Source code for httk.optimade.optimade_filter_to_httk

#!/usr/bin/env python
#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This file provides functions to translate an OPTIMaDe filter string into an SQL query.

from __future__ import print_function
import re, operator
from pprint import pprint

from httk.optimade.error import TranslatorError
from httk.optimade.httk_entries import httk_entry_info, httk_recognized_prefixes

from httk.atomistic import Structure
from httk.atomistic.results import Result_TotalEnergyResult

[docs]def format_value(fulltype, val, allow_null=False): if fulltype.startswith('list of '): if not isinstance(val[0], tuple): raise TranslatorError("Type mismatch in filter, query had single value when list of values was expected.", 400, "Bad request") inner_fulltype = fulltype[len('list of '):] outvals = [] for v in val: outvals += [format_value(inner_fulltype, v, allow_null=allow_null)] return outvals elif allow_null and val[0] == 'Null': return None elif fulltype == 'integer': if val[0] in ['Number']: return int(val[1]) elif fulltype == 'float': if val[0] in ['Number']: return float(val[1]) elif fulltype == 'string': if val[0] in ['String']: return val[1] elif fulltype == 'unknown': return val[1] raise TranslatorError("Type mismatch in filter, expected:"+fulltype+", query has:"+val[0], 400, "Bad request")
constant_types = ['String','Number'] table_mapper = { 'structures': Structure, 'calculations': Result_TotalEnergyResult, } invert_op = {'!=': '!=', '>':'<', '<':'>', '=':'=', '<=': '>=', '>=': '<='} _python_opmap = {'!=': '__ne__', '>': '__gt__', '<': '__lt__', '=': '__eq__', '<=': '__le__', '>=': '__ge__', 'STARTS':'startswith','ENDS':'endswith'}
[docs]def optimade_filter_to_httk(filter_ast, entries, searcher): search_variables = [] for entry in entries: search_variable = searcher.variable(table_mapper[entry]) searcher.output(search_variable,entry) search_variables += [search_variable] if filter_ast is not None: search_expr, needs_post = optimade_filter_to_httk_recurse(filter_ast, search_variable, entry, False) searcher.add(search_expr) if needs_post: searcher.add_all(search_expr) return searcher
[docs]def optimade_filter_to_httk_recurse(node, search_variable, entry, inv_toggle, recursion=0): search_expr = None needs_post = False handlers = optimade_field_handlers[entry] entry_info = httk_entry_info[entry]['properties'] if node[0] in ['AND']: search_expr, needs_post = optimade_filter_to_httk_recurse(node[1], search_variable, entry, inv_toggle, recursion=recursion+1) rhs_search_expr, rhs_needs_post = optimade_filter_to_httk_recurse(node[2], search_variable, entry, inv_toggle, recursion=recursion+1) needs_post = needs_post or rhs_needs_post search_expr = search_expr & rhs_search_expr elif node[0] in ['OR']: search_expr, needs_post = optimade_filter_to_httk_recurse(node[1], search_variable, entry, inv_toggle, recursion=recursion+1) rhs_search_expr, rhs_needs_post = optimade_filter_to_httk_recurse(node[2], search_variable, entry, inv_toggle, recursion=recursion+1) needs_post = needs_post or rhs_needs_post search_expr = search_expr | rhs_search_expr elif node[0] in ['NOT']: search_expr, needs_post = optimade_filter_to_httk_recurse(node[1], search_variable, entry, not inv_toggle, recursion=recursion+1) search_expr = ~ search_expr elif node[0] in ['HAS_ALL', 'HAS_ANY', 'HAS_ONLY']: ops = node[1] left = node[2] right = node[3] assert(left[0] == 'Identifier') if left[1] not in entry_info: if left[1].startswith(httk_recognized_prefixes): raise TranslatorError("Filter invokes unrecognized property name: "+left[1], 400, "Bad request") else: #TODO: this should warn handler = unknown_has_handler values = format_value('list of unknown',right) else: values = format_value(entry_info[left[1]]['fulltype'],right) handler = handlers[left[1]]['HAS'] if ops != tuple(['=']*len(values)): raise TranslatorError("HAS queries with non-equal operators not implemented yet.", 501, "Not implemented") search_expr, needs_post = handler(left[1], ops, values, search_variable, node[0], inv_toggle) elif node[0] in ['LENGTH']: left = node[1] op = node[2] right = node[3] assert(left[0] == 'Identifier') if right[0] == 'Identifier': raise TranslatorError("LENGTH comparisons with non-constant right hand side not implemented.", 501, "Not implemented") if right[0] != 'Number': raise TranslatorError("LENGTH comparison can only be done with Numbers. Unexpected right hand side type:"+right[0], 501, "Not implemented") if left[1] not in entry_info: if left[1].startswith(httk_recognized_prefixes): raise TranslatorError("Filter invokes unrecognized property name: "+left[1], 400, "Bad request") else: #TODO: this should warn handler = unknown_length_handler values = format_value('list of unknown',right) else: handler = handlers[left[1]]['length'] assert(entry_info[left[1]]['fulltype'].startswith("list of ")) value = format_value("integer",right) search_expr = handler(left[1], op, value, search_variable) elif node[0] in ['>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=', '!=']: op = node[0] left = node[1] right = node[2] if left[0] in constant_types and right[0] in constant_types: raise TranslatorError("Constant vs. Constant comparisons not implemented.", 501, "Not implemented") elif left[0] == 'Identifier' and right[0] == 'Identifier': raise TranslatorError("Identifier vs. Identifier comparisons not implemented.", 501, "Not implemented") else: if right[0] == 'Identifier' and left[0] in constant_types: left, right = right, left op = invert_op[op] assert(left[0] == 'Identifier') if left[1] not in entry_info: if left[1].startswith(httk_recognized_prefixes): raise TranslatorError("Filter invokes unrecognized property name: "+left[1], 400, "Bad request") else: #TODO: this should warn handler = unknown_comparison_handler value = format_value('unknown',right) else: handler = handlers[left[1]]['comparison'] value = format_value(entry_info[left[1]]['fulltype'],right) search_expr = handler(left[1], op, value, search_variable) elif node[0] in ['ENDS', 'STARTS', 'CONTAINS']: op = node[0] left = node[1] right = node[2] assert(left[0] == 'Identifier') if right[0] == 'Identifier': raise TranslatorError("Identifier vs. Identifier string comparisons not implemented.", 501, "Not implemented") if left[1] not in entry_info: if left[1].startswith(httk_recognized_prefixes): raise TranslatorError("Filter invokes unrecognized property name: "+left[1], 400, "Bad request") else: #TODO: this should warn handler = unknown_stringmatching_handler values = format_value('unknown',right) else: handler = handlers[left[1]]['stringmatching'] value = format_value(entry_info[left[1]]['fulltype'],right) search_expr = handler(left[1], value, node[0], search_variable) elif node[0] in ['IS_UNKNOWN', 'IS_KNOWN']: left = node[1] assert(left[0] == 'Identifier') if left[1] not in entry_info: if left[1].startswith(httk_recognized_prefixes): raise TranslatorError("Filter invokes unrecognized property name: "+left[1], 400, "Bad request") else: #TODO: this should warn handler = unknown_unknown_handler else: handler = handlers[left[1]]['unknown'] search_expr = handler(left[1], search_variable, node[0]) else: pprint(node) raise TranslatorError("Unexpected translation error at: "+str(node[0]), 500, "Internal server error.") assert(search_expr is not None) return search_expr, needs_post
[docs]def true_handler(search_variable): return getattr(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'),'__eq__')(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'))
[docs]def false_handler(search_variable): return getattr(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'),'__ne__')(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'))
[docs]def unknown_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type): if unknown_type=='IS_UNKNOWN': return true_handler(search_variable) elif unknown_type=='IS_KNOWN': return false_handler(search_variable) raise TranslatorError("Unexpected unknown operator type", 500, "Internal server error.")
[docs]def known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type): if unknown_type=='IS_UNKNOWN': return false_handler(search_variable) elif unknown_type=='IS_KNOWN': return true_handler(search_variable) raise TranslatorError("Unexpected unknown operator type", 500, "Internal server error.")
[docs]def unknown_comparison_handler(entry, ops, values, search_variable): return false_handler(search_variable)
[docs]def unknown_stringmatching_handler(entry, values, stringmatching_type, search_variable): return false_handler(search_variable)
[docs]def unknown_has_handler(entry, op, value, search_variable, has_type, inv_toggle): return false_handler(search_variable)
[docs]def unknown_length_handler(entry, op, value, search_variable): return false_handler(search_variable)
[docs]def string_handler(entry, op, value, search_variable): httk_op = _python_opmap[op] return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),httk_op)(value)
[docs]def stringmatching_handler(entry, value, stringmatching_type, search_variable): escaped_value = value.replace("\\","\\\\").replace("%","\\%").replace("_","\\_") if stringmatching_type == 'ENDS': return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'like')('%'+escaped_value) elif stringmatching_type == 'STARTS': return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'like')(escaped_value+'%') elif stringmatching_type == 'CONTAINS': return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'like')('%'+escaped_value+'%') else: raise TranslatorError("Unexpected stringmatching operator type", 500, "Internal server error.")
[docs]def constant_comparison_handler(val1, op, val2, search_variable): op = _python_opmap[op] if getattr(operator,op)(val1,val2): return true_handler(search_variable) else: return false_handler(search_variable)
[docs]def constant_stringmatching_handler(val1, op, val2, stringmatching_type, search_variable): op = _python_opmap[op] if getattr(val1,op)(val2): return true_handler(search_variable) else: return false_handler(search_variable)
[docs]def number_handler(entry, op, value, search_variable): httk_op = _python_opmap[op] return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),httk_op)(value)
[docs]def timestamp_handler(entry, op, value, search_variable): raise TranslatorError("Timestamp comparison not yet implemented.", 501, "Not implemented.")
[docs]def set_handler(entry, ops, values, inv, has_type, search_variable): if has_type == 'HAS_ALL': if not inv: search = getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_any')(values[0]) for value in values[1:]: search = search & (getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_any')(value)) return search, False else: search = getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_inv_any')(values[0]) for value in values[1:]: search = search & (getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_inv_any')(value)) return search, True elif has_type == 'HAS_ANY': if not inv: return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_any')(*values), False else: return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_inv_any')(*values), True elif has_type == 'HAS_ONLY': if not inv: return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_only')(*values), True else: return getattr(getattr(search_variable,entry),'has_inv_only')(*values), True
[docs]def constant_set_handler(val1, ops, val2, has_type, inv, search_variable): if has_type == 'HAS_ALL': if (set(val2) <= set(val1)): return true_handler(search_variable), False else: return false_handler(search_variable), False elif has_type == 'HAS_ANY': if set(val2).isdisjoint(val1): return false_handler(search_variable), False else: return true_handler(search_variable), False elif has_type == 'HAS_ONLY': if (set(val1) <= set(val2)): return true_handler(search_variable), False else: return false_handler(search_variable), False
[docs]def structure_features_set_handler(values, ops, inv, has_type, search_variable): # Any HAS ANY, HAS ALL, HAS ONLY operation will check for precense of an identifier in structure_features. # For now we don't support any structure features, hence, all such comparisons return False return getattr(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'),'__ne__')(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash')), False
[docs]def structure_features_length_handler(op, value, search_variable): # structure_features is assumed to always be empty if value == 0: return getattr(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'),'__eq__')(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash')) else: return getattr(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'),'__ne__')(getattr(search_variable,'hexhash'))
optimade_field_handlers = { 'structures': { 'id': { 'comparison': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: string_handler('__id', op, value, search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), 'stringmatching': lambda entry, value, stringmatching_type, search_variable: stringmatching_handler('__id', value, stringmatching_type, search_variable) }, 'type': { 'comparison': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: constant_comparison_handler(value, op, 'structures', search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), 'stringmatching': lambda entry, value, stringmatching_type, search_variable: constant_stringmatching_handler(value, 'structures', stringmatching_type, search_variable) }, 'elements': { 'HAS': lambda entry, ops, values, search_variable, has_type, inv: set_handler('formula_symbols', ops, values, inv, has_type, search_variable), 'length': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: number_handler('number_of_elements', op, value, search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), }, 'nelements': { 'comparison': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: number_handler('number_of_elements', op, value, search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), }, 'nperiodic_dimensions': { 'comparison': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: constant_comparison_handler(value, op, 3, search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), }, 'dimension_types': { 'HAS': lambda entry, ops, values, search_variable, has_type, inv: constant_set_handler(values, ops, [1, 1, 1], has_type, inv, search_variable), 'length': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: constant_comparison_handler(value, op, 3, search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), }, 'chemical_formula_descriptive': { 'comparison': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: string_handler('formula', op, value, search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), 'stringmatching': lambda entry, value, stringmatching_type, search_variable: stringmatching_handler('formula', value, stringmatching_type, search_variable) }, 'structure_features': { 'HAS': lambda entry, ops, values, search_variable, has_type, inv: structure_features_set_handler(values, ops, inv, has_type, search_variable), 'length': lambda entry, op, value, search_variable: structure_features_length_handler(op, value, search_variable), 'unknown': lambda entry, search_variable, unknown_type: known_unknown_handler(entry, search_variable, unknown_type), } }, }