Source code for httk.core.vectors.fracvector

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import sys, fractions, random, operator, itertools, decimal
from functools import reduce
from fracmath import *
from vector import Vector

# Utility functions needed before defining the class (due to some of them being statically assigned)

[docs]def nested_map_tuple(op, *ls): """ Map an operator over a nested tuple. (i.e., the same as the built-in map(), but works recursively on a nested tuple) """ if isinstance(ls[0], (tuple, list)): if len(ls[0]) == 0 or not isinstance(ls[0][0], (tuple, list)): return tuple(map(op, *ls)) return tuple(map(lambda *items: nested_map_tuple(op, *items), *ls)) return op(*ls)
[docs]def nested_map_fractions_tuple(op, *ls): """ Map an operator over a nested tuple, but checks every element for a method to_fractions() and uses this to further convert objects into tuples of Fraction. """ if hasattr(ls[0], 'to_fractions'): ls = list(ls) ls[0] = ls[0].to_fractions() if not isinstance(ls[0], basestring): try: dummy = iter(ls[0]) except TypeError: dummy = None pass if dummy is not None: return tuple(map(lambda *items: nested_map_fractions_tuple(op, *items), *ls)) return op(*ls)
# Class definition
[docs]class FracVector(Vector): """ FracVector is a general *immutable* N-dimensional vector (tensor) class for performing linear algebra with fractional numbers. A FracVector consists of a multidimensional tuple of integer nominators, and a single shared integer denominator. Since FracVectors are immutable, every operation on a FracVector returns a new FracVector with the result of the operation. A created FracVector never changes. Hence, they are safe to use as keys in dictionaries, to use in sets, etc. Note: most methods returns FracVector results that are not simplified (i.e., the FracVector returned does *not* have the smallest possible integer denominator). To return a FracVector with the smallest possible denominator, just call FracVector.simplify() at the last step. """ #### Static methods to overload in subclasses # a map-type function that handles nested sequences nested_map = staticmethod(nested_map_tuple) # a map-type function that handles nested sequences and objects that can be converted into fractions nested_map_fractions = staticmethod(nested_map_fractions_tuple) # a method used to copy the nominator sequence _dup_noms = staticmethod(tuple) #### Creation def __init__(self, noms, denom=1): """ Low overhead constructor. noms: nested *tuples* (may not be lists!) of nominator integers denom: integer denominator Represents the tensor (1/denom)*(noms) If you want to create a FracVector from something else than tuples, use the FracVector.create() method. """ self.noms = noms self.denom = denom self._dim = None
[docs] @classmethod def use(cls, old): """ Make sure variable is a FracVector, and if not, convert it. """ if isinstance(old, FracVector): return old else: try: fracvec = old.to_FracVector() return cls.__init__(fracvec.noms, fracvec.denom) except Exception: pass return cls.create(old)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, noms, denom=None, simplify=True, chain=False, min_accuracy=fractions.Fraction(1,10000)): """ Create a FracVector from various types of sequences. Simplest use:: FracVector.create(some_kind_of_sequence) where 'some_kind_of_sequence' can be any nested list or tuple of objects that can be used in the constructor of the Python Fraction class (also works with strings!). If any object found while traveling the items has a .to_fractions() method, it will be called and is expected to return a fraction or list or tuple of fractions. Optional parameters: - Invocation with denominator: FracVector.create(nominators,denominator) nominators is any sequence, and denominator a common denominator to divide all nominators with - simplify: boolean, return a FracVector with the smallest possible denominator. - chain: boolean, remove outermost dimension and chain the sub-sequences. I.e., if input=[[1 2 3],[4,5,6]], then FracVector.create(input) -> [1,2,3,4,5,6] Relevant: FracVector itself implements .to_fractions(), and hence, the same constructor allows stacking several FracVector objects like this:: vertical_fracvector = FracVector.create([[fracvector1],[fracvector2]]) horizontal_fracvector = FracVector.create([fracvector1,fracvector2],chain=True) - min_accuracy: set to a boolean to adjust the minimum accuracy assumed in string input. The default is 1/10000, i.e. 0.33 = 0.3300 = 33/100, whereas 0.3333 = 1/3. Set it to None to assume infinite accuracy, i.e., convert exactly whatever string is given (unless a standard deviation is given as a parenthesis after the string.) """ def getlcd(a, y): b = abs(y).denominator return a * b // fractions.gcd(a, b) def getnumerators(x): return (x * lcd).numerator fracnoms = cls.nested_map_fractions(lambda x: any_to_fraction(x, min_accuracy=min_accuracy), noms) lcd = nested_reduce_fractions(lambda x, y: getlcd(x, y), fracnoms, initializer=1) v_noms = cls.nested_map_fractions(lambda x: getnumerators(x), fracnoms) if chain: v_noms = cls._dup_noms(itertools.chain(*v_noms)) if denom is None: v = cls(v_noms, lcd) else: v = cls(v_noms, lcd * denom) if simplify and v.denom != 1: v = v.simplify() return v
# Note, these are different, and thus named different (get_ prefix), than the corresponding methods in a list, since # they do not modify the vector itself.
[docs] def get_append(self, other): return self.__class__.create([self, [other]], chain=True)
[docs] def get_extend(self, other): return self.__class__.create([self, other], chain=True)
[docs] def get_insert(self, pos, other): return self.__class__.create([self[:pos], [other], self[pos:]], chain=True)
[docs] def get_prepend(self, other): return self.__class__.create([[other], self], chain=True)
[docs] def get_prextend(self, other): return self.__class__.create([other, self], chain=True)
[docs] def get_stacked(self, other): return self.__class__.create([self, [other]])
[docs] def ged_prestacked(self, other): return self.__class__.create([[other], self])
[docs] def ged_stackedinsert(self, pos, other): return self.__class__.create([self[:pos], [other], self[pos:]], chain=True)
[docs] @classmethod def chain_vecs(cls, vecs): """ Optimized chaining of FracVectors. vecs: a list (or tuple) of fracvectors. Returns the same thing as FracVector.create(vecs,chain=True) i.e., removes outermost dimension and chain the sub-sequences. If input=[[1 2 3],[4,5,6]], then FracVector.chain(input) -> [1,2,3,4,5,6] but this method assumes all vectors share the same denominator (it raises an exception if this is not true) """ noms = [] denom = vecs[0].denom for vec in vecs: if vec.denom != denom: raise Exception("ExactVector.merge: can only work with vectors sharing the same denom.") noms += vec.noms noms = cls._dup_noms(noms) return cls(noms, denom)
[docs] @classmethod def stack_vecs(cls, vecs): """ Optimized stacking of FracVectors. vecs = a list (or tuple) of fracvectors. Returns the same thing as:: FracVector.create(vecs) but only works if all vectors share the same denominator (raises an exception if this is not true) """ noms = [] denom = vecs[0].denom for vec in vecs: if vec.denom != denom: raise Exception("ExactVector.stack: can only work with vectors sharing the same denom.") noms += [vec.noms] noms = cls._dup_noms(noms) return cls(noms, denom)
[docs] @classmethod def eye(cls, dims): """ Create a diagonal one-matrix with the given dimensions """ return cls.create(tuple_eye(dims))
[docs] @classmethod def zeros(cls, dims): """ Create a zero matrix with the given dimensions """ return cls.create(tuple_zeros(dims))
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, dims, minnom=-100, maxnom=100, denom=100): """ Create a zero matrix with the given dimensions """ return cls.create(tuple_random(dims, minval=minnom, maxval=maxnom), denom)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, t): """ Return a FracVector created from the tuple representation: (denom, ...noms...), returned by the to_tuple() method. """ return cls(t[1:], t[0])
[docs] @classmethod def from_floats(cls, l, resolution=2**32): """ Create a FracVector from a (nested) list or tuple of floats. You can convert a numpy array with this method if you use A.tolist() resolution: the resolution used for interpreting the given floating point numbers. Default is 2^32. """ eps = (1.0 / resolution) * 0.1 gcd = nested_reduce(lambda x, y: fractions.gcd(x, abs(int((y + eps) * resolution))), l, initializer=resolution) noms = cls.nested_map(lambda x: int((x + eps) * resolution) // gcd, l) denom = resolution / gcd return cls(noms, denom)
@classmethod def _create_func(cls, data, func, find_best_rational = True, **args): def apply_func(arg): if is_string(arg): if find_best_rational: val, delta = string_to_val_and_delta(arg) low = val-delta high = val+delta lowval = func(low, **args) highval = func(high, **args) return best_rational_in_interval(lowval, highval) else: val, delta = string_to_val_and_delta(arg) if 'prec' in args: low = val-fractions.Fraction(args['prec'])*10 high = val+fractions.Fraction(args['prec'])*10 else: low = val-fractions.Fraction(1,100000000000) high = val+fractions.Fraction(1,100000000000) lowval = func(low, **args) highval = func(high, **args) return best_rational_in_interval(lowval, highval) else: try: return func(arg.to_fraction()) except Exception: return func(fractions.Fraction(arg)) newdata = nested_map_tuple(apply_func, data) return cls.create(newdata)
[docs] @classmethod def create_cos(cls, data, degrees=False, limit=False, find_best_rational=True, prec=fractions.Fraction(1, 1000000)): """ Creating a FracVector as the cosine of the argument data. If data are composed by strings, the standard deviation of the numbers are taken into account, and the best possible fractional approximation to the cosines of the data are returned within the standard deviation. This is not the same as FracVector.create(data).cos(), which creates the best possible fractional approximations of data and then takes cos on that. """ return cls._create_func(data, frac_cos, find_best_rational = find_best_rational, degrees=degrees, limit=limit, prec=prec)
[docs] @classmethod def create_sin(cls, data, degrees=False, limit=False, prec=fractions.Fraction(1, 1000000)): """ Creating a FracVector as the sine of the argument data. If data are composed by strings, the standard deviation of the numbers are taken into account, and the best possible fractional approximation to the cosines of the data are returned within the standard deviation. This is not the same as FracVector.create(data).sin(), which creates the best possible fractional approximations of data and then takes cos on that. """ return cls._create_func(data, frac_sin, degrees=degrees, limit=limit, prec=prec)
[docs] @classmethod def create_exp(cls, data, prec=fractions.Fraction(1, 1000000),limit=False): """ Creating a FracVector as the exponent of the argument data. If data are composed by strings, the standard deviation of the numbers are taken into account, and the best possible fractional approximation to the cosines of the data are returned within the standard deviation. This is not the same as FracVector.create(data).exp(), which creates the best possible fractional approximations of data and then takes exp on that. """ return cls._create_func(data, frac_exp, limit=limit, prec=prec)
[docs] @classmethod def pi(cls, prec=fractions.Fraction(1, 1000000), limit=False): """ Create a scalar FracVector with a rational approximation of pi to precision prec. """ return cls.create(frac_pi(prec,limit=limit))
#### Properties @property def dim(self): """ This property returns a tuple with the dimensionality of each dimension of the FracVector (the noms are assumed to be a nested list of rectangular shape). """ if self._dim is None: dimchk = self.noms self._dim = () while True: try: d = len(dimchk) except TypeError: break if d > 0: self._dim += (d,) dimchk = dimchk[0] else: break return self._dim @property def nom(self): """ Returns the integer nominator of a scalar FracVector. """ if self.dim != (): raise Exception("FracVector.nom: attempt to access scalar nominator on non-scalar FracVector:"+str(self)) return self.noms #### Methods
[docs] def validate(self): # TODO: check all dimensions and make sure noms is a square tensor of only tuples return True
[docs] def to_tuple(self): """ Return a FracVector on tuple representation: (denom, ...noms...). """ return (self.denom, self.noms)
[docs] def to_floats(self): """ Converts the ExactVector to a list of floats. """ #denom = float(self.denom) #return nested_map_list(lambda x: float(x) / denom, self.noms) return nested_map_list(lambda x: float(fractions.Fraction(x, self.denom)), self.noms)
[docs] def to_float(self): """ Converts a scalar ExactVector to a single float. """ #try: # return float(self.nom) / float(self.denom) #except OverflowError: return float(fractions.Fraction(self.nom, self.denom))
[docs] def to_fractions(self): """ Converts the FracVector to a list of fractions. """ return nested_map_list(lambda x: fractions.Fraction(x, self.denom), self.noms)
[docs] def to_ints(self): """ Converts the FracVector to a list of integers, rounded off as best possible. """ return nested_map_list(lambda x: round(fractions.Fraction(x, self.denom)), self.noms)
[docs] def to_strings(self, accuracy=8): """ Converts the ExactVector to a list of strings. """ #denom = float(self.denom) #return nested_map_list(lambda x: float(x) / denom, self.noms) #return nested_map_list(lambda x: "%."+str(accuracy)+"f" % (fractions.Fraction(x, self.denom),), self.noms) return nested_map_list(lambda x: ("%."+str(accuracy)+"f") % (fractions.Fraction(x, self.denom),), self.noms)
[docs] def to_string(self, accuracy=8): """ Converts the ExactVector to a list of strings. """ #denom = float(self.denom) #return nested_map_list(lambda x: float(x) / denom, self.noms) return ("%."+str(accuracy)+"f") % (fractions.Fraction(self.nom, self.denom),)
[docs] def to_fraction(self): """ Converts scalar FracVector to a fraction. """ return fractions.Fraction(self.nom, self.denom)
[docs] def to_int(self): """ Converts scalar FracVector to an integer (truncating as necessary). """ #return int(round(fractions.Fraction(self.nom, self.denom))+0.1) return int(self)
[docs] def flatten(self): """ Returns a FracVector that has been flattened out to a single rowvector """ noms = nested_reduce(lambda x, y: x + [y], self.noms, initializer=[]) return self.__class__(self._dup_noms(noms), self.denom)
[docs] @classmethod def set_common_denom(cls, A, B): """ Used internally to combine two different FracVectors. Returns a tuple (A2,B2,denom) where A2 is numerically equal to A, and B2 is numerically equal to B, but A2 and B2 are both set on the same shared denominator 'denom' which is the *product* of the denominator of A and B. """ if not isinstance(A, FracVector): A = cls(A, 1) if not isinstance(B, FracVector): B = cls(B, 1) denom = A.denom * B.denom mA = B.denom mB = A.denom Anoms = A._map_over_noms(lambda x: x * mA) Bnoms = B._map_over_noms(lambda x: x * mB) return cls(Anoms, denom), cls(Bnoms, denom), denom
[docs] def sign(self): """ Returns the sign of the scalar FracVector: -1, 0 or 1. """ if self.dim != (): raise Exception("FracVector.nom: attempt to access scalar nominator on non-scalar FracVector.") if self.noms < 0: return -1 elif self.noms > 0: return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def T(self): """ Returns the transpose, A^T. """ dim = self.dim if len(dim) == 0: return self.__class__(self.noms, self.denom) elif len(dim) == 1: noms = self._dup_noms((self.noms[col],) for col in range(dim[0])) return self.__class__(noms, self.denom) elif len(dim) == 2: noms = self._dup_noms(self._dup_noms(self.noms[col][row] for col in range(dim[0])) for row in range(dim[1])) return self.__class__(noms, self.denom) raise Exception("FracVector.T(): on non 1 or 2 dimensional object not implemented")
[docs] def det(self): """ Returns the determinant of the FracVector as a scalar FracVector. """ dim = self.dim if dim == (3, 3): A = self.noms noms = A[0][0] * A[1][1] * A[2][2] + A[0][1] * A[1][2] * A[2][0] + A[0][2] * A[1][0] * A[2][1] - A[0][2] * A[1][1] * A[2][0] - A[0][1] * A[1][0] * A[2][2] - A[0][0] * A[1][2] * A[2][1] return self.__class__(noms, self.denom ** 3) elif dim == (4, 4): A = self.noms noms = \ A[0][0] * A[1][1] * A[2][2] * A[3][3] + A[0][0] * A[2][1] * A[3][2] * A[1][3] + A[0][0] * A[3][1] * A[1][2] * A[2][3] \ + A[1][0] * A[0][1] * A[3][2] * A[2][3] + A[1][0] * A[2][1] * A[0][2] * A[3][3] + A[1][0] * A[3][1] * A[2][2] * A[0][3] \ + A[2][0] * A[0][1] * A[1][2] * A[3][3] + A[2][0] * A[1][1] * A[3][2] * A[0][3] + A[2][0] * A[3][1] * A[0][2] * A[1][3] \ + A[3][0] * A[0][1] * A[2][2] * A[1][3] + A[3][0] * A[1][1] * A[0][2] * A[2][3] + A[3][0] * A[2][1] * A[1][2] * A[0][3] \ - A[0][0] * A[1][1] * A[3][2] * A[2][3] - A[0][0] * A[2][1] * A[1][2] * A[3][3] - A[0][0] * A[3][1] * A[2][2] * A[1][3] \ - A[1][0] * A[0][1] * A[2][2] * A[3][3] - A[1][0] * A[2][1] * A[3][2] * A[0][3] - A[1][0] * A[3][1] * A[0][2] * A[2][3] \ - A[2][0] * A[0][1] * A[3][2] * A[1][3] - A[2][0] * A[1][1] * A[0][2] * A[3][3] - A[2][0] * A[3][1] * A[1][2] * A[0][3] \ - A[3][0] * A[0][1] * A[1][2] * A[2][3] - A[3][0] * A[1][1] * A[2][2] * A[0][3] - A[3][0] * A[2][1] * A[0][2] * A[1][3] return self.__class__(noms, self.denom ** 4) raise Exception("FracVector.det: on non 3x3 or 4x4 matrix not implemented. Matrix was:"+str(dim))
[docs] def inv(self): """ Returns the matrix inverse, A^-1 """ dim = self.dim if dim == (): # For a FracScalar, just swap denominator and nominator return self.__class__(self.denom, self.nom) if dim != (3, 3): raise Exception("FracVector.inv: only scalar and 3x3 matrix implemented") # We are dividing with a determinant giving self.denom**3 in nominator, and # from the matrix 1/self.denom**2 falls out -> one factor of self.denom in nominator det = self.det() det_nom = det.nom if det_nom == 0: raise Exception("ExactVector.inverse: cannot take inverse of singular matrix.") if det_nom < 0: denom = -det_nom m = -self.denom else: denom = det_nom m = self.denom A = self.noms noms = self._dup_noms(( self._dup_noms((m * (A[1][1] * A[2][2] - A[1][2] * A[2][1]), m * (A[0][2] * A[2][1] - A[0][1] * A[2][2]), m * (A[0][1] * A[1][2] - A[0][2] * A[1][1])),), self._dup_noms((m * (A[1][2] * A[2][0] - A[1][0] * A[2][2]), m * (A[0][0] * A[2][2] - A[0][2] * A[2][0]), m * (A[0][2] * A[1][0] - A[0][0] * A[1][2])),), self._dup_noms((m * (A[1][0] * A[2][1] - A[1][1] * A[2][0]), m * (A[0][1] * A[2][0] - A[0][0] * A[2][1]), m * (A[0][0] * A[1][1] - A[0][1] * A[1][0])),) )) return self.__class__(noms, denom)
[docs] def simplify(self): """ Returns a reduced FracVector. I.e., each element has the same numerical value but the new FracVector represents them using the smallest possible shared denominator. """ noms = self.noms denom = self.denom if self.denom != 1: gcd = self._reduce_over_noms(lambda x, y: fractions.gcd(x, abs(y)), initializer=self.denom) if gcd != 1: denom = denom / gcd noms = self._map_over_noms(lambda x: int(x / gcd)) return self.__class__(noms, denom)
[docs] def set_denominator(self, set_denom=1000000000): """ Returns a FracVector of reduced resolution where every element is the closest numerical approximation using this denominator. """ denom = self.denom def limit_resolution_one(x): low = (x * set_denom) // denom if x * set_denom * 2 > (low * 2 + 1) * denom: return low + 1 else: return low noms = self._map_over_noms(limit_resolution_one) return self.__class__(noms, set_denom)
[docs] def limit_denominator(self, max_denom=1000000000): """ Returns a FracVector of reduced resolution. resolution: each element in the returned FracVector is the closest numerical approximation that can is allowed by a fraction with maximally this denominator. Note: since all elements must be put on a common denominator, the result may have a larger denominator than max_denom """ denom = self.denom newvalues = self._map_over_noms(lambda x: fractions.Fraction(x, denom).limit_denominator(max_denom)) return self.__class__.create(newvalues)
[docs] def floor(self): """ Returns the integer that is equal to or just below the value stored in a scalar FracVector. """ if self.dim != (): raise Exception("FracVector.floor: Needs scalar FracVector") # Python integer division really does floor, even for negative numbers return self.nom // self.denom
[docs] def ceil(self): """ Returns the integer that is equal to or just below the value stored in a scalar FracVector. """ if self.dim != (): raise Exception("FracVector.ceil: Needs scalar FracVector") if self.nom % self.denom == 0: return self.nom // self.denom else: return self.nom // self.denom + 1
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Add/remove an integer +/-N to each element to place it in the range [0,1) """ noms = self._map_over_noms(lambda x: x - self.denom * (x // self.denom)) return self.__class__(noms, self.denom)
[docs] def normalize_half(self): """ Add/remove an integer +/-N to each element to place it in the range [-1/2,1/2) This is useful to find the shortest vector C between two points A, B in a space with periodic boundary conditions [0,1): C = (A-B).normalize_half() """ noms = self._map_over_noms(lambda x: 2 * x - (2 * self.denom) * ((((2 * x) // self.denom) + 1) // 2)) return self.__class__(noms, 2 * self.denom)
[docs] def mul(self, other): """ Returns the result of multiplying the vector with 'other' using matrix multiplication. Note that for two 1D FracVectors, is *not* the same as A.mul(B), but rather: A.mul(B.T()). """ # Handle other being another object if not isinstance(other, FracVector): other = self.__class__.create(other) Adim = self.dim Bdim = other.dim A = self.noms B = other.noms denom = self.denom * other.denom # Other is scalar if Bdim == (): m = other.nom noms = self._map_over_noms(lambda x: x * m) # Self is scalar elif Adim == (): m = self.nom noms = other._map_over_noms(lambda x: x * m) # Vector * Vector elif len(Adim) == 1 and len(Bdim) == 1: if Adim[0] != Bdim[0]: raise Exception(" vector multiplication dimension mismatch," + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) noms = self._dup_noms(A[i] * B[i] for i in range(Adim[0])) # Matrix * vector elif len(Adim) == 2 and len(Bdim) == 1: if Adim[1] != Bdim[0]: raise Exception(" matrix multiplication dimension mismatch," + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) noms = self._dup_noms(sum([A[row][i] * B[i] for i in range(Adim[1])]) for row in range(Adim[0])) # vector * Matrix elif len(Adim) == 1 and len(Bdim) == 2: if Adim[0] != Bdim[0]: raise Exception(" matrix multiplication dimension mismatch," + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) noms = self._dup_noms(sum([A[i] * B[i][col] for i in range(Adim[0])]) for col in range(Bdim[1])) # Matrix * Matrix elif len(Adim) == 2 and len(Bdim) == 2: if Adim[1] != Bdim[0]: raise Exception(" matrix multiplication dimension mismatch," + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) noms = self._dup_noms(self._dup_noms(sum([A[row][i] * B[i][col] for i in range(Adim[1])]) for col in range(Bdim[1])) for row in range(Adim[0])) else: raise Exception(" cannot handle tensors of order > 2, dimensions:" + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) return self.__class__(noms, denom)
[docs] def dot(self, other): """ Returns the vector dot product of the 1D vector with the 1D vector 'other', i.e., A . B or A \cdot B. The same as A * B.T(). """ Adim = self.dim Bdim = other.dim A = self.noms B = other.noms denom = self.denom * other.denom if len(Adim) == 1 and len(Bdim) == 1: if Adim[0] != Bdim[0]: raise Exception(" vector multiplication dimension mismatch," + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) noms = sum(A[i] * B[i] for i in range(Adim[0])) else: raise Exception(" dot multiplication dimensions not = 1," + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) return self.__class__(noms, denom)
[docs] def lengthsqr(self): """ Returns the square of the length of the vector. The same as A * A.T() """ # Other is scalar dim = self.dim if dim == (): noms = self.noms ** 2 elif len(self.dim) == 1: noms = sum(self.noms[i] ** 2 for i in range(self.dim[0])) else: raise Exception("ExactVector.lengthsqr: vector must be scalar or dimension must be = 1, is " + str(self.dim)) return self.__class__(noms, self.denom ** 2)
[docs] def cross(self, other): """ Returns the vector cross product of the 3-element 1D vector with the 3-element 1D vector 'other', i.e., A x B. """ # Note: multiplication is an especially simple case, there is no need to bring the two vectors into a # common denom with common_denom, since a/b * c/d = a*c/(b*d) Adim = self.dim A = self.noms Bdim = other.dim B = other.noms denom = self.denom * other.denom if Adim != (3,) or Bdim != (3,): raise Exception("FracVector.cross: can only do cross products of 3-element 1D vectors. The dimensions are:" + str(Adim) + " and " + str(Bdim)) noms = ((A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1]), (A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2]), (A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0])) return self.__class__(noms, denom)
[docs] def reciprocal(self): dim = self.dim if dim != (3, 3): raise Exception("FracVector.reciprocal: can only calculate reciprocal matrix for a 3,3 matrix. The dimension are:" + str(dim)) noms = self.noms def det_noms(A): return A[0][0] * A[1][1] * A[2][2] + A[0][1] * A[1][2] * A[2][0] + A[0][2] * A[1][0] * A[2][1] - A[0][2] * A[1][1] * A[2][0] - A[0][1] * A[1][0] * A[2][2] - A[0][0] * A[1][2] * A[2][1] def cross_noms(A, B): return ((A[1] * B[2] - A[2] * B[1]), (A[2] * B[0] - A[0] * B[2]), (A[0] * B[1] - A[1] * B[0])) detnom = det_noms(noms) denom = self.denom v1, v2, v3 = noms[0], noms[1], noms[2] noms = (cross_noms(v2, v3), cross_noms(v1, v3), cross_noms(v1, v2)) noms = self.nested_map(lambda x: x*denom, noms) return self.__class__(noms, detnom)
[docs] def metric_product(self, vecA, vecB): """ Returns the result of the metric product using the present square FracVector as the metric matrix. The same as vecA*self*vecB.T(). """ dimM = self.dim dimA = vecA.dim dimB = vecB.dim M = self.noms A = vecA.noms B = vecB.noms denom = vecA.denom * vecB.denom * self.denom l = dimM[0] if dimA != dimB or dimM != (l, l) or ((len(dimA) != 1 or len(dimB) != 1) and (dimA[1] != l or dimB[1] != l)): raise Exception("ExactVector.metric_product: vectors not in right dimensions.") if len(dimA) == 1: noms = sum([A[row] * M[row][col] * B[col] for row in range(l) for col in range(l)]) else: # Matrix * Matrix noms = [sum([A[i][row] * M[row][col] * B[i][col] for row in range(l) for col in range(l)]) for i in range(dimA[0])] return self.__class__(noms, denom)
[docs] def cos(self, prec=None, degrees=False, limit=False): """Return a FracVector where every element is the cosine of the element in the source FracVector. prec = precision (should be set as a fraction) limit = True requires the denominator to be smaller or equal to precision """ if prec is not None: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_cos(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), prec=prec, limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) else: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_cos(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) return self.create(fracs)
[docs] def sin(self, prec=None, degrees=False, limit=False): """Return a FracVector where every element is the sine of the element in the source FracVector. prec = precision (should be set as a fraction) limit = True requires the denominator to be smaller or equal to precision """ if prec is not None: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_sin(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), prec=prec, limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) else: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_sin(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) return self.create(fracs)
[docs] def acos(self, prec=None, degrees=False, limit=False): """Return a FracVector where every element is the arccos of the element in the source FracVector. prec = precision (should be set as a fraction) limit = True requires the denominator to be smaller or equal to precision """ if prec is not None: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_acos(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), prec=prec, limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) else: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_acos(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) return self.create(fracs)
[docs] def asin(self, prec=None, degrees=False, limit=False): """Return a FracVector where every element is the arcsin of the element in the source FracVector. prec = precision (should be set as a fraction) limit = True requires the denominator to be smaller or equal to precision """ if prec is not None: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_asin(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), prec=prec, limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) else: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_asin(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), limit=limit, degrees=degrees)) return self.create(fracs)
[docs] def exp(self, prec=None, limit=False): """Return a FracVector where every element is the exponent of the element in the source FracVector. prec = precision (should be set as a fraction) limit = True requires the denominator to be smaller or equal to precision """ if prec is not None: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_exp(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), prec=prec, limit=limit)) else: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_exp(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), limit=limit)) return self.create(fracs)
[docs] def sqrt(self, prec=None, limit=False): """Return a FracVector where every element is the sqrt of the element in the source FracVector. prec = precision (should be set as a fraction) limit = True requires the denominator to be smaller or equal to precision """ if prec is not None: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_sqrt(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), prec=prec, limit=limit)) else: fracs = self._map_over_noms(lambda nom: frac_sqrt(fractions.Fraction(nom, self.denom), limit=limit)) return self.create(fracs)
#### Python special overloading def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) noms = tuple_slice(self.noms, key) return self.__class__(noms, self.denom) def __setitem__(self, key, values): raise Exception("FracVector is immutable, use MutableFracVector instead.") def __len__(self): if isinstance(self.noms, (list, tuple)): return len(self.noms) else: return 0 def __iter__(self): try: if self.dim != (): for i in range(len(self.noms)): yield self.__class__(self.noms[i], self.denom) else: yield self except GeneratorExit: pass def __mul__(self, other): return self.mul(other) def __rmul__(self, other): other = FracVector.create(other) return other.mul(self) def __pow__(self, exp): if exp == -1: return self.inv() if self.dim == (): if exp == 0: return self.__class__(1) if exp > 0: return self.__class__(self.nom**exp, self.denom**exp) if exp < 0: return self.__class__(self.denom**(-exp), self.nom**(-exp)) if isinstance(exp, (int, long)): if exp == 0: return self.eye(self.dim) if exp > 0: a = self for _ in range(exp-1): a = a.mul(self) return a if exp < 0: a = self.inv() for _ in range(-exp-1): a = a.mul(self) return a else: raise Exception("FracVector.__pow__: I do not know how to exponate a FracVector with "+str(exp)) def __div__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FracVector): other = self.__class__.create(other) frac = self.__class__(other.denom, other.nom) return self.mul(frac) def __truediv__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FracVector): other = self.__class__.create(other) frac = self.__class__(other.denom, other.nom) return self.mul(frac) def __add__(self, other): noms, denom = self._map_binary_op_over_noms(operator.add, other) return self.__class__(noms, denom) def __radd__(self, other): noms, denom = self._map_binary_op_over_noms(operator.add, other) return self.__class__(noms, denom) def __sub__(self, other): noms, denom = self._map_binary_op_over_noms(operator.sub, other) return self.__class__(noms, denom) def __rsub__(self, other): minusself = -self noms, denom = minusself._map_binary_op_over_noms(operator.sub, -other) return self.__class__(noms, denom) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+"(" + repr(self.noms) + "," + repr(self.denom) + ")" def __str__(self): return "(1/" + str(self.denom) + ")*" + str(self.noms) def __hash__(self): return (self.denom, self.noms).__hash__() def __neg__(self): return self.__class__(self._map_over_noms(operator.neg), self.denom) def __abs__(self): return self.__class__(self._map_over_noms(operator.abs), self.denom) def __eq__(self, other): """ Important: the == operator between FracVectors tests for numerical equality. (I.e., numerically equal FracVectors with different denoms are still equal.) """ # Note: somewhat optimized for speed try: if self.denom == other.denom: return (self.noms == other.noms) else: (A, B, _) = self.set_common_denom(self, other) return (A.noms == B.noms) except AttributeError: if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, FracVector): other = self.__class__.create(other) if other.dim != self.dim: return False if self.denom == other.denom: return (self.noms == other.noms) else: (A, B, _) = self.set_common_denom(self, other) return (A.noms == B.noms) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): try: return self.nom * other.denom < other.nom * self.denom except AttributeError: return self.nom < other * self.denom def __gt__(self, other): try: return self.nom * other.denom > other.nom * self.denom except AttributeError: return self.nom > other * self.denom def __le__(self, other): return not self.__gt__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) def __float__(self): # This way of converting avoids many possible overflow errors return float(fractions.Fraction(self.nom, self.denom)) def __int__(self): #return self.nom // self.denom return int(fractions.Fraction(self.nom, self.denom)) def __long__(self): return long(fractions.Fraction(self.nom, self.denom)) #return self.nom // self.denom def __index__(self): v = self.simplify() if v.denom != 1: raise Exception("FracVector.__index__: cannot index with non-integer value.") return v.nom def __complex__(self): return complex(self.__float__())
[docs] def max(self): """ Return the maximum element across all dimensions in the FracVector. max(fracvector) works for a 1D vector. """ #largest_nom = nested_reduce(lambda x,y:x if x>y else y,self.noms) #return self.__class__(largest_nom,self.denom) return max(self.flatten())
[docs] def nargmax(self): """ Return a list of indices of all maximum elements across all dimensions in the FracVector. """ idt = tuple_index(self.dim) maxval = self.max() indices = nested_reduce_levels(lambda x, y: x+[y] if self[y] == maxval else x, idt, len(self.dim), []) return indices
[docs] def argmax(self): """ Return the index of the maximum element across all dimensions in the FracVector. """ idt = tuple_index(self.dim) flat_idt = nested_reduce_levels(lambda x, y: x + [y], idt, len(self.dim), initializer=[]) return max(flat_idt, key=lambda i: self[i])
[docs] def min(self): """ Return the minimum element across all dimensions in the FracVector. max(fracvector) works for a 1D vector. """ #smallest_nom = nested_reduce(lambda x,y:x if x<y else y,self.noms) #return self.__class__(smallest_nom,self.denom) return min(self.flatten())
[docs] def nargmin(self): """ Return a list of indices for all minimum elements across all dimensions in the FracVector. """ idt = tuple_index(self.dim) minval = self.min() indices = nested_reduce_levels(lambda x, y: x+[y] if self[y] == minval else x, idt, len(self.dim), []) return indices
[docs] def argmin(self): """ Return the index of the minimum element across all dimensions in the FracVector. """ idt = tuple_index(self.dim) flat_idt = nested_reduce_levels(lambda x, y: x + [y], idt, len(self.dim), initializer=[]) return min(flat_idt, key=lambda i: self[i])
#### Private methods def _map_over_noms(self, op, *others): """ Map an operation over all nominators """ othernoms = [x.noms for x in others] if isinstance(self.noms, (tuple, list)): return self.nested_map(op, self.noms, *othernoms) else: return op(self.noms, *othernoms) def _map_binary_op_over_noms(self, op, other): """ Put self and other on common denominator form, and then map a binary operator over pairs of nominators, handling the cases where either of the operands is a scalar (thus pairing it with every nominator) """ A, B, denom = self.set_common_denom(self, other) Adim = A.dim Bdim = B.dim if len(Adim) == 0: if len(Bdim) == 0: # scalar [op] scalar result = op(A.nom, B.nom) else: # scalar [op] (Matrix or Vector) result = B._map_over_noms(lambda x: op(A.nom, x)) elif len(Bdim) == 0: # [Matrix or Vector] op scalar result = A._map_over_noms(lambda x: op(x, B.nom)) else: # Matrix op Matrix result = A._map_over_noms(lambda x, y: op(x, y), B) return (result, denom) def _reduce_over_noms(self, op, initializer=None): """ Run a nested reduce operation over all nominators """ return nested_reduce(op, self.noms, initializer=initializer)
[docs]class FracScalar(FracVector): """ Represents the fractional number nom/denom. This is a subclass of FracVector with the purpose of making it clear when a scalar fracvector is needed/used. """ def __init__(self, nom, denom): """ Low overhead constructor. nom: nominator (int) denom: denominator (int) If you want to create a FracNumber from something else than integers, use the FracScalar.create() method. """ self.noms = nom self.denom = denom self._dim = ()
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, nom, denom=None, simplify=True): """ Create a FracScalar. FracScalar(something) something may be any object that can be used in the constructor of the Python Fraction class (also works with strings!). """ def lcd(a, y): try: b = abs(fractions.Fraction(y)).denominator except TypeError: b = abs(fractions.Fraction(str(y))).denominator return a * b // fractions.gcd(a, b) def frac(x): return (fractions.Fraction(x) * lcd).numerator lcd = nested_reduce_fractions(lambda x, y: lcd(x, y), nom, initializer=1) v_noms = cls.nested_map_fractions(lambda x: frac(x), nom) if denom is None: v = cls(v_noms, lcd) else: v = cls(v_noms, lcd * denom) if simplify and v.denom != 1: v = v.simplify() return v
# Utility functions
[docs]def nested_map_list(op, *ls): """ Map an operator over a nested list. (i.e., the same as the built-in map(), but works recursively on a nested list) """ if isinstance(ls[0], (tuple, list)): if len(ls[0]) == 0 or not isinstance(ls[0][0], (tuple, list)): return list(map(op, *ls)) return list(map(lambda *items: nested_map_list(op, *items), *ls)) return op(*ls)
[docs]def nested_map_fractions_list(op, *ls): """ Map an operator over a nested list, but checks every element for a method to_fractions() and uses this to further convert objects into lists of Fraction. """ if hasattr(ls[0], 'to_fractions'): ls = list(ls) ls[0] = ls[0].to_fractions() if not isinstance(ls[0], basestring): try: dummy = iter(ls[0]) return list(map(lambda *items: nested_map_fractions_list(op, *items), *ls)) except TypeError: pass return op(*ls)
[docs]def nested_reduce(op, l, initializer=None): """ Same as built-in reduce, but operates on a nested tuple/list/sequence. """ if isinstance(l, (tuple, list)): return reduce(lambda x, y: nested_reduce(op, y, initializer=x), l, initializer) else: return op(initializer, l)
[docs]def nested_reduce_levels(op, l, level=1, initializer=None): """ Same as built-in reduce, but operates on a nested tuple/list/sequence. """ if level == 1: return reduce(op, l, initializer) if isinstance(l, (tuple, list)): return reduce(lambda x, y: nested_reduce_levels(op, y, level-1, initializer=x), l, initializer) else: return op(initializer, l)
[docs]def nested_reduce_fractions(op, l, initializer=None): """ Same as built-in reduce, but operates on a nested tuple/list/sequence. Also checks every element for a method to_fractions() and uses this to further convert such elements to lists of fractions. """ if hasattr(l, 'to_fractions'): l = l.to_fractions() if not isinstance(l, basestring): try: dummy = iter(l) return reduce(lambda x, y: nested_reduce_fractions(op, y, initializer=x), l, initializer) except TypeError: pass return op(initializer, l)
[docs]def tuple_slice(l, key): """ Given a python slice (i.e., what you get to __getitem__ when you write A[3:2]), cut out the relevant nested tuple. """ if isinstance(key[0], (int, long, slice)): slicedlist = l[key[0]] else: slicedlist = tuple([l[i] for i in key[0]]) cdr = key[1:] if len(cdr) > 0: if isinstance(key[0], slice): return tuple(tuple_slice(slicedlist[i], cdr) for i in range(len(slicedlist))) else: return tuple_slice(slicedlist, cdr) return slicedlist
[docs]def tuple_index(dims, uppidx=()): """ Create a nested tuple where every element is a tuple indicating the position of that tuple """ if dims == (): if len(uppidx) == 1: return uppidx[0] else: return uppidx else: neweye = [] lastdim = dims[0] lowerdims = dims[1:] for i in range(lastdim): neweye += [tuple_index(lowerdims, uppidx + (i,))] return neweye
[docs]def tuple_zeros(dims): """ Create a netsted tuple with the given dimensions filled with zeroes """ if dims == (): return 0 else: neweye = [] lastdim = dims[0] lowerdims = dims[1:] for _ in range(lastdim): neweye += [tuple_zeros(lowerdims)] return neweye
[docs]def tuple_random(dims, minval, maxval): """ Create a nested tuple with the given dimensions filled with random numbers between minval and maxval """ if dims == (): return random.randint(minval, maxval) else: neweye = [] lastdim = dims[0] lowerdims = dims[1:] for _ in range(lastdim): neweye += [tuple_random(lowerdims, minval, maxval)] return neweye
[docs]def tuple_eye(dims, onepos=0): """ Create a matrix with the given dimensions and 1 on the diagonal """ if dims == (): return 1 if len(dims) == 1: neweye = [0]*dims[0] neweye[onepos] = 1 else: neweye = [] lastdim = dims[-1] nextdim = dims[-2] lowerdims = dims[:-1] for i in range(lastdim): neweye += [tuple_eye(lowerdims, onepos=(i*nextdim//lastdim))] return neweye
# The following copyright notice applies to frac_log, frac_tan, frac_asin, frac_acos, frac_atan2, sinh, cosh, tanh # #Copyright (c) 2006 Brian Beck <>, # Christopher Hesse <> # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of #this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in #the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to #use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies #of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do #so, subject to the following conditions: # #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #copies or substantial portions of the Software. # #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #SOFTWARE.
[docs]def main(): import math data1 = [['8.04', '0.0', '0.0'], ['0.0', '3.72', '0.0'], ['0.0', '0.0', '7.38']] data2 = [[804, 0, 0], [0, 372, 0], [0, 0, 738]] fv1 = FracVector.create(data2,100) fv2 = FracVector.create(data1) print fv1 print fv2 print "===",any_to_fraction('8.04'),any_to_fraction('3.72'),any_to_fraction('7.38') data3 = [[fractions.Fraction(185,23), 0, 0], [0, fractions.Fraction(67,18), 0], [0, 0, fractions.Fraction(59,8)]] print FracVector.create(data3) exit(0) print "PI=",float(frac_pi(prec=fractions.Fraction(1,100000000000))),math.pi print FracVector.create('120').cos(limit=False, degrees=True) print FracVector.create_cos('120',limit=False, degrees=True) exit(0) print "==== Simple things:" a = FracVector.create([[2, 7, 5], [3, 5, 4], [4, 6, 7]]) print a print "Max value,", a.max(), "at position:", a.argmax(), "all pos:", a.nargmax() print "Min value,", a.min(), "at position:", a.argmin(), "all pos:", a.nargmin() print b = FracVector([1, 2, 3, 4]) # NOTE: cannot do b + [5] to append, because that is interpreted as vector addition print b.get_append(5) print b.argmax() print tuple_index((5,)) print print list(get_continued_fraction(10, 1333)) data = 0.33333 print best_rational_in_interval(data-0.000005, data+0.000005) data = 0.12312 print best_rational_in_interval(data-0.000005, data+0.000005), 41.0/333 print FracVector.create(["0.33342(10)"]) print FracVector.create(["0.33352(10)"]) print FracVector.create(["0.33342(10)","0.33352(10)"]) print "===" print FracVector.create('0.5').cos() exit(0) print(a) print(a.T()) print(a.inv()) print a.to_floats() print a.zeros((5, 7)) print a.eye((5, 5)) print a.eye((5, 7)) # TODO: Is this right? Need to think about identity tensors of order > 2 print a.eye((3, 3, 3)) print print "==== Numpy conversion:" try: import numpy x = numpy.array([[2.3, 3.5, 5.3], [3.7, 5.4, 4.2], [4.6, 6.7, 7.4]]) a = FracVector.create(x) print "Original numpy array:", x print "FracVector:", a print "FracVector as floats:", a.to_floats() except ImportError: print "(Could not import numpy, numpy tests skipped)" print print "==== Exact cell transformation example:" prim_cell = FracVector.create([[2, 3, 5], [3, 5, 4], [4, 6, 7]], 10) print "Primitive cell:", prim_cell inv = prim_cell.inv().simplify() transformation = (inv*inv.denom).simplify() print "Integer-only transformation matrix that diagonalize the primitive cell:", transformation print "How does this transformation matrix act on the original basis vectors?:" result = transformation*prim_cell print result print "I.e., this transformation matrix gives a perfectly cubic cell in cartesian coordinates of dimensions 3x3x3 Ang^3" print print "==== Approximate cell transformation example:" prim_cell = FracVector.create([[23243253, 32352322, 52343423], [32433242, 52324332, 42343242], [42342342, 62433453, 72432343]], 100000000) print "Primitive cell:", prim_cell print "Primitive cell in float representation:", prim_cell.to_floats() inv = prim_cell.inv().simplify() transformation = (inv*inv.denom).simplify() print "Integer-only transformation matrix that diagonalize the primitive cell:", transformation print "How does this transformation matrix act on the original basis vectors?:" result = transformation*prim_cell print result.to_floats() print "I.e., enormous unit cell... Try approximation instead:" approxinv = prim_cell.inv().set_denominator(10).simplify() transformation = (approxinv*approxinv.denom).simplify() print "Integer-only transformation matrix that approximately diagonalize the primitive cell:", transformation print "How does this transformation matrix act on the original basis vectors?:" result = transformation*prim_cell print result.to_floats() print "I.e., a MOSTLY cubic cell of ~ 10x10x10 Ang^3 comes out."
if __name__ == "__main__": main()