Source code for httk.atomistic.atomisticio.structure_cif_io

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os, hashlib, random, string, re
from collections import OrderedDict 
import httk
import httk.httkio

from import periodictable, spacegroups
from httk.core import *
from httk.atomistic import Structure, Spacegroup

[docs]def cif_to_struct(ioa, backends=['internal', 'cif2cell', 'ase', 'platon']): for backend in backends: #print "CIF TO STRUCT BACKEND",backend if backend == 'internal': try: cifdata, cifheader = httk.httkio.read_cif(ioa) return cifdata_to_struct(cifdata) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'ase': try: from httk.external import ase_ext return ase_ext.ase_read(ioa) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'platon': try: from httk.external import platon_ext sgstruct = platon_ext.cif_to_sgstructure(ioa) return sgstruct.to_structure() #return platon_if.cif_to_structure(ioa) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'cif2cell': try: from httk.external import cif2cell_ext return cif2cell_ext.cif_to_structure_reduce(ioa) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'cif2cell_reduce': try: from httk.external import cif2cell_ext return cif2cell_ext.cif_to_structure_reduce(ioa) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'cif2cell_noreduce': try: from httk.external import cif2cell_ext return cif2cell_ext.cif_to_structure_noreduce(ioa) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'cif_reader_that_can_only_read_isotropy_cif': try: return cif_reader_that_can_only_read_isotropy_cif(ioa) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'cif_reader_httk_preprocessed': try: return cif_reader_httk_preprocessed(ioa) except ImportError: pass raise Exception("cif_to_struct: None of the requested / available backends available, tried:"+str(backends))
[docs]def struct_to_cif(struct, ioa, backends=['httk']): for backend in backends: if backend == 'httk': cifdata = struct_to_cifdata(struct) header = "# cif file generated by httk" httk.httkio.cif.write_cif(ioa, cifdata, header) return #return struct_to_cif_httk(struct, ioa) if backend == 'ase': try: from httk.external import ase_glue return ase_glue.ase_write_struct(struct, ioa, 'cif') except ImportError: pass raise Exception("struct_to_cif: None of the requested / available backends available, tried:"+str(backends))
[docs]def struct_to_cif_httk_simplified(struct, ioa, header=None, symops=True): ioa = IoAdapterFileWriter.use(ioa) f = ioa.file wyckoffsymbols = None if struct.has_rc_repr: la = struct.rc_lengths_and_angles coordgroups = struct.rc_sites.reduced_coordgroups hall = struct.hall_symbol sgnumber = struct.spacegroup.number try: hmsymbol = spacegroups.get_proper_hm_symbol(hall) except Exception: hmsymbol = None multiplicities = struct.rc_sites.multiplicities wyckoffsymbols = struct.rc_sites.wyckoff_symbols else: la = struct.uc_lengths_and_angles coordgroups = struct.uc_sites.reduced_coordgroups hall = 'P 1' sgnumber = 1 hmsymbol = 'P 1' if header is not None: f.write(header) f.write("\n") f.write("data_image0\n") f.write("\n") try: if struct.get_tag('name') is not None: f.write("_chemical_name_systematic '"+struct.get_tag('name').value+"'\n") except Exception: pass #if struct.has_uc_repr: f.write("_chemical_formula_sum '"+struct.formula_spaceseparated+"'\n") f.write("\n") f.write("_cell_length_a "+(la[0].to_string())+"\n") f.write("_cell_length_b "+(la[1].to_string())+"\n") f.write("_cell_length_c "+(la[2].to_string())+"\n") f.write("_cell_angle_alpha "+(la[3].to_string())+"\n") f.write("_cell_angle_beta "+(la[4].to_string())+"\n") f.write("_cell_angle_gamma "+(la[5].to_string())+"\n") f.write("\n") f.write("_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '"+str(hall)+"'\n") if hmsymbol is not None: f.write("_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M '"+str(hmsymbol)+"'\n") f.write("_symmetry_Int_Tables_number "+str(sgnumber)+"\n") f.write("\n") f.write("loop_\n") f.write("_atom_site_label\n") f.write("_atom_site_type_symbol\n") if wyckoffsymbols is not None: f.write("_atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity\n") f.write("_atom_site_Wyckoff_symbol\n") f.write("_atom_site_fract_x\n") f.write("_atom_site_fract_y\n") f.write("_atom_site_fract_z\n") f.write("_atom_site_occupancy\n") seen = {} for i, cg in enumerate(coordgroups): for coord in cg: x = coord[0] y = coord[1] z = coord[2] symbols = struct.assignments.symbollists[i] ratios = struct.assignments.ratioslist[i] for occ in range(len(symbols)): symbol = symbols[occ] ratio = ratios[occ] if symbol in seen: seen[symbol] += 1 idx = seen[symbol] else: seen[symbol] = 1 idx = 1 label = symbol+str(idx) if wyckoffsymbols is not None: multiplicity = multiplicities[i] wyckoffsymbol = wyckoffsymbols[i] f.write("%s %s %d %s %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f\n" % (label, symbol, multiplicity, wyckoffsymbol, float(x), float(y), float(z), float(ratio))) else: f.write("%s %s %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f\n" % (label, symbol, float(x), float(y), float(z), float(ratio))) ioa.close()
[docs]def cif_reader_that_can_only_read_isotropy_cif(ioa): def cell_length(results, match): results['length_'] = FracVector.create( def cell_angle(results, match): results['angle_'] = FracVector.create( def print_hm_and_hall(results): grpnbr = results['grpnbr'] setting = results['setting'] hmsymb = results['hmfull'] hallsymb = spacegroups.spacegroup_get_hall(str(grpnbr)+":"+setting) results['hall_symbol'] = hallsymb def hm_symbol_origin(results, match): results['out'] = True results['hmfull'] = results['hm'] = if == 'hexagonal axes': results['setting'] = '1' else: results['setting'] = str( if 'hm' in results and 'grpnbr' in results: print_hm_and_hall(results) def hm_symbol_no_origin(results, match): results['out'] = True results['hmfull'] = results['hm'] = results['setting'] = "1" if 'hm' in results and 'grpnbr' in results: print_hm_and_hall(results) def groupnbr(results, match): results['grpnbr'] = if 'hm' in results and 'grpnbr' in results: print_hm_and_hall(results) def coords(results, match): newcoord = httk.FracVector.create([,,]) occup = {'atom': periodictable.atomic_number(, 'ratio': FracVector.create(, } if == 'alpha': wyckoff = '&' else: wyckoff = multiplicities = int( if newcoord in results['seen_coords']: idx = results['seen_coords'][newcoord] results['occups'][idx].append(occup) else: results['seen_coords'][newcoord] = results['idx'] results['coords'].append(newcoord) results['occups'].append([occup]) results['wyckoff'].append(wyckoff) results['multiplicities'].append(multiplicities) results['idx'] += 1 results = {'idx': 0, 'occups': [], 'wyckoff': [], 'multiplicities': [], 'coords': [], 'seen_coords': {}} httk.basic.micro_pyawk(ioa, [ ['^_cell_length_([^ ]*) (.*) *$', None, cell_length], ['^_cell_angle_([^ ]*) (.*) *$', None, cell_angle], ['^_symmetry_Int_Tables_number +(.*)$', None, groupnbr], ['^_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M +"(([^()]+) \(origin choice ([0-9]+)\))" *$', None, hm_symbol_origin], ['^_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M +"(([^()]+) \((hexagonal axes)\))" *$', None, hm_symbol_origin], ['^_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M +"([^()]+)" *$', None, hm_symbol_no_origin], ['^ *([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([0-9.-]+) +([0-9.-]+) +([0-9.-]+) +([0-9.-]+) *$', None, coords], ], debug=False, results=results) struct = Structure.create(rc_a=results['length_a'], rc_b=results['length_b'], rc_c=results['length_c'], rc_alpha=results['angle_alpha'], rc_beta=results['angle_beta'], rc_gamma=results['angle_gamma'], rc_reduced_occupationscoords=results['coords'], rc_occupancies=results['occups'], spacegroup=results['hall_symbol'], wyckoff_symbols=results['wyckoff'], multiplicities=results['multiplicities']) return struct
[docs]def cif_reader_httk_preprocessed(ioa): ioa = IoAdapterStringList.use(ioa) for i in range(len(ioa.stringlist)): if ioa.stringlist[i].startswith("INPUT"): ioa.stringlist[i] = "" newstruct = cif_to_struct(ioa, backends=['cif2cell_reduce']) for i in range(len(ioa.stringlist)): if ioa.stringlist[i].startswith("# Data extracted using the FINDSYM utility follows"): ioa.stringlist = ioa.stringlist[i:] break only_rc_struct = cif_to_struct(ioa, backends=['cif_reader_that_can_only_read_isotropy_cif']) if only_rc_struct.assignments.hexhash != newstruct.assignments.hexhash: # This happens IF the rc representation is broken due to the use of # different but equivalent sites. In this case we have already lost, and need # to return only the "proper" structure in newstruct. This will cause us to loose # Wyckoff information, but for now I see now way of rescuing this. # This will all be solved when we implement our own cif reader. return newstruct newstruct.rc_sites.wyckoff_symbols = only_rc_struct.rc_sites.wyckoff_symbols # Cell basis can only be constructed from the cif approximately only_rc_struct._rc_cell = newstruct._rc_cell # Make sure the hexhash is recomputed only_rc_struct.rc_sites._hexhash = None #print "CHECK THIS:", newstruct.rc_sites.hexhash, only_rc_struct.rc_sites.hexhash #print "CHECK THIS:", newstruct.cellobj.to_tuple(), only_rc_struct.cellobj.to_tuple() if newstruct.rc_sites.hexhash != only_rc_struct.rc_sites.hexhash: #print "Cell mismatch:",cell_mismatch print "Structure hashes:", newstruct.rc_sites.hexhash, only_rc_struct.rc_sites.hexhash #print "Structures:", newstruct.rc_sites.to_tuple(), only_rc_struct.rc_sites.to_tuple() raise Exception("isotropy_ext.struct_process_with_isotropy: internal error, structures that absolutely should be the same are not, sorry.") return newstruct
[docs]def cifdata_to_struct(cifdata, debug=False): if len(cifdata) > 1: raise Exception("httk.atomistic.atomisticio.structure_cif_io: cifdata to struct with more than one image in cifdata.") element = cifdata[0][1] if debug: import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() debugout = dict(element) if 'symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz' in debugout: del debugout['symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz'] if 'space_group_symop_operation_xyz' in debugout: del debugout['space_group_symop_operation_xyz'] if 'space_group_symop_id' in debugout: del debugout['space_group_symop_id'] pp.pprint(debugout) rc_lengths = FracVector.create([element['cell_length_a'], element['cell_length_b'], element['cell_length_c']]) rc_cosangles = FracVector.create_cos([element['cell_angle_alpha'], element['cell_angle_beta'], element['cell_angle_gamma']],degrees=True) hall_symbol = None hm_symbol = None spacegroupnumber = None setting = None symops = None if 'symmetry_space_group_name_hall' in element: hall_symbol = element['symmetry_space_group_name_hall'] if 'space_group_symop_operation_xyz' in element: symops = element['space_group_symop_operation_xyz'] elif 'symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz' in element: symops = element['symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz'] if 'symmetry_space_group_name_h-m' in element: hm_symbol = element['symmetry_space_group_name_h-m'] if 'symmetry_Int_Tables_number' in element: spacegroupnumber = int(element['symmetry_Int_Tables_number']) # cif verb symmetry_cell_setting really is not defined as it would seems logical. Due to ensuing confusion, we better simply ignore it #if 'symmetry_cell_setting' in element: # setting = element['symmetry_cell_setting'] if hall_symbol is None and symops is None and hm_symbol is None and spacegroupnumber is None: raise Exception("No symmetry information given in cif file, impossible to interpret coordinate data!") spacegroup = Spacegroup.create(hall_symbol=hall_symbol, hm_symbol=hm_symbol, spacegroupnumber=spacegroupnumber, setting=setting, symops=symops) rc_occupancies = [] rc_reduced_occupationscoords = [] wyckoff_symbols = None multiplicities = None if 'atom_site_wyckoff_symbol' in element: wyckoff_symbols = element['atom_site_wyckoff_symbol'] elif 'atom_site_wyckoff_label' in element: wyckoff_symbols = element['atom_site_wyckoff_label'] if 'atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity' in element: multiplicities = [int(x) for x in element['atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity']] for atom in range(len(element['atom_site_label'])): if 'atom_site_occupancy' in element: ratio = element['atom_site_occupancy'][atom] else: ratio = 1 symbol = element['atom_site_label'][atom].rstrip('1234567890') occup = {'atom': periodictable.atomic_number(symbol), 'ratio': FracVector.create(ratio), } coord = [element['atom_site_fract_x'][atom], element['atom_site_fract_y'][atom], element['atom_site_fract_z'][atom]] rc_occupancies += [occup] rc_reduced_occupationscoords += [coord] #print "X",rc_lengths,rc_angles,rc_reduced_occupationscoords,rc_occupancies,spacegroup,setting,wyckoff_symbols,multiplicities tags = {} if 'chemical_name_common' in element: if is_sequence(element['chemical_name_common']): tags['name'] = element['chemical_name_common'][0] tags['names'] = ",".join(element['chemical_name_common']) else: tags['name'] = element['chemical_name_common'] elif 'chemical_name_systematic' in element: if is_sequence(element['chemical_name_systematic']): tags['name'] = element['chemical_name_systematic'][0] tags['names'] = ",".join(element['chemical_name_systematic']) else: tags['name'] = element['chemical_name_systematic'] authorlist = None if 'publ_author_name' in element: authorlist = [] authors = element['publ_author_name'] if not basic.is_sequence(authors): authors = [authors] for author in authors: authorparts = author.partition(",") lastname = authorparts[0].strip() givennames = authorparts[2].strip() authorlist += [Author.create(lastname, givennames)] # I didn't find this in the spec, on the other hand, the publ_ space is "not specified", so, this seems # as a logical extension of the author list in case of a cif file that has been published in a book. # I see no harm in including it, at least. editorlist = None if 'publ_editor_name' in element: editorlist = [] editors = element['publ_editor_name'] if not basic.is_sequence(editors): editors = [editors] for editor in editors: editorparts = editor.partition(",") lastname = editorparts[0].strip() givennames = editorparts[2].strip() editorlist += [Author.create(lastname, givennames)] refs = None if 'journal_name_full' in element or 'journal_name_abbrev' in element: journal = None journal_page_first = None journal_page_last = None journal_volume = None journal_title = None journal_book_title = None journal_year = None journal_issue = None journal_publisher = None journal_publisher_city = None if 'journal_name_abbrev' in element: journal = element['journal_name_abbrev'] if 'journal_name_full' in element: journal = element['journal_name_full'] if 'journal_page_first' in element: journal_page_first = element['journal_page_first'] if 'journal_page_last' in element: journal_page_last = element['journal_page_last'] if 'journal_volume' in element: journal_volume = element['journal_volume'] if 'journal_issue' in element: journal_issue = element['journal_issue'] if 'journal_title' in element: journal_title = element['journal_title'] if 'journal_book_title' in element: journal_book_title = element['journal_book_title'] if 'journal_year' in element: journal_year = element['journal_year'] if 'journal_publisher' in element: journal_publisher = element['journal_publisher'] if 'journal_publisher_city' in element: journal_publisher_city = element['journal_publisher_city'] if 'journal_book_publisher' in element: journal_publisher = element['journal_book_publisher'] if 'journal_book_publisher_city' in element: journal_publisher_city = element['journal_book_publisher_city'] refs = [Reference.create(authors=authorlist, editors=editorlist, journal=journal, journal_issue=journal_issue, journal_volume=journal_volume, page_first=journal_page_first, page_last=journal_page_last, title=journal_title, year=journal_year, book_publisher=journal_publisher, book_publisher_city=journal_publisher_city, book_title=journal_book_title)] # This is based on some assumptions... IF a journal_* type tree exists, then we assume this is a 'published' cif, and # in that case the only reference we want to keep is the one to the published work. Citations in the citation_* tree is going to be # all the citations from that paper, which we do not want, *unless* they mark citation_coordinate_linkage. However, # if no journal_* tree exists, then this is a 'generic' structure cif, where the citations should point to all publications of # this structure; and we don't want to assume 'citation_coordinate_linkage' add_all_citations = False if refs is None or len(refs) == 0: add_all_citations = True if 'citation_journal_full' in element or 'citation_journal_abbrev' in element or 'citation_book_title' in element: if refs is None: refs = [] if 'citation_journal_full' in element: N = len(element['citation_journal_full']) elif 'citation_journal_abbrev' in element: N = len(element['citation_journal_abbrev']) elif 'citation_book_title' in element: N = len(element['citation_book_title']) for i in range(N): if not add_all_citations and ('citation_coordinate_linkage' not in element or (element['citation_coordinate_linkage'][i].lower() != 'yes' and element['citation_coordinate_linkage'][i].lower() != 'y')): continue journal = None journal_page_first = None journal_page_last = None journal_volume = None journal_title = None journal_book_title = None journal_issue = None journal_publisher = None journal_publisher_city = None if 'citation_journal_full' in element: journal = element['citation_journal_full'][i] if 'citation_journal_abbrev' in element: journal = element['citation_journal_abbrev'][i] if 'citation_page_first' in element: journal_page_first = element['citation_page_first'][i] if 'citation_page_last' in element: journal_page_last = element['citation_page_last'][i] if 'citation_journal_volume' in element: journal_volume = element['citation_journal_volume'][i] if 'citation_journal_issue' in element: journal_issue = element['citation_journal_issue'][i] if 'citation_title' in element: journal_title = element['citation_title'][i] if 'citation_book_title' in element: journal_book_title = element['citation_book_title'][i] if 'journal_year' in element: journal_year = element['journal_year'][i] if 'citation_book_publisher' in element: journal_publisher = element['citation_book_publisher'][i] if 'citation_book_publisher_city' in element: journal_publisher_city = element['citation_book_publisher_city'][i] refs += [Reference.create(authors=authorlist, editors=editorlist, journal=journal, journal_issue=journal_issue, journal_volume=journal_volume, page_first=journal_page_first, page_last=journal_page_last, title=journal_title, year=journal_year, book_publisher=journal_publisher, book_publisher_city=journal_publisher_city, book_title=journal_book_title)] struct = Structure.create(rc_lengths=rc_lengths, rc_cosangles=rc_cosangles, rc_reduced_occupationscoords=rc_reduced_occupationscoords, rc_occupancies=rc_occupancies, spacegroup=spacegroup, setting=setting, periodicity=0, wyckoff_symbols=wyckoff_symbols, multiplicities=multiplicities, tags=tags, refs=refs) return struct
[docs]def struct_to_cifdata(struct, entryid=None): entry = OrderedDict() wyckoffsymbols = None if struct.has_rc_repr: la = struct.rc_lengths_and_angles coordgroups = struct.rc_sites.reduced_coordgroups hall = struct.hall_symbol sgnumber = struct.spacegroup_number try: hmsymbol = spacegroups.get_proper_hm_symbol(hall) except Exception: hmsymbol = None multiplicities = struct.rc_sites.multiplicities wyckoffsymbols = struct.rc_sites.wyckoff_symbols else: la = struct.uc_lengths_and_angles coordgroups = struct.uc_sites.reduced_coordgroups hall = 'P 1' sgnumber = 1 hmsymbol = 'P 1' try: if struct.get_tag('name') is not None: entry["chemical_name_common"] = struct.get_tag('name').value except Exception: pass if struct.has_uc_repr: entry["chemical_formula_sum"] = struct.formula_spaceseparated entry["cell_length_a"] = la[0].to_string() entry["cell_length_b"] = la[1].to_string() entry["cell_length_c"] = la[2].to_string() entry["cell_angle_alpha"] = la[3].to_string() entry["cell_angle_beta"] = la[4].to_string() entry["cell_angle_gamma"] = la[5].to_string() entry["symmetry_space_group_name_hall"] = str(hall) if hmsymbol is not None: entry["symmetry_space_group_name_h-m"] = str(hmsymbol) entry["symmetry_Int_Tables_number"] = str(sgnumber) # Add setting entry["symmetry_space_group_name_hall"] = str(hall) refs = struct.get_refs() if len(refs) > 0: entry["loop_1"] = ["citation_id", "citation_journal_full", "citation_journal_issue", "citation_journal_volume", "citation_page_first", "citation_page_last", "citation_title", "citation_year", "citation_book_publisher", "citation_book_publisher_city", "citation_book_title", "citation_coordinate_linkage"] entry["loop_2"] = ["citation_author_citation_id", "citation_author_name"] entry["loop_3"] = ["citation_editor_citation_id", "citation_editor_name"] for key in entry["loop_1"] + entry['loop_2'] + entry['loop_3']: entry[key] = [] for i in range(len(refs)): data = {} ref = refs[i].reference data['citation_id'] = str(i) data["citation_journal_full"] = ref.journal data['citation_journal_issue'] = ref.journal_issue data['citation_journal_volume'] = ref.journal_volume data['citation_page_first'] = ref.page_first data['citation_page_last'] = ref.page_last data['citation_title'] = ref.title data['citation_year'] = ref.year data['citation_book_publisher'] = ref.book_publisher data['citation_book_publisher_city'] = ref.book_publisher_city data['citation_book_title'] = ref.book_title data['citation_coordinate_linkage'] = "yes" for key in entry["loop_1"]: entry[key] += [data[key]] if ref.authors is not None: for author in ref.authors: entry['citation_author_citation_id'] += [str(i)] entry['citation_author_name'] += [author.last_name + ", "+author.given_names] if ref.editors is not None: for editor in ref.editors: entry['citation_editor_citation_id'] += [str(i)] entry['citation_author_name'] += [editor.last_name + ", "+editor.given_names] if 'citation_author_citation_id' in entry and len(entry['citation_author_citation_id']) == 0: del entry['citation_author_citation_id'] del entry['citation_author_name'] del entry['loop_2'] if 'citation_editor_citation_id' in entry and len(entry['citation_editor_citation_id']) == 0: del entry['citation_editor_citation_id'] del entry['citation_editor_name'] del entry['loop_3'] entry["loop_0"] = ["atom_site_label", "atom_site_type_symbol"] if wyckoffsymbols is not None: entry["loop_0"] += ["atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity", "atom_site_Wyckoff_symbol"] entry["loop_0"] += ["atom_site_fract_x", "atom_site_fract_y", "atom_site_fract_z", "atom_site_occupancy"] for key in entry["loop_0"]: entry[key] = [] seen = {} for i, cg in enumerate(coordgroups): for coord in cg: x = coord[0].to_string() y = coord[1].to_string() z = coord[2].to_string() symbols = struct.assignments.symbollists[i] ratios = struct.assignments.ratioslist[i] for occ in range(len(symbols)): symbol = symbols[occ] ratio = ratios[occ] if symbol in seen: seen[symbol] += 1 idx = seen[symbol] else: seen[symbol] = 1 idx = 1 label = symbol+str(idx) if wyckoffsymbols is not None: multiplicity = multiplicities[i] wyckoffsymbol = wyckoffsymbols[i] data = (label, symbol, multiplicity, wyckoffsymbol, x, y, z, ratio.to_string()) else: data = (label, symbol, x, y, z, ratio.to_string()) for j in range(len(entry["loop_0"])): entry[entry["loop_0"][j]] += [data[j]] if entryid is None: entryid = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) cifdata = [(entryid, entry)] return cifdata