Source code for httk.optimade.validate

#!/usr/bin/env python
#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import parse_qsl, urlparse

from httk.optimade.httk_entries import httk_all_entries, httk_valid_endpoints, httk_valid_response_fields, httk_unknown_response_fields, httk_recognized_prefixes, default_response_fields, required_response_fields
from httk.optimade.error import OptimadeError
from httk.optimade.versions import optimade_supported_versions, optimade_default_version

def _validate_query(endpoint, query):
    validated_parameters = {'page_limit': 50, 'page_offset': 0, 'response_fields': None}

    if ('response_format' in query and query['response_format'] is not None) and query['response_format'] != 'json':
        raise OptimadeError("Requested response_format not supported.", 400, "Bad request")
        validated_parameters['response_format'] = 'json'

    if 'page_limit' in query and query['page_limit'] is not None:
            validated_parameters['page_limit'] = int(query['page_limit'])
        except ValueError:
            raise OptimadeError("Cannot interprete page_limit.", 400, "Bad request")
        if validated_parameters['page_limit'] > 50:
            validated_parameters['page_limit'] = 50

    if 'page_offset' in query and query['page_offset'] is not None:
            validated_parameters['page_offset'] = int(query['page_offset'])
        except ValueError:
            raise OptimadeError("Cannot interprete page_offset.", 400, "Bad request")
        if validated_parameters['page_offset'] < 0:
            validated_parameters['page_offset'] = 0

    if 'response_fields' in query and query['response_fields'] is not None:
        validated_response_fields = []
        response_fields = [x.strip() for x in query['response_fields'].split(",")]
        if endpoint in httk_valid_response_fields:
            for response_field in response_fields:
                if response_field in httk_valid_response_fields[endpoint]:
                    validated_response_fields += [httk_valid_response_fields[endpoint][httk_valid_response_fields[endpoint].index(response_field)]]
                elif response_field in httk_unknown_response_fields[endpoint]:
                    validated_response_fields += [response_field]
                elif response_field.startswith(httk_recognized_prefixes) or (len(response_field)>0 and response_field[0] != '_'):
                    raise OptimadeError("Response_fields contains unrecognized property name: "+response_field, 400, "Bad request")
                    validated_response_fields += [response_field]
            validated_parameters['response_fields'] = ",".join(validated_response_fields)
            validated_parameters['response_fields'] = ""

    # Validating the filter string is deferred to its parser
    if 'filter' in query and query['filter'] is not None:
        validated_parameters['filter'] = query['filter']

    return validated_parameters

[docs]def validate_optimade_request(request, version): validated_request = {'baseurl': request['baseurl'], 'representation': request['representation'], 'endpoint': None, 'version': optimade_default_version, 'url_version':None, 'request_id': None, 'query': None, 'recognized_response_fields': [], 'unrecognized_response_fields': []} if 'endpoint' in request: validated_request['endpoint'] = request['endpoint'] if 'request_id' in request: validated_request['request_id'] = request['request_id'] if 'version' in request: validated_request['version'] = request['version'] if validated_request['endpoint'] is None: if 'relurl' in request: relurl = request['relurl'] else: relurl = request['representation'].partition('?')[0] endpoint = relurl.strip("/") potential_optimade_version, _sep, rest = endpoint.partition('/') if len(potential_optimade_version) >= 2 and potential_optimade_version[0] == 'v' and potential_optimade_version[1] in "0123456789": if potential_optimade_version in optimade_supported_versions: validated_request['version'] = optimade_supported_versions[potential_optimade_version] validated_request['url_version'] = potential_optimade_version endpoint = rest else: raise OptimadeError("Unsupported version requested. Supported versioned base URLs are: "+(", ".join(["/"+str(x) for x in optimade_supported_versions.keys()])), 553, "Bad request") first_level_endpoint, _sep, request_id = endpoint.partition('/') # First check fixed endpoints if endpoint in httk_valid_endpoints: # Defensive programming; don't trust '=='/in to be byte-for-byte equivalent, # so don't use the insecure string from the user validated_request['endpoint'] = httk_valid_endpoints[httk_valid_endpoints.index(endpoint)] # Then check "entries" endpoint with a request_id elif first_level_endpoint in httk_all_entries: endpoint = first_level_endpoint # Defensive programming; don't trust '=='/in to be byte-for-byte equivalent, # so don't use the insecure string from the user validated_request['endpoint'] = httk_valid_endpoints[httk_valid_endpoints.index(endpoint)] # Only allow printable ascii characters in id; this is not in the standard, but your # database really should adhere to it or you are doing weird things. if request_id is not None and len(request_id)>0: if all(ord(c) >= 32 and ord(c) <= 126 for c in request_id): validated_request['request_id'] = request_id else: raise OptimadeError("Unexpected characters in entry id.", 400, "Bad request") else: validated_request['request_id'] = None # Finally check the special versions endpoint elif endpoint == 'versions': if validated_request['url_version'] is not None: raise OptimadeError("Request for non-existing endpoint. The 'versions' endpoint is only available on the unversioned URL.", 404, "Not Found") validated_request['endpoint'] = 'versions' validated_request['request_id'] = None if validated_request['endpoint'] is None: raise OptimadeError("Request for non-existing endpoint.", 404, "Bad request") if 'query' in request: query = request['query'] else: if 'querystr' in request: querystr = query['querystr'] else: querystr = urlparse(request['representation'])['query'] query = dict(parse_qsl(querystr, keep_blank_values=True)) validated_request['query'] = _validate_query(validated_request['endpoint'], query) if 'response_fields' in query and query['response_fields'] is not None: response_fields = [x.strip() for x in query['response_fields'].split(",")] for response_field in response_fields: if endpoint in httk_valid_response_fields: if response_field in httk_valid_response_fields[endpoint]: validated_request['recognized_response_fields'] += [httk_valid_response_fields[endpoint][httk_valid_response_fields[endpoint].index(response_field)]] elif response_field in httk_unknown_response_fields[endpoint]: validated_request['unrecognized_response_fields'] += [response_field] elif response_field.startswith(httk_recognized_prefixes) or (len(response_field)>0 and response_field[0] != '_'): raise OptimadeError("Response_fields contains unrecognized property name: "+response_field, 400, "Bad request") else: validated_request['unrecognized_response_fields'] += [response_field] else: validated_request['recognized_response_fields'] = [] validated_request['unrecognized_response_fields'] = [] else: if endpoint in default_response_fields: validated_request['recognized_response_fields'] = default_response_fields[endpoint] validated_request['unrecognized_response_fields'] = [] else: validated_request['recognized_response_fields'] = [] validated_request['unrecognized_response_fields'] = [] if endpoint in required_response_fields: for response_field in required_response_fields[endpoint]: if response_field not in validated_request['recognized_response_fields']: validated_request['recognized_response_fields'] += [response_field] if validated_request['version'] != version: raise Exception("validate_optimade_request: unexpected version") return validated_request
[docs]def determine_optimade_version(request): if 'relurl' in request: relurl = request['relurl'] else: relurl = request['representation'].partition('?')[0] endpoint = relurl.strip("/") potential_optimade_version, _sep, rest = endpoint.partition('/') if len(potential_optimade_version) > 2 and potential_optimade_version[0] == 'v' and potential_optimade_version[1] in "0123456789": if potential_optimade_version in optimade_supported_versions: return optimade_supported_versions[potential_optimade_version] else: raise OptimadeError("Unsupported version requested. Supported versioned base URLs are: "+(", ".join(["/"+str(x) for x in optimade_supported_versions.keys()])), 553, "Version Not Supported") else: return optimade_default_version