Source code for httk.atomistic.cellutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    Some parts imported from cif2cell, (C) Torbjörn Björkman 
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from httk.core import FracVector
from httk.core import vectormath
#from math import sqrt, acos, cos, sin, pi
from fractions import Fraction
from spacegrouputils import crystal_system_from_hall

[docs]def lattice_system_from_lengths_and_cosangles(lengths, cosangles, eps=0): """ Identifies lattice system from a list of cell axis lengths and cosine of angles between them Returns string: 'cubic', 'tetragonal', 'orthorombic', 'hexagonal', 'monoclinic', 'rhombohedral' or 'triclinic' Note: if axis order is not the standard one (e.g., gamma=120 for hexagonal), the lattice system will come out as triclinic. This way the outcome matches corresponding standard hall symbols, otherwise hall symbol and generated cells not technically match. If you seek to re-order axes to the standard order, use standard_order_axes_transform on your basis matrix first. """ half = Fraction(1, 2) abeq = abs(lengths[0]-lengths[1]) <= eps aceq = abs(lengths[0]-lengths[2]) <= eps bceq = abs(lengths[1]-lengths[2]) <= eps alpha90 = abs(cosangles[0]) <= eps beta90 = abs(cosangles[1]) <= eps gamma90 = abs(cosangles[2]) <= eps gamma120 = (cosangles[2]+half) <= eps if abeq and aceq and bceq and alpha90 and beta90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'cubic' elif abeq and alpha90 and beta90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'tetragonal' elif not abeq and not aceq and not bceq and alpha90 and beta90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'orthorombic' elif gamma120 and alpha90 and beta90 and abeq: lattice_system = 'hexagonal' elif not beta90 and alpha90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'monoclinic' elif not alpha90 and not beta90 and not gamma90 and abeq and aceq: lattice_system = 'rhombohedral' else: lattice_system = 'triclinic' #print "DETECTED LATTICE SYSTEM",lengths.to_floats(),cosangles.to_floats(),eps,"=>",lattice_system return lattice_system
[docs]def lengths_and_cosangles_to_conventional_basis(lengths, cosangles, lattice_system=None, orientation=1, eps=0): """ Returns the conventional cell basis given a list of lengths and cosine of angles Note: if your basis vector order does not follow the conventions for hexagonal and monoclinic cells, you get the triclinic conventional cell. Conventions: in hexagonal cell gamma=120 degrees, i.e, cosangles[2]=-1/2, in monoclinic cells beta =/= 90 degrees. """ if lattice_system is None: lattice_system = lattice_system_from_lengths_and_cosangles(lengths, cosangles) a, b, c = lengths cosalpha, cosbeta, cosgamma = cosangles #sinalpha = vectormath.sqrt(1-cosalpha**2) sinbeta = vectormath.sqrt(1-cosbeta**2) singamma = vectormath.sqrt(1-cosgamma**2) basis = None if lattice_system == 'cubic' or lattice_system == 'tetragonal' or lattice_system == 'orthorhombic': basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [0, b, 0], [0, 0, c]])*orientation elif lattice_system == 'hexagonal': #basis = FracVector.create([[singamma*a, a*cosgamma, 0], # [0, b, 0], # [0, 0, c]])*orientation basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [cosgamma*b, b*singamma, 0], [0, 0, c]])*orientation elif lattice_system == 'monoclinic': basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [0, b, 0], [c*cosbeta, 0, c*sinbeta]])*orientation elif lattice_system == 'rhombohedral': vc = cosalpha tx = vectormath.sqrt((1-vc)/2.0) ty = vectormath.sqrt((1-vc)/6.0) tz = vectormath.sqrt((1+2*vc)/3.0) basis = FracVector.create([[2*a*ty, 0, a*tz], [-b*ty, b*tx, b*tz], [-c*ty, -c*tx, c*tz]])*orientation else: angfac1 = (cosalpha - cosbeta*cosgamma)/singamma angfac2 = vectormath.sqrt(singamma**2 - cosbeta**2 - cosalpha**2 + 2*cosalpha*cosbeta*cosgamma)/singamma basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [b*cosgamma, b*singamma, 0], [c*cosbeta, c*angfac1, c*angfac2]])*orientation return basis
[docs]def get_primitive_to_conventional_basis_transform(basis, eps=1e-4): """ Figures out how the 'likley' transform of a primitive cell for getting to the conventional basis This may not be foolproof, and mostly works for re-inverting cells generated by lengths_and_cosangles_to_conventional_basis. (It should only be used when getting something that isn't really the conventional cell does not equal catastrophic failure, just, e.g., a non-optimal representation.) """ half = Fraction(1, 2) lattrans = None unit = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) c = basis maxele = max(c[0, 0], c[0, 1], c[0, 2], c[1, 0], c[1, 1], c[1, 2], c[2, 0], c[2, 1], c[2, 2]) maxeleneg = max(-c[0, 0], -c[0, 1], -c[0, 2], -c[1, 0], -c[1, 1], -c[1, 2], -c[2, 0], -c[2, 1], -c[2, 2]) if maxeleneg > maxele: scale = (-maxeleneg).simplify() else: scale = (maxele).simplify() rebase = basis/(2*scale) #niggli, orientation = basis_to_niggli_and_orientation(basis) #lengths, angles = niggli_to_lengths_and_angles(niggli) #rebase = FracVector.create([basis[0]/lengths[0], basis[1]/lengths[1], basis[2]/lengths[2]]).simplify() invrebase = rebase.inv().simplify() #invrebase = FracVector.create([invrebase[0]*lengths[0], invrebase[1]*lengths[1], invrebase[2]*lengths[2]]).simplify() #print "BASIS",basis #print "BASIS",basis.to_floats() #print "INVREBASE:", invrebase.to_floats() #print "TRANSFORMED", (basis*invrebase).to_floats() for rows in invrebase: for val in rows: if val != 0 and val != 1 and val != -1: #if val != half and val != -half and val != 0 and val != 1 and val != -1: # This is not a primitive cell that can easily be turned into a cubic conventional cell #print "HUH",val return unit #print "INVREBASE:", invrebase return invrebase
# # lattice_sybmol == 'P' and (crystal_system == 'cubic' or crystal_system == 'orthorhombic' or crystal_system == 'tetragonal') => unit # if basis[0][1] == 0 and basis[0][2] == 0 and basis[1][0] == 0 and basis[1][2] == 0 and basis[2][0] == 0 and basis[2][1] == 0: # return unit # # # crystal_system == 'cubic' and lattice_symbol == 'F' => [0.5 0.5 0; 0.5 0 0.5; 0 0.5 0.5]^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][1] and basis[0][2] == 0 and basis[1][0] == basis[1][2] and basis[1][1] == 0 and basis[2][0] == 0 and basis[2][1] == basis[2][2]: # return FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], # [half, 0, half], # [0, half, half]]).inv() # # # (crystal_system == 'cubic' or 'tetragonal') and lattice_symbol == 'I' => [0.5 0.5 0.5; -0.5 0.5 0.5; -0.5 -0.5 0.5]^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][1] and basis[0][0] == basis[0][2] and -basis[1][0] == basis[1][1] and -basis[1][0] == basis[1][2] and -basis[2][0] == -basis[2][1] and -basis[2][0] == basis[2][2]: # return FracVector.create([[half, half, half], # [-half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'orthorhombic' and lattice_symbol == 'A' => []^-1 # if basis[0][1] == 0 and basis[0][2] == 0 and basis[1][0] == 0 and basis[1][1] == basis[1][2] and basis[2][0] == 0 and basis[2][1] == -basis[2][2]: # return FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, half, half], # [0, -half, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'orthorhombic' and lattice_symbol == 'B' => []^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][2] and basis[0][1] == 0 and basis[1][0] == 0 and basis[1][2] == 0 and -basis[2][0] == basis[2][2] and basis[2][1] == 0: # return FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], # [0, 1, 0], # [-half, 0, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'orthorhombic' and lattice_symbol == 'C' => []^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][1] and basis[0][2] == 0 and basis[1][0] == -basis[1][1] and basis[1][2] == 0 and basis[2][0] == 0 and basis[2][1] == 0: # return FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, half, half], # [0, -half, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'orthorhombic' and lattice_symbol == 'F' => []^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][1] and basis[0][2] == 0 and basis[1][0] == basis[1][1] and basis[1][2] == 0 and basis[2][0] == 0 and basis[2][1] == basis[2][2]: # return FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], # [half, half, 0], # [0, half, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'orthorhombic' and lattice_symbol == 'I' => []^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][1] and basis[0][0] == basis[0][2] and -basis[1][0] == basis[1][1] and -basis[1][0] == basis[1][2] and -basis[2][0] == -basis[2][1] and -basis[2][0] == basis[2][2]: # return FracVector.create([[half, half, half], # [-half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'monoclinic' and lattice_symbol == 'A' => []^-1 # if basis[0][0] == 0 and basis[0][1] == 0 and basis[1][0] == 0 and basis[1][1] == basis[1][2] and basis[2][0] == 0 and basis[2][1] == -basis[2][2]: # return FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, half, -half], # [0, half, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'monoclinic' and lattice_symbol == 'B' => []^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][2] and basis[0][1] == 0 and basis[1][0] == 0 and basis[1][2] == 0 and -basis[2][0] == basis[2][2] and basis[2][1] == 0: # return FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], # [0, 1, 0], # [-half, 0, half]]).inv() # # # crystal_system == 'monoclinic' and lattice_symbol == 'C' => []^-1 # if basis[0][0] == basis[0][1] and basis[0][2] == 0 and basis[1][0] == -basis[1][1] and basis[1][2] == 0 and basis[2][0] == 0 and basis[2][1] == 0: # return FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, half, half], # [0, -half, half]]).inv() # # # else crystal_system == 'triclinic' or crystal_system == 'hexagonal' or crystal_system == 'trigonal' => unit (lattice_symbol == 'P' or 'R') # return unit # # if lattice_symbol == 'P': # lattrans = unit # elif crystal_system == 'cubic': # if lattice_symbol == 'F': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], # [half, 0, half], # [0, half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'I': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half], # [-half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]) # elif crystal_system == 'hexagonal' or crystal_system == 'trigonal': # if lattice_symbol == 'R': # lattrans = unit # # elif crystal_system == 'tetragonal': # if lattice_symbol == 'I': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, half], # [half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]) # # elif crystal_system == 'orthorhombic': # if lattice_symbol == 'A': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, half, half], # [0, -half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'B': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], # [0, 1, 0], # [-half, 0, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'C': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], # [-half, half, 0], # [0, 0, 1]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'F' # or lattice_symbol == 'A' or lattice_symbol == 'B' or lattice_symbol == 'C': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], # [half, half, 0], # [0, half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'I': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half], # [-half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]) # # elif crystal_system == 'monoclinic': # if lattice_symbol == 'A': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, half, -half], # [0, half, half]]) # if lattice_symbol == 'B': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, -half], # [0, 1, 0], # [half, 0, half]]) # if lattice_symbol == 'C': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, 0], # [half, half, 0], # [0, 0, 1]]) # # elif crystal_system == 'triclinic': # lattrans = unit # # else: # raise Exception("structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: unknown crystal system, "+str(crystal_system)) # # if lattrans is None: # raise Exception("structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: no match for lattice transform.") # # return lattrans
[docs]def niggli_to_lengths_and_angles(niggli_matrix): niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) pi = niggli_matrix.pi() s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][2] s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0]/2, niggli_matrix[1][1]/2, niggli_matrix[1][2]/2 a, b, c = vectormath.sqrt(s11), vectormath.sqrt(s22), vectormath.sqrt(s33) alpha, beta, gamma = vectormath.acos(s23/(b*c))*180/pi, vectormath.acos(s13/(c*a))*180/pi, vectormath.acos(s12/(a*b))*180/pi return [a, b, c], [alpha, beta, gamma]
[docs]def niggli_to_lengths_and_trigangles(niggli_matrix): niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][2] s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0]/2, niggli_matrix[1][1]/2, niggli_matrix[1][2]/2 a, b, c = vectormath.sqrt(s11), vectormath.sqrt(s22), vectormath.sqrt(s33) cosalpha, cosbeta, cosgamma = s23/(b*c), s13/(c*a), s12/(a*b) sinalpha, sinbeta, singamma = vectormath.sqrt(1-cosalpha), vectormath.sqrt(1-cosbeta), vectormath.sqrt(1-cosgamma) return [a, b, c], [cosalpha, cosbeta, cosgamma], [sinalpha, sinbeta, singamma]
[docs]def lengths_and_cosangles_to_niggli(lengths, cosangles): niggli_matrix = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None]] niggli_matrix[0][0] = lengths[0]*lengths[0] niggli_matrix[0][1] = lengths[1]*lengths[1] niggli_matrix[0][2] = lengths[2]*lengths[2] niggli_matrix[1][0] = 2*lengths[1]*lengths[2]*cosangles[0] niggli_matrix[1][1] = 2*lengths[0]*lengths[2]*cosangles[1] niggli_matrix[1][2] = 2*lengths[0]*lengths[1]*cosangles[2] return niggli_matrix
[docs]def angles_to_cosangles(angles): return FracVector.create_cos(angles, degrees=True)
[docs]def lengths_and_angles_to_niggli(lengths, angles): cosangles = angles_to_cosangles(angles) return lengths_and_cosangles_to_niggli(lengths, cosangles)
[docs]def niggli_to_metric(niggli): niggli = FracVector.use(niggli) m = niggli.noms # Since the niggli matrix contains 2*the product of the off diagonal elements, we increase the denominator by cell.denom*2 return FracVector(((2*m[0][0], m[1][2], m[1][1]), (m[1][2], 2*m[0][1], m[1][0]), (m[1][1], m[1][0], 2*m[0][2])), niggli.denom*2).simplify()
[docs]def lattice_system_from_niggli(niggli_matrix, eps=0): """ Identifies lattice system from niggli matrix. Returns string: 'cubic', 'tetragonal', 'orthorombic', 'hexagonal', 'monoclinic', 'rhombohedral' or 'triclinic' Note: if axis order is not the standard one (e.g., gamma=120 for hexagonal), the lattice system will come out as triclinic. This way the outcome matches corresponding standard hall symbols, otherwise hall symbol and generated cells not technically match. If you seek to re-order axes to the standard order, use standard_order_axes_transform on your basis matrix first. """ qrtr = Fraction(1, 4) abeq = abs(niggli_matrix[0][0]-niggli_matrix[0][1]) <= eps aceq = abs(niggli_matrix[0][0]-niggli_matrix[0][2]) <= eps bceq = abs(niggli_matrix[0][1]-niggli_matrix[0][2]) <= eps alpha90 = abs(niggli_matrix[1][0]) <= eps beta90 = abs(niggli_matrix[1][1]) <= eps gamma90 = abs(niggli_matrix[1][2]) <= eps gamma120 = (abs(niggli_matrix[1][2]**2/(niggli_matrix[0][0]*niggli_matrix[0][1])-qrtr) <= eps) and niggli_matrix[1][2] < 0 if abeq and aceq and bceq and alpha90 and beta90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'cubic' elif abeq and alpha90 and beta90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'tetragonal' elif not abeq and not aceq and not bceq and alpha90 and beta90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'orthorombic' elif gamma120 and alpha90 and beta90 and abeq: lattice_system = 'hexagonal' elif not beta90 and alpha90 and gamma90: lattice_system = 'monoclinic' elif not alpha90 and not beta90 and not gamma90 and abeq and aceq: lattice_system = 'rhombohedral' else: lattice_system = 'triclinic' return lattice_system
[docs]def standard_order_axes_transform(niggli_matrix, lattice_system, eps=0, return_identity_if_no_transform_needed=False): """ Returns the transform that re-orders the axes to standard order for each possible lattice system. Note: returns None if no transform is needed, to make it easy to skip the transform in that case. If you want the identity matrix instead, set parameter return_identity_if_no_transform_needed = True, """ # Determine lattice system even if axes are mis-ordered qrtr = Fraction(1, 4) abeq = abs(niggli_matrix[0][0]-niggli_matrix[0][1]) <= eps aceq = abs(niggli_matrix[0][0]-niggli_matrix[0][2]) <= eps bceq = abs(niggli_matrix[0][1]-niggli_matrix[0][2]) <= eps alpha90 = abs(niggli_matrix[1][0]) <= eps beta90 = abs(niggli_matrix[1][1]) <= eps gamma90 = abs(niggli_matrix[1][2]) <= eps alpha120 = (abs(niggli_matrix[1][0]**2/(niggli_matrix[0][1]*niggli_matrix[0][2])-qrtr) <= eps) and niggli_matrix[1][0] < 0 beta120 = (abs(niggli_matrix[1][1]**2/(niggli_matrix[0][0]*niggli_matrix[0][2])-qrtr) <= eps) and niggli_matrix[1][1] < 0 gamma120 = (abs(niggli_matrix[1][2]**2/(niggli_matrix[0][0]*niggli_matrix[0][1])-qrtr) <= eps) and niggli_matrix[1][2] < 0 equals = sum([abeq, aceq, bceq]) if equals == 1: equals = 2 orthos = sum([alpha90, beta90, gamma90]) hexangles = sum([alpha120, beta120, gamma120]) if equals == 3 and orthos == 3: lattice_system = 'cubic' elif equals == 2 and orthos == 3: lattice_system = 'tetragonal' elif equals == 0 and orthos == 3: lattice_system = 'orthorombic' elif hexangles == 1 and orthos == 2 and equals == 2: lattice_system = 'hexagonal' elif orthos == 2: lattice_system = 'monoclinic' elif equals == 3: lattice_system = 'rhombohedral' else: lattice_system = 'triclinic' if lattice_system == 'hexagonal' and not gamma120: if alpha120: return FracVector.create([[0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]) elif beta120: return FracVector.create([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0]]) raise Exception("axis_standard_order_transform: unexpected cell geometry.") elif lattice_system == 'monoclinic' and not (alpha90 and gamma90 and not beta90): if (alpha90 and beta90 and not gamma90): return FracVector.create([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0]]) elif (beta90 and gamma90 and not alpha90): return FracVector.create([[0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]) raise Exception("axis_standard_order_transform: unexpected cell geometry.") return None
# Adapted from cif2cell by Torbjörn Björkman,
[docs]def niggli_to_conventional_basis(niggli_matrix, lattice_system=None, orientation=1, eps=1e-4): """ Returns the conventional cell given a niggli_matrix Note: if your basis vector order does not follow the conventions for hexagonal and monoclinic cells, you get the triclinic conventional cell. Conventions: in hexagonal cell gamma=120 degrees., in monoclinic cells beta =/= 90 degrees. """ if lattice_system is None: lattice_system = lattice_system_from_niggli(niggli_matrix) niggli_matrix = niggli_matrix.to_floats() s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][2] s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][1]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][2]/2.0 a, b, c = vectormath.sqrt(s11), vectormath.sqrt(s22), vectormath.sqrt(s33) alphar, betar, gammar = vectormath.acos(s23/(b*c)), vectormath.acos(s13/(c*a)), vectormath.acos(s12/(a*b)) basis = None if lattice_system == 'cubic' or lattice_system == 'tetragonal' or lattice_system == 'orthorhombic': basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [0, b, 0], [0, 0, c]])*orientation elif lattice_system == 'hexagonal': basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [-0.5*b, b*vectormath.sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0], [0, 0, c]])*orientation elif lattice_system == 'monoclinic': basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [0, b, 0], [c*vectormath.cos(gammar), 0, c*vectormath.sin(gammar)]])*orientation elif lattice_system == 'rhombohedral': vc = vectormath.cos(alphar) tx = vectormath.sqrt((1-vc)/2.0) ty = vectormath.sqrt((1-vc)/6.0) tz = vectormath.sqrt((1+2*vc)/3.0) basis = FracVector.create([[2*a*ty, 0, a*tz], [-b*ty, b*tx, b*tz], [-c*ty, -c*tx, c*tz]])*orientation else: angfac1 = (vectormath.cos(alphar) - vectormath.cos(betar)*vectormath.cos(gammar))/vectormath.sin(gammar) angfac2 = vectormath.sqrt(vectormath.sin(gammar)**2 - vectormath.cos(betar)**2 - vectormath.cos(alphar)**2 + 2*vectormath.cos(alphar)*vectormath.cos(betar)*vectormath.cos(gammar))/vectormath.sin(gammar) basis = FracVector.create([[a, 0, 0], [b*vectormath.cos(gammar), b*vectormath.sin(gammar), 0], [c*vectormath.cos(betar), c*angfac1, c*angfac2]])*orientation return basis
[docs]def niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=1): #cell = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) niggli_matrix = niggli_matrix.to_floats() s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][2] s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][1]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][2]/2.0 a, b, c = vectormath.sqrt(s11), vectormath.sqrt(s22), vectormath.sqrt(s33) alpha_rad, beta_rad, gamma_rad = vectormath.acos(s23/(b*c)), vectormath.acos(s13/(c*a)), vectormath.acos(s12/(a*b)) iv = 1-vectormath.cos(alpha_rad)**2-vectormath.cos(beta_rad)**2-vectormath.cos(gamma_rad)**2+2*vectormath.cos(alpha_rad)*vectormath.cos(beta_rad)*vectormath.cos(gamma_rad) # Handle that iv may be very, very slightly < 0 by the floating point accuracy limit if iv > 0: v = vectormath.sqrt(iv) else: v = 0.0 if c*v < 1e-14: raise Exception("niggli_to_cell: Physically unreasonable cell, cell vectors degenerate or very close to degenerate.") if orientation < 0: basis = [[-a, 0.0, 0.0], [-b*vectormath.cos(gamma_rad), -b*vectormath.sin(gamma_rad), 0.0], [-c*vectormath.cos(beta_rad), -c*(vectormath.cos(alpha_rad)-vectormath.cos(beta_rad)*vectormath.cos(gamma_rad))/vectormath.sin(gamma_rad), -c*v/vectormath.sin(gamma_rad)]] else: basis = [[a, 0.0, 0.0], [b*vectormath.cos(gamma_rad), b*vectormath.sin(gamma_rad), 0.0], [c*vectormath.cos(beta_rad), c*(vectormath.cos(alpha_rad)-vectormath.cos(beta_rad)*vectormath.cos(gamma_rad))/vectormath.sin(gamma_rad), c*v/vectormath.sin(gamma_rad)]] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): basis[i][j] = round(basis[i][j], 14) return basis
[docs]def basis_to_niggli_and_orientation(basis): basis = FracVector.use(basis) A = basis.noms det = basis.det() if det == 0: raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: singular cell matrix.") if det > 0: orientation = 1 else: orientation = -1 s11 = A[0][0]*A[0][0]+A[0][1]*A[0][1]+A[0][2]*A[0][2] s22 = A[1][0]*A[1][0]+A[1][1]*A[1][1]+A[1][2]*A[1][2] s33 = A[2][0]*A[2][0]+A[2][1]*A[2][1]+A[2][2]*A[2][2] s23 = A[1][0]*A[2][0]+A[1][1]*A[2][1]+A[1][2]*A[2][2] s13 = A[0][0]*A[2][0]+A[0][1]*A[2][1]+A[0][2]*A[2][2] s12 = A[0][0]*A[1][0]+A[0][1]*A[1][1]+A[0][2]*A[1][2] new = FracVector.create(((s11, s22, s33), (2*s23, 2*s13, 2*s12)), denom=basis.denom**2).simplify() return new, orientation
[docs]def basis_determinant(basis): try: return basis.det() except AttributeError: C = basis det = C[0][0]*C[1][1]*C[2][2] + C[0][1]*C[1][2]*C[2][0] + C[0][2]*C[1][0]*C[2][1] - C[0][2]*C[1][1]*C[2][0] - C[0][1]*C[1][0]*C[2][2] - C[0][0]*C[1][2]*C[2][1] return det
[docs]def vol_to_scale(basis, vol): det = float(basis_determinant(basis)) if abs(det) < 1e-12: raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: Too singular cell matrix.") return (float(vol)/(abs(det)))**(1.0/3.0)
# def scale_to_vol(basis,scale): # det = float(basis_determinant(basis)) # if abs(det) < 1e-12: # raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: Too singular cell matrix.") # return (((scale)**3)*(abs(det)))
[docs]def scale_to_vol(basis, scale): det = basis_determinant(basis) if abs(det) <= 0: raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: Too singular cell matrix.") return (((scale)**3)*(abs(det)))
[docs]def niggli_scale_to_vol(niggli_matrix, scale): niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) metric = niggli_to_metric(niggli_matrix) volsqr = metric.det() if volsqr == 0: raise Exception("niggli_vol_to_scale: singular cell matrix.") det = vectormath.sqrt(float(volsqr)) if abs(det) < 1e-12: raise Exception("niggli_scale_to_vol: singular cell matrix.") return (((scale)**3)*det)
[docs]def metric_to_niggli(cell): m = cell.noms return FracVector(((m[0][0], m[1][1], m[2][2]), (2*m[1][2], 2*m[0][2], 2*m[0][1])), cell.denom).simplify()
[docs]def cell_to_basis(cell): if cell is None: raise Exception("cell_to_basis: bad cell specification.") try: return cell.basis except AttributeError: pass if isinstance(cell, dict): if 'niggli_matrix' in cell: niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(cell['niggli_matrix']) if 'orientation' in cell: orientation = cell['orientation'] else: orientation = 1 basis = FracVector.use(niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=orientation)) elif 'a' in cell: lengths = FracVector.create((cell['a'], cell['b'], cell['c'])) cosangles = FracVector.create_cos((cell['a'], cell['b'], cell['c']), degrees=True) basis = lengths_and_cosangles_to_conventional_basis(lengths, cosangles) #niggli_matrix = lengths_cosangles_to_niggli(lengths,cosangles) #basis = FracVector.use(niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=1)) else: basis = FracVector.use(cell) return basis
[docs]def scaling_to_volume(basis, scaling): volume = None if isinstance(scaling, dict): if 'volume' in scaling: volume = scaling['volume'] elif 'scale' in scaling: scale = scaling['scale'] elif scaling > 0: scale = scaling else: volume = -scaling if volume is None: scale = FracVector.use(scale) volume = scale_to_vol(basis, scale) return volume
[docs]def main(): pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()