Setup helper functions for templates to use setup_template_helpers(global_data) if override_global_data is not None: global_data.update(override_global_data) # Fix types of some settings (these must be set, as they are set in the defaults above) global_data['_use_urls_without_ext'] = global_data['_use_urls_without_ext'] in ['yes', 'true', 'y', True] global_data['_allow_urls_without_ext'] = global_data['_allow_urls_without_ext'] in ['yes', 'true', 'y', True] global_data['_page_memcache_limit'] = int(global_data['_page_memcache_limit']) return global_data
[docs]def setup(renderers, template_engines, function_handlers): if renderers is None: from httk.httkweb.render_httk import RenderHttk from httk.httkweb.render_rst import RenderRst renderers = {'httkweb': RenderHttk, 'rst': RenderRst} if template_engines is None: from httk.httkweb.templateengine_httk import TemplateEngineHttk from httk.httkweb.templateengine_templator import TemplateEngineTemplator template_engines = {'httkweb.html': TemplateEngineHttk, 'templator.html': TemplateEngineTemplator} if function_handlers is None: from httk.httkweb.functionhandler_httk import FunctionHandlerHttk function_handlers = {'py': FunctionHandlerHttk} return {'renderers':renderers, 'template_engines':template_engines, 'function_handlers':function_handlers}