Source code for httk.core.geometry

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Basic geometry helper functions
from __future__ import division
from vectors import FracVector
from vectors import MutableFracVector

[docs]def is_point_inside_cell(cell, point): """ Checks if a given triple-vector is inside the cell given by the basis matrix in cell """ p1 = FracVector((0, 0, 0)) p2 = cell[0] p3 = cell[1] p4 = cell[0]+cell[1] p5 = cell[2] p6 = cell[0]+cell[2] p7 = cell[1]+cell[2] p8 = cell[0]+cell[1]+cell[2] tetras = [None]*6 tetras[0] = [p1, p2, p3, p6] tetras[1] = [p2, p3, p4, p6] tetras[2] = [p3, p4, p6, p8] tetras[3] = [p3, p6, p7, p8] tetras[4] = [p3, p5, p6, p7] tetras[5] = [p1, p3, p5, p6] for tetra in tetras: if is_point_inside_tetra(tetra, point): return True return False
[docs]def is_point_inside_tetra(tetra, point): """ Checks if a point is inside the tretrahedra spanned by the coordinates in tetra """ D0 = FracVector(((tetra[0][0], tetra[0][1], tetra[0][2], 1), (tetra[1][0], tetra[1][1], tetra[1][2], 1), (tetra[2][0], tetra[2][1], tetra[2][2], 1), (tetra[3][0], tetra[3][1], tetra[3][2], 1))) D1 = FracVector(((point[0], point[1], point[2], 1), (tetra[1][0], tetra[1][1], tetra[1][2], 1), (tetra[2][0], tetra[2][1], tetra[2][2], 1), (tetra[3][0], tetra[3][1], tetra[3][2], 1))) D2 = FracVector(((tetra[0][0], tetra[0][1], tetra[0][2], 1), (point[0], point[1], point[2], 1), (tetra[2][0], tetra[2][1], tetra[2][2], 1), (tetra[3][0], tetra[3][1], tetra[3][2], 1))) D3 = FracVector(((tetra[0][0], tetra[0][1], tetra[0][2], 1), (tetra[1][0], tetra[1][1], tetra[1][2], 1), (point[0], point[1], point[2], 1), (tetra[3][0], tetra[3][1], tetra[3][2], 1))) D4 = FracVector(((tetra[0][0], tetra[0][1], tetra[0][2], 1), (tetra[1][0], tetra[1][1], tetra[1][2], 1), (tetra[2][0], tetra[2][1], tetra[2][2], 1), (point[0], point[1], point[2], 1))) d0 = D0.det() if d0 < 0: s0 = -1 else: s0 = 1 d1 = D1.det() d2 = D2.det() d3 = D3.det() d4 = D4.det() if abs(d0) == 0: return False if (d1.sign() == s0 or d1 == 0) and (d2.sign() == s0 or d2 == 0) and (d3.sign() == s0 or d3 == 0) and (d4.sign() == s0 or d4 == 0): return True return False
[docs]def is_any_part_of_cube_inside_cell(cell, midpoint, side): """ Checks if any part of a cube is inside the cell spanned by the vectors in cell """ ps = [midpoint+FracVector((x, y, z))*side for x in [-1, 1] for y in [-1, 1] for z in [-1, 1]] for p in ps: if is_point_inside_cell(cell, p): return True return False
[docs]def hull_z(points, zs): """ points: a list of points=(x,y,..) with zs= a list of z values; a convex half-hull is constructed over negative z-values returns data on the following format.:: { 'hull_points': indices in points list for points that make up the convex hull, 'interior_points':indices for points in the interior, 'interior_zs':interior_zs 'zs_on_hull': hull z values for each point (for points on the hull, the value of the hull if this point is excluded) 'closest_points': list of best linear combination of other points for each point 'closest_weights': weights of best linear combination of other points for each point } where hull_points and interior_points are lists of the points on the hull and inside the hull. and hull_zs is a list of z-values that the hull *would have* at that point, had this point not been included. interior_zs is a list of z-values that the hull has at the interior points. """ hull_points = [] non_hull_points = [] hull_distances = [] closest_points = [] closest_weights = [] zvalues = len(zs) coeffs = len(points[0]) #print "zvalues",zvalues #print "coeffs",coeffs for i in range(zvalues): #print "SEND IN",[zs[j] for j in range(zvalues) if j != i] a = FracVector.create([zs[j] for j in range(zvalues) if j != i]) b = [None]*coeffs c = [None]*coeffs includepoints = [j for j in range(len(points)) if i != j] for j in range(coeffs): b[j] = FracVector.create([points[x][j] for x in includepoints]) c[j] = points[i][j] # if i == 0: # print "A",a.to_floats() # print "B",[x.to_floats() for x in b] # print "C",c solution = simplex_le_solver(a, b, c) val = solution[0] # if i == 0: # print "VAL",val # print "SOL",solution[1] # print "MAPPED SOL",[(solution[1][i],includepoints[i]) for i in range(len(solution[1]))] # closest = solution[1] thisclosestpoints = [] thisclosestweights = [] for j in range(len(closest)): sol = closest[j] if sol != 0: thisclosestpoints += [includepoints[j]] thisclosestweights += [sol] #print "I AM",i,"I disolve into:",includepoints[j],"*",float(sol),"(",j,")" closest_points += [thisclosestpoints] closest_weights += [thisclosestweights] hull_distances += [zs[i] - val] if zs[i] <= val: hull_points += [i] else: non_hull_points += [i] return {'hull_indices': hull_points, 'interior_indices': non_hull_points, 'hull_distances': hull_distances, 'competing_indices': closest_points, 'competing_weights': closest_weights, }
[docs]def numpy_quickhull_2d(sample): import numpy as np link = lambda a, b: np.concatenate((a, b[1:])) edge = lambda a, b: np.concatenate(([a], [b])) def dome(sample, base): h, t = base dists =,, -1), (1, 0)), (t-h))) outer = np.repeat(sample, dists > 0, 0) if len(outer): pivot = sample[np.argmax(dists)] return link(dome(outer, edge(h, pivot)), dome(outer, edge(pivot, t))) else: return base if len(sample) > 2: axis = sample[:, 0] base = np.take(sample, [np.argmin(axis), np.argmax(axis)], 0) return link(dome(sample, base), dome(sample, base[::-1])) else: return sample
# TODO: Speed up. Is FracVector really needed? Can we make a pure integer version?
[docs]def simplex_le_solver(a, b, c): """ Minimizie func = a[0]*x + a[1]*y + a[2]*z + ... With constraints:: b[0,0]x + b[0,1]y + b[0,2]z + ... <= c[0] b[1,0]x + b[1,1]y + b[1,2]z + ... <= c[1] ... x,y,z, ... >= 0 Algorithm adapted from 'taw9', """ Na = len(a) Nc = len(c) obj = a.get_insert(0, 1) M = [] for i in range(Nc): obj = obj.get_append(0) ident = [0]*Nc ident[i] = 1 M += [b[i].get_insert(0, 0).get_extend(ident).get_append(c[i])] M = MutableFracVector.create(M) obj = obj.get_append(0) base = range(Na, Na+Nc) while not min(obj[1:-1]) >= 0: pivot_col = obj[1:-1].argmin() + 1 rhs = M[:, -1] lhs = M[:, pivot_col] nonzero = [i for i in range(len(rhs)) if lhs[i] != 0] pivot_row = min(nonzero, key=lambda i: rhs[i]/lhs[i]) M[pivot_row] = (M[pivot_row]/(M[pivot_row][pivot_col])).simplify() for i in range(Nc): if i == pivot_row: continue M[i] = (M[i] - M[i][pivot_col]*M[pivot_row]).simplify() obj = (obj - obj[pivot_col]*M[pivot_row]).simplify() base[pivot_row] = pivot_col-1 solution = [0]*Na for j in range(Nc): if obj[base[j]+1] == 0 and base[j] < Na: solution[base[j]] = M[j][-1].simplify() return FracVector.create(-obj[-1]), FracVector.create(solution)
if __name__ == '__main__': a = FracVector.create([-3, -2]) b = FracVector.create([[2, 1], [2, 3], [3, 1]]) c = FracVector.create([18, 42, 24]) print simplex_le_solver(a, b, c) exit(0) from pylab import * xsample = FracVector.random((5, 1), 0, 100, 100) xsample = FracVector.create([[x[0], 1-x[0]] for x in xsample] + [[1, 0]] + [[0, 1]]) ysample = (-1*FracVector.random((5,), 0, 100, 100)).get_extend([0, 0]) hull = hull_z(xsample, ysample) hull_points = xsample[hull['hull_points']] hull_zs = ysample[hull['hull_points']] reidx = sorted(range(len(hull_points)), key=lambda el: hull_points[el][0]) hull_points = [hull_points[i] for i in reidx] hull_zs = [hull_zs[i] for i in reidx] xvals = [x[0] for x in xsample] yvals = ysample scatter(xvals, yvals, s=80, marker="x") oldx = hull_points[0][0] oldy = hull_zs[0] for i in range(1, len(hull_points)): x = hull_points[i][0] y = hull_zs[i] plot([oldx, x], [oldy, y], color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) oldx = x oldy = y show()