Source code for httk.core.vectors.mutablefracvector

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import fractions
import operator
import itertools
from fracvector import FracVector, nested_map_list, nested_map_fractions_list, nested_reduce_fractions, nested_reduce
from vector import MutableVector

# Utility functions needed before defining the class (due to them being statically assigned)

[docs]def nested_inmap_list(op, *ls): """ Like inmap, but work for nested lists """ if isinstance(ls[0], (list, tuple)): if len(ls[0]) == 0 or not isinstance(ls[0][0], list): inmap(op, *ls) return inmap(lambda *items: nested_map_list(op, *items), *ls) return raise Exception("nested_inmap_list: called with non-list, not possible to do inmap replacement on scalars:"+str(op)+":"+str(ls))
# Class definition
[docs]class MutableFracVector(FracVector, MutableVector): """ Same as FracVector, only, this version allow assignment of elements, e.g., :: mfracvec[2,7] = 5 and, e.g., :: mfracvec[:,7] = [1,2,3,4] Other than this, the FracVector methods exist and do the same, i.e., they return *copies* of the fracvector, rather than modifying it. However, methods have also been added named with set_* prefixes which performs mutating operations, e.g., :: A.set_T() replaces A with its own transpose, whereas :: A.T() just returns a new MutableFracVector that is the transpose of A, leaving A unmodified. """ # Implementation note: REMEMBER TO CALL 'self._invalidate()' if any mutation have been done on the frac vector that may have broken # cached properties, e.g., self._dim # Overloaded methods now replaced to be list-based rather than tuple-based nested_map = staticmethod(nested_map_list) nested_inmap = staticmethod(nested_inmap_list) nested_map_fractions = staticmethod(nested_map_fractions_list) _dup_noms = staticmethod(list) def __init__(self, noms, denom): """ Low overhead constructor. noms: nested *tuples* (may not be a lists!) of nominator integers denom: integer denominator Represents the tensor (1/denom)*(noms) If you want to create a MutableFracVector from something else than tuples, use the MutableFracVector.create() method. """ super(MutableFracVector, self).__init__(noms, denom)
[docs] @classmethod def use(cls, old): """ Make sure variable is a MutableFracVector, and if not, convert it. """ if isinstance(old, MutableFracVector): return old elif isinstance(old, FracVector): return MutableFracVector.create(old) else: try: return old.to_MutableFracVector() except Exception: pass try: fracvec = old.to_FracVector() return cls.__init__(fracvec.noms, fracvec.denom) except Exception: pass return cls.create(old)
[docs] def to_FracVector(self): """ Return a FracVector with the values of this MutableFracVector. """ return FracVector.create(self.noms, self.denom)
[docs] @classmethod def from_FracVector(cls, other): """ Create a MutableFracVector from a FracVector. """ return MutableFracVector.create(other.noms, other.denom)
[docs] def validate(self): # TODO: check all dimensions and make sure noms is a square tensor of only lists return True
[docs] def invalidate(self): """ Internal method to call when MutableFracVector is changed in such a way that cached properties are invalidated (e.g., _dim) """ self._dim = None
#### Python special overloads def __hash__(self): raise Exception("MutableFracVector.__hash__: Cannot (should not) use hash number of a mutable object.") def __setitem__(self, key, values): if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) other = FracVector.create(values) one, two, denom = self.set_common_denom(self, other) self.noms = one.noms self.denom = denom list_set_slice(self.noms, key, two.noms) if not self.validate(): raise Exception("MutableFracVector: assignment slice: "+str(key)+" mismatch with vector dimensions: "+str(self.dim)) def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) noms = list_slice(self.noms, key) return MutableFracVector(noms, self.denom)
[docs] def set_negative(self): """ Changes MutableFracVector inline into own negative: self -> -self """ nested_inmap_list(operator.neg, self.noms)
[docs] def set_T(self): """ Changes MutableFracVector inline into own transpose: self -> self.T """ #TODO: Possible to optimize? dim = self.dim if len(dim) == 0: return elif len(dim) == 1: self.noms = [[self.noms[col], ] for col in range(dim[0])] return elif len(dim) == 2: self.noms = [[self.noms[col][row] for col in range(dim[0])] for row in range(dim[1])] return raise Exception("FracVector.T(): on non 1 or 2 dimensional object not implemented")
[docs] def set_inv(self): """ Changes MutableFracVector inline into own inverse: self -> self^-1 """ dim = self.dim if dim == (): return self.__class__(self.denom, self.nom) if dim != (3, 3): raise Exception("FracVector.inv: only scalar and 3x3 matrix implemented") # We are dividing with a determinant giving self.denom**3 in nominator, and # from the matrix 1/self.denom**2 falls out => one factor of self.denom in nominator det = self.det() det_nom = det.nom if det_nom == 0: raise Exception("ExactVector.inverse: cannot take inverse of singular matrix.") if det_nom < 0: self.denom = -det_nom m = -self.denom else: self.denom = det_nom m = self.denom A = self.noms self.noms = [[m * (A[1][1] * A[2][2] - A[1][2] * A[2][1]), m * (A[0][2] * A[2][1] - A[0][1] * A[2][2]), m * (A[0][1] * A[1][2] - A[0][2] * A[1][1])], [m * (A[1][2] * A[2][0] - A[1][0] * A[2][2]), m * (A[0][0] * A[2][2] - A[0][2] * A[2][0]), m * (A[0][2] * A[1][0] - A[0][0] * A[1][2])], [m * (A[1][0] * A[2][1] - A[1][1] * A[2][0]), m * (A[0][1] * A[2][0] - A[0][0] * A[2][1]), m * (A[0][0] * A[1][1] - A[0][1] * A[1][0])]]
[docs] def set_simplify(self): """ Changes MutableFracVector; reduces any common factor between denominator and all nominators """ if self.denom != 1: gcd = self._reduce_over_noms(lambda x, y: fractions.gcd(x, abs(y)), initializer=self.denom) if gcd != 1: self.denom = self.denom / gcd self._inmap_over_noms(lambda x: int(x / gcd))
[docs] def set_set_denominator(self, resolution=1000000000): """ Changes MutableFracVector; reduces resolution. resolution is the new denominator, each element becomes the closest numerical approximation using this denominator. """ denom = self.denom def limit_resolution_one(x): low = (x * resolution) // denom if x * resolution * 2 > (low * 2 + 1) * denom: return low + 1 else: return low self._inmap_over_noms(limit_resolution_one) self.denom = resolution
[docs] def set_normalize(self): """ Add/remove an integer +/-N to each element to place it in the range [0,1) """ self._inmap_over_noms(lambda x: x - self.denom * (x // self.denom))
[docs] def set_normalize_half(self): """ Add/remove an integer +/-N to each element to place it in the range [-1/2,1/2) This is useful to find the shortest vector C between two points A, B in a space with periodic boundary conditions [0,1): C = (A-B).normalize_half() """ self._inmap_over_noms(lambda x: 2 * x - (2 * self.denom) * ((((2 * x) // self.denom) + 1) // 2)) self.denom = 2*self.denom
#### Private methods def _inmap_over_noms(self, op, *others): """Inmap an operation over all nominators""" othernoms = [x.noms for x in others] if isinstance(self.noms, (tuple, list)): self.nested_inmap(op, self.noms, *othernoms) else: self.noms = op(self.noms, *othernoms)
[docs]def list_slice(l, key): """ Given a python slice (i.e., what you get to __getitem__ when you write A[3:2]), cut out the relevant nested list. """ if isinstance(key[0], (int, long, slice)): slicedlist = l[key[0]] else: slicedlist = tuple([l[i] for i in key[0]]) cdr = key[1:] if len(cdr) > 0: if isinstance(key[0], slice): return tuple(list_slice(slicedlist[i], cdr) for i in range(len(slicedlist))) else: return list_slice(slicedlist, cdr) return slicedlist
[docs]def list_set_slice(l, key, values): """ Given: l = list, key = python slice (i.e., what you get to __setitem__ when you write A[3:2]=[2,5]) values = a list of values, change the elements specified by the slice in key to those given by values. """ if len(key) == 1: if isinstance(key[0], (slice,)): l[key[0]] = list(values) else: l[key[0]] = values return if isinstance(key[0], (int, long)): list_set_slice(l[key[0]], key[1:], values) elif isinstance(key[0], slice): idxs = key[0].indices(len(l)) i = 0 for idx in range(*idxs): list_set_slice(l[idx], key[1:], values[i]) i += 1 else: for idx in key[0]: list_set_slice(l[idx], key[1:], values[i]) i += 1
[docs]def inmap(f, x): """ Like built-in map, but work on a list and *replace* the elements in the list with the result of the mapping. """ for i, v in enumerate(x): x[i] = f(v)
[docs]def main(): a = FracVector.create([[2, 3, 5], [3, 5, 4], [4, 6, 7]]) b = MutableFracVector.from_FracVector(a) print(b) print(b.T()) print(b.inv()) b[2, 1:] = [4711, 23] print(b) b.set_negative() print(b)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()