Source code for httk.atomistic.cellshape

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import sys
from httk.core.geometry import is_point_inside_cell
from httk.core import HttkObject, httk_typed_init, httk_typed_property
from httk.core import FracVector, FracScalar
from httk.core.basic import is_sequence
from cellutils import *

[docs]class CellShape(HttkObject): """ Represents a cell (e.g., a unitcell, but also possibly just the basis vectors of a non-periodic system) """ @httk_typed_init({'niggli_matrix': (FracVector, 3, 2), 'orientation': int}) def __init__(self, niggli_matrix, orientation=1, basis=None): """ Private constructor, as per httk coding guidelines. Use Cell.create instead. """ self.niggli_matrix = niggli_matrix self.orientation = orientation if basis is None: basis = FracVector.use(niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=orientation)) c = basis maxele = max(c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2], c[1, 0], c[1, 1], c[1, 2], c[2, 0], c[2, 1], c[2, 2]) maxeleneg = max(-c[0, 0], -c[0, 1], -c[0, 2], -c[1, 0], -c[1, 1], -c[1, 2], -c[2, 0], -c[2, 1], -c[2, 2]) if maxeleneg > maxele: scale = (-maxeleneg).simplify() else: scale = (maxele).simplify() basis = (basis * scale.inv()).simplify() self._basis = basis self.det = basis.det() self.inv = basis.inv() self.volume = abs(self.det) self.metric = niggli_to_metric(self.niggli_matrix) self.lengths, self.angles = niggli_to_lengths_angles(self.niggli_matrix) self.lengths = [FracVector.use(x).simplify() for x in self.lengths] self.angles = [FracVector.use(x).simplify() for x in self.angles] self.a, self.b, self.c = self.lengths self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma = self.angles #def create(cls, basis=None, a=None, b=None, c=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, volume=None, scale=None, niggli_matrix=None, orientation=1, lengths=None, angles=None, normalize=True):
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, cellshape=None, basis=None, metric=None, niggli_matrix=None, a=None, b=None, c=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, lengths=None, angles=None, scale=None, scaling=None, volume=None, periodicity=None, nonperiodic_vecs=None, orientation=1): """ Create a new cell object, cell: any one of the following: - a 3x3 array with (in rows) the three basis vectors of the cell (a non-periodic system should conventionally use an identity matrix) - a dict with a single key 'niggli_matrix' with a 3x2 array with the Niggli Matrix representation of the cell - a dict with 6 keys, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma' giving the cell parameters as floats scaling: free form input parsed for a scale. positive value = multiply basis vectors by this value negative value = rescale basis vectors so that cell volume becomes abs(value). scale: set to non-None to multiply all cell vectors with this factor volume: set to non-None if the basis vectors only give directions, and the volume of the cell should be this value (overrides scale) periodicity: free form input parsed for periodicity sequence: True/False for each basis vector being periodic integer: number of non-periodic basis vectors """ if isinstance(cellshape, CellShape): basis = cellshape.basis elif cellshape is not None: basis = cell_to_basis(cellshape) if basis is not None: basis = FracVector.use(basis) if niggli_matrix is not None: niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) basis = FracVector.use(niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=orientation)) if niggli_matrix is None and basis is not None: niggli_matrix, orientation = basis_to_niggli(basis) if niggli_matrix is None and lengths is not None and angles is not None: niggli_matrix = lengths_angles_to_niggli(lengths, angles) niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) if basis is None: basis = FracVector.use(niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=1)) if niggli_matrix is None and not (a is None or b is None or c is None or alpha is None or beta is None or gamma is None): niggli_matrix = lengths_angles_to_niggli([a, b, c], [alpha, beta, gamma]) niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) if basis is None: basis = FracVector.use(niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=1)) if niggli_matrix is None: raise Exception("CellShape.create: Not enough information to specify a cell given.") if scaling is None and scale is not None: scaling = scale if scaling is not None and volume is not None: raise Exception("CellShape.create: cannot specify both scaling and volume!") if volume is not None: scaling = vol_to_scale(basis, volume) if scaling is not None: scaling = FracVector.use(scaling) niggli_matrix = (basis*scaling*scaling).simplify() if basis is not None: basis = (basis*scaling).simplify() # For the basis we use a somewhat unusual normalization where the largest one element # in the cell = 1, this way we avoid floating point operations for prototypes created # from cell vector (prototypes created from lengths and angles is another matter) if basis is not None: c = basis maxele = max(c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2], c[1, 0], c[1, 1], c[1, 2], c[2, 0], c[2, 1], c[2, 2]) maxeleneg = max(-c[0, 0], -c[0, 1], -c[0, 2], -c[1, 0], -c[1, 1], -c[1, 2], -c[2, 0], -c[2, 1], -c[2, 2]) if maxeleneg > maxele: scale = (-maxeleneg).simplify() else: scale = (maxele).simplify() basis = (basis * scale.inv()).simplify() c = niggli_matrix maxele = max(c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2]) niggli_matrix = (niggli_matrix * maxele.inv()).simplify() return cls(niggli_matrix, orientation, basis)
@httk_typed_property((FracVector, 3, 3)) def basis(self): return self._basis
[docs] def scaling(self): return -self.volume
[docs] def coords_reduced_to_cartesian(self, coords): coords = FracVector.use(coords) return coords*self.basis
[docs] def coordgroups_reduced_to_cartesian(self, coordgroups): newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroups += [self.coords_reduced_to_cartesian(coordgroup)] return FracVector.stack(newcoordgroups)
[docs] def coords_cartesian_to_reduced(self, coords): coords = FracVector.use(coords) return coords*self.inv
[docs] def coordgroups_cartesian_to_reduced(self, coordgroups): newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroups += [self.coords_cartesian_to_reduced(coordgroup)] return FracVector.stack(newcoordgroups)
[docs] def is_point_inside(self, cartesian_coord): is_point_inside_cell(self.basis, cartesian_coord)
[docs] def clean(self): newbasis = self.basis.limit_denominator(5000000) new_niggli = self.niggli_matrix.limit_denominator(5000000) return self.__class__(niggli_matrix=new_niggli, basis=newbasis)
[docs]def main(): pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()