Source code for httk.atomistic.spacegrouputils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    Some parts imported from cif2cell, (C) Torbjörn Björkman 
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import pickle, re
from fractions import Fraction

from httk.core import citation, FracVector

# Load data extracted from cctbx
citation.add_src_citation("imported spacegroup data", "Computational Crystallography Toolbox,")
f = open(__file__.rstrip('.pyc').rstrip('.py')+".pkl",'rb')
allspacegroupdata = pickle.load(f)

spacegroupdata = allspacegroupdata['data']
itcnbr_index = allspacegroupdata['itc_nbr_index']
hm_index = allspacegroupdata['hm_index']
symops_hash_index = allspacegroupdata['symops_hash_index']
all_symops = allspacegroupdata['symops']

[docs]def symopshash(symops): data = [symopstuple(x) for x in symops] hashes = tuple(sorted([(hash(x[0]), hash(x[1])) for x in data])) return hash(hashes)
[docs]def val_to_tuple(val): frac = Fraction(val) if frac.denominator != 1: return (frac.numerator, frac.denominator) else: return frac.numerator
[docs]def symopstuple(symop, val_transform=val_to_tuple): symop = symop.replace(" ", "") transl = [0, 0, 0] transf = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] row = symop.split(",") for i in range(len(row)): parts = [x for x in re.split("([xyz+-])", row[i]) if x != ''] if parts[0] not in ['+', '-']: parts.insert(0, '+') if parts.pop(0) == '-': sign = "-" else: sign = "" val = None var = None while len(parts) > 0: data = parts.pop(0) if data in ('+', '-'): if var is not None: if val is None: val = '1' transf[i][var] = val_transform(sign + val) else: if val is None: val = '0' if val == '1': # why?!, who does this? val = '0' transl[i] = val_transform(val) val = None var = None sign = None if data == '+': sign = "" elif data == '-': sign = "-" elif data == 'x': var = 0 elif data == 'y': var = 1 elif data == 'z': var = 2 else: val = data fval = Fraction(val) if fval > 1: fval -= (fval.numerator // fval.denominator) val = str(fval.numerator) + '/' + str(fval.denominator) if sign == '-': if val == '3/4': val = '1/4' elif val == '1/4': val = '3/4' elif val == '1/2': pass elif val == '1/6': val = '5/6' elif val == '1': val = '0' else: raise Exception("Spacegrouputil: symopstuple: misformed data:"+str(val)) sign = '' if var is not None: if val is None: val = '1' transf[i][var] = val_transform(sign + val) else: if val is None: val = '0' if val == '1': # why?!, who does this? val = '0' transl[i] = val_transform(val) return tuple([tuple(x) for x in transf]), tuple(transl)
# Valid settings, from: # These are really crystal systems... crystal_system = [ 'triclinic', 'monoclinic', 'orthorhombic', 'tetragonal', 'rhombohedral', 'trigonal', 'hexagonal', 'cubic' ] # Valid origin, from: settings = [['b1', 'monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 1, abc'], ['b2', 'monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 2, abc'], ['b3', 'monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 3, abc'], ['-b1', 'monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 1, c-ba'], ['-b2', 'monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 2, c-ba'], ['-b3', 'monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 3, c-ba'], ['c1', 'monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 1, abc'], ['c2', 'monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 2, abc'], ['c3', 'monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 3, abc'], ['-c1', 'monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 1, ba-c'], ['-c2', 'monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 2, ba-c'], ['-c3', 'monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 3, ba-c'], ['a1', 'monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 1, abc'], ['a2', 'monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 2, abc'], ['a3', 'monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 3, abc'], ['-a1', 'monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 1, -acb'], ['-a2', 'monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 2, -acb'], ['-a3', 'monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 3, -acb'], ['abc', 'orthorhombic'], ['ba-c', 'orthorhombic'], ['cab', 'orthorhombic'], ['-cba', 'orthorhombic'], ['bca', 'orthorhombic'], ['a-cb', 'orthorhombic'], ['1abc', 'orthorhombic origin choice 1'], ['1ba-c', 'orthorhombic origin choice 1'], ['1cab', 'orthorhombic origin choice 1'], ['1-cba', 'orthorhombic origin choice 1'], ['1bca', 'orthorhombic origin choice 1'], ['1a-cb', 'orthorhombic origin choice 1'], ['2abc', 'orthorhombic origin choice 2'], ['2ba-c', 'orthorhombic origin choice 2'], ['2cab', 'orthorhombic origin choice 2'], ['2-cba', 'orthorhombic origin choice 2'], ['2bca', 'orthorhombic origin choice 2'], ['2a-cb', 'orthorhombic origin choice 2'], ['1', 'tetragonal or cubic origin choice 1'], ['2', 'tetragonal or cubic origin choice 2'], ['h', 'trigonal using hexagonal axes'], ['r', 'trigonal using rhombohedral axes']]
[docs]def symopsmatrix(symop): transf, transl = symopstuple(symop, val_transform=lambda x: x) return FracVector.create(transf), FracVector.create(transl)
[docs]def get_hall(hall): if hall in spacegroupdata: return hall return None
[docs]def get_symops(hall): if hall in spacegroupdata: return [symopsmatrix(x) for x in spacegroupdata[hall]['symops_mtrx']] return None
[docs]def get_symopshash(hall): if hall in spacegroupdata: return spacegroupdata[hall]['symops_hash'] return None
[docs]def get_symops_strs(hall): if hall in spacegroupdata: return spacegroupdata[hall]['symops_mtrx'] return None
[docs]def get_nonstandard_hall(nonstd_hall): #TODO: Get back list of nonstandard hall symbols in new structure if nonstd_hall in spacegroupdata: return nonstd_hall #for hall in spacegroupdata: # if nonstd_hall in spacegroupdata[hall][3]: # return hall return None
[docs]def get_itcnbr_setting(itcnbr, setting): try: itcnbr = int(itcnbr) except Exception: return None for hall in spacegroupdata: if itcnbr == spacegroupdata[hall]['itc_nbr'] and setting == spacegroupdata[hall]['setting']: return hall return None
[docs]def get_hm_setting(hm, setting): halls = hm_index[hm] for hall in halls: if spacegroupdata[hall]['setting'] == setting: return hall return None
[docs]def filter_itcnbr_setting(itcnbr, setting=None, halls=None): try: itcnbr = str(int(itcnbr)) except Exception: return [] if halls is None: halls = spacegroupdata.keys() if setting is not None: result = get_itcnbr_setting(itcnbr, setting) if result in halls: return [result] else: return [] if itcnbr in itcnbr_index: possible_halls = itcnbr_index[itcnbr] return list(set(halls) & set(possible_halls)) return []
[docs]def filter_hm(hm, setting=None, halls=None): # Note, this one works a bit differently than the other filters. If we do not recognize the hm symbol, # the filter does no filtering. This is since there are many non-standard hm symbols. if halls is None: halls = spacegroupdata.keys() if setting is not None: try: result = get_hm_setting(hm.strip(), setting.strip()) if result in halls: return [result] else: return halls except KeyError: pass if hm in hm_index: possible_halls = hm_index[hm] return list(set(halls) & set(possible_halls)) return halls
[docs]def filter_sf(sf, halls=None): if halls is None: halls = spacegroupdata.keys() outhalls = [] for hall in halls: if sf == spacegroupdata[hall]['sf_symb']: outhalls.append(hall) return outhalls
[docs]def filter_symops(symops, halls=None): global symopsindex if halls is None: halls = spacegroupdata.keys() symops_hash = symopshash(symops) if symops_hash in symops_hash_index: symop_hall = symops_hash_index[symops_hash] if symop_hall in halls: return [symop_hall] #print "FAILED?", halls, symops_hash, spacegroupdata[halls[0]]['symops_hash'] #print "************" #print sorted([(x,symopstuple(x)) for x in symops]) #print "************" #print sorted([(x,symopstuple(x)) for x in spacegroupdata[halls[0]]['symops_mtrx']]) #print "************" return []
[docs]def spacegroup_filter(parse): parse = str(parse).strip().replace("_", " ") # 1. Is this a proper hall symbol? hallparse = parse if hallparse[0] == '-': hallparse = "-"+hallparse[1].upper() + (hallparse[2:].lower()) else: hallparse = hallparse[0].upper() + (hallparse[1:].lower()) hall = get_hall(hallparse) if hall is not None: return [hall] # 2. Is this a non-standard hall symbol? hall = get_nonstandard_hall(hallparse) if hall is not None: return [hall] p = parse.partition(':') data = p[0] if p[2].strip() == '': setting = None else: setting = p[2].tolower() if setting is None: for s in settings: if s[1] in data: setting = s[0] data = data.replace(s[1], "").strip() # 3. ITC number (and setting) halls = filter_itcnbr_setting(data, setting) if len(halls) > 0: return halls # 4. HM symbol (and setting) halls = filter_hm(data, setting) if len(halls) > 0: return halls # 5. sf symbol halls = filter_sf(data) if len(halls) > 0: return halls return []
[docs]def spacegroup_filter_specific(hall=None, hm=None, itcnbr=None, setting=None, symops=None, halls=None): if halls is None: halls = spacegroupdata.keys() # 1. Is this a proper hall symbol? if hall is not None: hallparse = str(hall).strip().replace("_", " ") if hallparse[0] == '-': hallparse = "-"+hallparse[1].upper() + (hallparse[2:].lower()) else: hallparse = hallparse[0].upper() + (hallparse[1:].lower()) # Sometimes a commment, e.g., about the setting follows the hall symbol # But some hall symbols should have paranthesis... #if '(' in hallparse: # hallparse, _dummy1, _dummy2 = hallparse.partition('(') # hallparse = hallparse.strip() hall = get_hall(hallparse) if hall in halls or halls is None: halls = [hall] # 2. Is this a non-standard hall symbol? hall = get_nonstandard_hall(hallparse) if hall in halls or halls is None: halls = [hall] if itcnbr is not None: itcnbr = str(itcnbr) if setting is None: p = itcnbr.partition(':') data = p[0] if p[2].strip() == '': setting = None else: setting = p[2].tolower() if setting is None: for s in settings: if s[1] in data: setting = s[0] data = data.replace(s[1], "").strip() # 3. ITC number (and setting) halls = filter_itcnbr_setting(data, setting, halls=halls) if hm is not None: p = hm.partition(':') data = p[0] if p[2].strip() == '': setting = None else: setting = p[2].lower() # 4. HM symbol (and setting) halls = filter_hm(data, setting, halls=halls) if symops is not None: halls = filter_symops(symops, halls) return halls
[docs]def spacegroup_parse(parse): result = spacegroup_filter(parse) if len(result) == 1: return result[0] elif len(result) == 0: raise Exception("No matching spacegroup found from given information:"+str(parse)) raise Exception("Spacegroup not uniquely defined from given information:"+str(parse)+" found "+str(len(result))+" candidates:"+str(result))
[docs]def spacegroup_get_schoenflies(parse): return spacegroupdata[spacegroup_parse(parse)]['sf_symb']
[docs]def spacegroup_get_hm(parse): return spacegroupdata[spacegroup_parse(parse)][2]['hm_symb']
[docs]def spacegroup_get_hall(parse): return spacegroup_parse(parse)
[docs]def spacegroup_get_number(parse): val = spacegroupdata[spacegroup_parse(parse)]['itc_nbr'] if val is not None: return int(val) else: return None
[docs]def spacegroup_get_number_and_setting(parse): hall = spacegroup_parse(parse) val = spacegroupdata[spacegroup_parse(parse)]['itc_nbr'] if val is not None: val = int(val) return val, spacegroupdata[hall]['setting']
citation.add_src_citation("imported code from cif2cell", "Torbjörn Björkman") # Imported from cif2cell by Torbjörn Björkman,
[docs]def crystal_system_from_spacegroupnbr(spacegroupnr): # Determine crystal system if 0 < spacegroupnr <= 2: return "triclinic" elif 2 < spacegroupnr <= 15: return "monoclinic" elif 15 < spacegroupnr <= 74: return "orthorhombic" elif 74 < spacegroupnr <= 142: return "tetragonal" elif 142 < spacegroupnr <= 167: return "trigonal" elif 167 < spacegroupnr <= 194: return "hexagonal" elif 194 < spacegroupnr <= 230: return "cubic" else: return "unknown"
lattice_types = {'P': 'primitive', 'I': 'body-centered', 'F': 'face-centered', 'A': 'base-centered', 'B': 'base-centered', 'C': 'base-centered', 'R': 'rhombohedral'}
[docs]def lattice_symbol_from_hall(hall): return hall.lstrip("-")[0][0]
[docs]def lattice_system_from_hall(hall): crystal_system = crystal_system_from_hall(hall) if crystal_system != 'triclinic': return crystal_system lattice_symbol = lattice_symbol_from_hall(hall) if lattice_symbol == 'R': return 'rhombohedral' else: return 'hexagonal'
[docs]def lattice_type_from_hall(hall): return lattice_types[lattice_symbol_from_hall(hall)]
[docs]def crystal_system_from_hall(hall_symb): numb = spacegroup_get_number(hall_symb) return crystal_system_from_spacegroupnbr(numb)
[docs]def check_symop(coordgroups, symopv): for coordgroup in coordgroups: for coord in coordgroup: transformed_coord = (symopv[0]*coord + symopv[1]).normalize() if transformed_coord not in coordgroup: return False return True
[docs]def wyckoff_symbol_matcher(wyckoffs, coord): for spec, letter in wyckoffs: parts = spec.split(',') spec = re.sub('([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)', r'Fraction(\1,\2)', spec) x, y, z = (0, 0, 0) if parts[0] == 'x': x = coord[0] if parts[1] == 'x': x = coord[1] if parts[1] == 'x': x = coord[2] if parts[1] == 'y': y = coord[1] if parts[1] == 'y': y = coord[2] if parts[2] == 'z': z = coord[2] check_coord = eval('['+spec+']', {'Fraction': Fraction}, {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}) if coord == check_coord: return letter return wyckoffs[-1][1]
[docs]def reduce_by_symops(coordgroups, symopvs, hall_symbol): letters = spacegroupdata[hall_symbol]['wyckoff_letter'] mults = spacegroupdata[hall_symbol]['wyckoff_mult'] wyckoffs = [] for letter, spec in sorted(zip(letters, spacegroupdata[hall_symbol]['wyckoff_rep_spec_pos_op'])): wyckoffs += [(spec, letter)] reduced_coordgroups = [] wyckoff_symbols = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: keep_coords = [] for coord in coordgroup: for symopv in symopvs: transformed_coord = (symopv[0]*coord + symopv[1]).normalize() if transformed_coord in keep_coords: break else: keep_coords += [coord] wyckoff_symbols += [wyckoff_symbol_matcher(wyckoffs, coord)] reduced_coordgroups += [keep_coords] #wyckoff_symbols = ['a']*sum([len(x) for x in coordgroups]) #multiplicities = [1]*sum([len(x) for x in coordgroups]) multiplicities = [mults[letters.index(x)] for x in wyckoff_symbols] return reduced_coordgroups, wyckoff_symbols, multiplicities
[docs]def trivial_symmetry_reduce(coordgroups): """ Looks for 'trivial' ways to reduce the coordinates in the given coordgroups by a standard set of symmetry operations. This is not a symmetry finder (and it is not intended to be), but for a standard primitive cell taken from a standard conventional cell, it reverses the primitive unit cell coordgroups into the symmetry reduced coordgroups. """ # TODO: Actually implement, instead of this placeholder that just gives up and returns P 1 symops = [] symopvs = [] for symop in all_symops: symopv = FracVector.create(symop) if check_symop(coordgroups, symopv): symops += [all_symops[symop]] symopvs += [symopv] shash = symopshash(symops) if shash in symops_hash_index: hall_symbol = symops_hash_index[shash] rc_reduced_coordgroups, wyckoff_symbols, multiplicities = reduce_by_symops(coordgroups, symopvs, hall_symbol) return rc_reduced_coordgroups, hall_symbol, wyckoff_symbols, multiplicities rc_reduced_coordgroups = coordgroups hall_symbol = 'P 1' wyckoff_symbols = ['a']*sum([len(x) for x in coordgroups]) multiplicities = [1]*sum([len(x) for x in coordgroups]) return rc_reduced_coordgroups, hall_symbol, wyckoff_symbols, multiplicities
[docs]def main(): print allspacegroupdata['symops'] #result = spacegroup_filter('134') #print result pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()