Source code for

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#from numpy import *
import sys
from httk.core.httkobject import HttkObject
from httk.db.filteredcollection import *
from httk.core.basic import flatten
from httk.core import FracVector, FracScalar
from httk.db.storable import Storable

#def table_exist(db,table):
#    db.execute("")

[docs]class SqlStore(object): """ Keep objects in an sql database """ basics = [int, float, str, bool, FracScalar] def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self._delay_commit = False
[docs] class Keeper(object): def __init__(self, store, table, types, sid): = store self.table = table self.sid = sid self.types = types def __getitem__(self, name): return, self.sid, self.types, name) def __setitem__(self, name, val): return, self.types, {name: val}, updatesid=self.sid)
[docs] def puts(self, **args):, self.sid, **args)
[docs] def new(self, table, types, keyvals=None, updatesid=None): if not self.db.table_exists(table): self.create_table(table, types) if keyvals is not None: sid = self.insert(table, types, keyvals, updatesid=updatesid) return SqlStore.Keeper(self, table, types, sid)
[docs] def retrieve(self, table, types, sid): #if not self.db.table_exists(table): # raise Exception("DictStore.retrieve: retrieve of non-existing table") return SqlStore.Keeper(self, table, types, sid)
[docs] def create_table(self, table, types, cursor=None):[table]={} #self.sids[table]=0 #self.types[table] = types if cursor is None: cursor = self.db.cursor() mycursor = True else: mycursor = False #self.typedicts[table] = dict(types) column_types = [] columns = [] index = [] if 'index' in types: inindex = list(types['index']) else: inindex = [] #print "### What is types:",types,t for column in tuple(types['keys']) + tuple(types['derived']): #print "X",table,column,inindex name = column[0] t = column[1] #print "DEBUG",name,t # Regular column, no strangeness if t in self.basics: columns.append(name) column_types.append(t) #if name in inindex: # index.append(name) # List type means we need to establish a second table and store key values elif isinstance(t, list): if not isinstance(t[0], tuple): t = [(name, t[0])] subtablename = table+"_"+name subtypes = [(table+"_sid", int)] subtypes += [(name+"_index", int)] subindex = [table+"_sid"] for it in t: if issubclass(it[1], HttkObject): subtypes.append((it[0]+"_"+it[1].types()['name']+"_sid", int,)) subindex.append(it[0]+"_"+it[1].types()['name']+"_sid") else: subtypes.append((it[0], it[1],)) derivedtypes = () self.create_table(subtablename, {'keys': subtypes, 'index': subindex, 'derived': derivedtypes}, cursor) inindex = filter(lambda x: x != name, inindex) # Tuple means array elif isinstance(t, tuple): tupletype = t[0] #print "CREATE TUPLETYPE",tupletype,types if t[1] >= 1: size = t[1]*t[2] newcolumns = [] for i in range(size): newcolumns.append(name+"_"+str(i)) columns.append(name+"_"+str(i)) if issubclass(tupletype, FracVector): column_types.append(int) else: column_types.append(tupletype) newinindex = [] for indexitem in inindex: if indexitem == name: newinindex += newcolumns else: newinindex += [indexitem] inindex = newinindex # Variable length numpy array, needs subtable if t[1] == 0: subtablename = table+"_"+name subtablecolumnname = name subdimension = (tupletype, 1, t[2]) self.create_table(subtablename, {'keys': [(table+"_sid", int), (name+"_index", int), (subtablecolumnname, subdimension)], 'index': [table+'_sid'], 'derived': ()}, cursor) inindex = filter(lambda x: x != name, inindex) elif issubclass(t, HttkObject): columnname = name+"_"+t.types()['name']+"_sid" columns.append(columnname) column_types.append(int) #print "ININDEX",inindex for i in range(len(inindex)): if isinstance(inindex[i], tuple): indexentry = list(inindex[i]) for j in range(len(indexentry)): if indexentry[j] == name: indexentry[j] = columnname inindex[i] = tuple(indexentry) else: if inindex[i] == name: inindex[i] = columnname #print "2 ININDEX",inindex #if name in inindex: # index.append(columnname) else: raise Exception("Dictstore.create_table: unexpected class; can only handle basic types and subclasses of Storable. Offending class:"+str(t)) #print "TABLE",table #print "TYPES",tuple(types['keys']) + tuple(types['derived']) #print "INDEX",inindex self.db.create_table(table, table+"_id", columns, column_types, cursor, index=inindex) if mycursor: if not self._delay_commit: self.db.commit() cursor.close()
#self.columns[table] = columns #self.column_types[table] = column_types
[docs] def insert(self, table, types, keyvals, cursor=None, updatesid=None): #sid=self.sids[table] #types=self.types[table][table][sid]={} if cursor is None: cursor = self.db.cursor() mycursor = True else: mycursor = False columns = [] columndata = [] subinserts = [] for column in tuple(types['keys']) + tuple(types['derived']): name = column[0] t = column[1] if name not in keyvals: val = None else: val = keyvals[name] if val is None: continue # Regular column, no strangeness if t in self.basics: #if issubclass(t,FracVector): # val = (val*1000000000).to_int() if issubclass(t, FracScalar): val = FracScalar.use(val) val = int(val.limit_denominator(50000000)*1000000000) #if isinstance(t,FracVector): # print "DOES THIS HAPPEN?",t,val # val = int(val.limit_denominator(50000000)) else: try: val = t(val) except UnicodeEncodeError: val = unicode(val) except TypeError: print "HUH", val, t raise columns.append(name) columndata.append(val) # List type means we need to establish a second table and store key values elif isinstance(t, list): if not isinstance(t[0], tuple): t = [(name, t[0])] val = [(x,) for x in val] subtablename = table+"_"+name for idx, entry in enumerate(val): subtypes = [(table+"_sid", int), (name+"_index", int)] data = {name+"_index": idx} for i in range(len(t)): if issubclass(t[i][1], HttkObject): subtypename = t[i][0]+"_"+t[i][1].types()['name']+"_sid" subtypes.append((subtypename, int,)) if entry[i].db.sid is None: entryval = t[i][1].use(entry[i]) data[subtypename] = entry[i].db.sid else: subtypename = t[i][0] subtypes.append((subtypename, t[i][1],)) if isinstance(entry, tuple): #print "TRYING",entry,i,subtypename data[subtypename] = entry[i] elif isinstance(entry, dict): data[subtypename] = entry[t[i][0]] else: raise Exception("Data for multifield of wrong type, got:"+str(entry)) subinserts.append((subtablename, subtypes, data, ())) #print "SUBINSETS",subinserts # Tuple means numpy array elif isinstance(t, tuple): # Numpy array with fixed number of entries, just flatten and store as _1, _2, ... columns tupletype = t[0] #print "INSERT TUPLETYPE",tupletype,types,t if t[1] >= 1: #flat=val.flatten() flat = tuple(flatten(val)) size = t[1]*t[2] for i in range(size): columname = name+"_"+str(i) columns.append(columname) if tupletype == FracVector: setval = (FracVector.use(flat[i]).limit_denominator(5000000)*1000000000).to_ints() columndata.append(setval) elif tupletype == FracScalar: #print "FLATI",flat[i] #columndata.append(map(lambda x:int(x*1000000000),flat[i])) if flat[i] is not None: setval = int(FracScalar.use(flat[i]).limit_denominator(5000000)*1000000000) columndata.append(setval) else: columndata.append(None) else: columndata.append(flat[i]) # Variable length numpy array, needs subtable if t[1] == 0: subtablename = table+"_"+name subtablecolumnname = name subdimension = (tupletype, 1, t[2]) for idx, entry in enumerate(val): # loops over rows in 2d array #data = {table+"_sid":sid,name:entry} #self.insert(subtablename,data) data = {name: entry, name+"_index": idx} subtypes = [(subtablecolumnname, subdimension), (table+"_sid", int), (name+"_index", int)] subinserts.append((subtablename, subtypes, data, ())) elif issubclass(t, HttkObject): if val.db.sid is None: # This fixes an issue where sometimes a different class (e.g. a subclass) is sent in to be stored in a field. val = t.use(val) columnname = name+"_"+t.types()['name']+"_sid" columns.append(columnname) columndata.append(val.db.sid) else: raise Exception("Dictstore.insert: unexpected class; can only handle basic types and subclasses of Storable. Offending class:"+str(t)) # TODO: this logic is not finished, more elaborate updates need handling if updatesid >= 0 or updatesid is None: if updatesid is not None: sid = self.db.update_row(table, table+"_id", updatesid, columns, columndata, cursor) else: sid = self.db.insert_row(table, columns, columndata, cursor) for subinsert in subinserts: subinsert[2][table+"_sid"] = sid self.insert(subinsert[0], {'keys': subinsert[1], 'derived': subinsert[3]}, subinsert[2], cursor) else: sid = -updatesid if mycursor: if not self._delay_commit: self.db.commit() cursor.close() return sid
[docs] def get(self, table, sid, types, name): #types=self.types[table] if name in types['keydict']: t = types['keydict'][name] else: t = types['derived_keydict'][name] origt = t # Regular column, no strangeness if t in self.basics: if t == FracScalar: val = self.db.get_val(table, table+"_id", sid, name) if val is None: return None return FracVector.create(FracScalar(int(val), 1000000000).limit_denominator(5000000)) return self.db.get_val(table, table+"_id", sid, name) # List type means we need to establish a second table and store key values elif isinstance(t, list): if not isinstance(t[0], tuple): t = [(name, t[0])] subtablename = table+"_"+name subtypes = [(table+"_sid", int)] columns = [] must_convert_sids = [] for i in range(len(t)): if issubclass(t[i][1], HttkObject): subtypename = t[i][0]+"_"+t[i][1].types()['name']+"_sid" subtypes.append((subtypename+"_sid", int,)) columns.append(subtypename) must_convert_sids.append(i) else: subtypename = t[i][0] subtypes.append((subtypename, t[i][1],)) columns.append(subtypename) result = self.db.get_row(subtablename, table+"_sid", sid, columns) # If the type points to another Storable obect, we need to turn all the sid:s into real objects. newresult = [] for line in result: line = list(line) for i in must_convert_sids: line[i] = instantiate_from_store(t[i][1], self, line[i]) newresult.append(line) result = newresult #print "TYPE0",types['keydict'][name] #print "TYPE",origt[0] #print "RESULT",result if not type(origt[0]) in (list, tuple): return [x[0] for x in result] else: return result # Tuple means numpy array elif isinstance(t, tuple): tupletype = t[0] # Numpy array with fixed number of entries, just flatten and store as _1, _2, ... columns if t[1] >= 1: size = t[1]*t[2] # flat = tuple(flatten(val)) # for i in range(size): # columname=name+"_"+str(i) # columns.append(columname) # if tupletype == FracVector: # columndata.append((flat[i]*1000000000).to_ints()) # else: # columndata.append(flat[i]) # # # Variable length numpy array, needs subtable # if t[1] == 0: # subtablename = table+"_"+name # subtablecolumnname = name # subdimension = (tupletype,1,t[2]) # # for entry in val: # loops over rows in 2d array # #data = {table+"_sid":sid,name:entry} # #self.insert(subtablename,data) # data = {name:entry} # subtypes = [(subtablecolumnname,subdimension),(table+"_sid",int)] # subinserts.append((subtablename, subtypes, data,)) columnames = [] for i in range(size): columnames.append(name+"_"+str(i)) flat = self.db.get_row(table, table+"_id", sid, columnames)[0] if tupletype == FracVector or tupletype == FracScalar: for x in flat: if x is None: return flat #def flatterer(l): # if l == None: # return None # else: # return Fraction(int(l),1000000000) #flat=map(flatterer,flat) flat = map(lambda l: FracScalar(int(l), 1000000000).limit_denominator(5000000), flat) reshaped = zip(*[iter(flat)]*t[1]) return FracVector.create(reshaped) else: map(tupletype, flat) return zip(*[iter(flat)]*t[1]) # TODO: ADD support for numpy # Variable length numpy array, needs subtable if t[1] == 0: subtablename = table+"_"+name columnames = [] for i in range(t[2]): columnames.append(name+"_"+str(i)) if tupletype == FracVector or tupletype == FracScalar: vals = self.db.get_row(subtablename, table+"_sid", sid, columnames) vals = map(lambda l: map(lambda x: FracScalar(int(x), 1000000000), l), vals) return FracVector.create(vals).limit_denominator(5000000) else: return self.db.get_row(subtablename, table+"_sid", sid, columnames) # elif issubclass(t,Storable): elif hasattr(t, 'types'): columnname = name+"_"+t.types()['name']+"_sid" subsid = self.db.get_val(table, table+"_id", sid, columnname) return instantiate_from_store(t, self, subsid) else: raise Exception("Dictstore.get: unexpected class; can only handle basic types and subclasses of Storable. Offending class:"+str(t))
[docs] def put(self, table, sid, types, name, val): raise Exception("Is this being called?") t = types['keydict'][name] origt = t # Regular column, no strangeness if t in self.basics:[table][sid][name] = val # List type means we need to establish a second table and store key values elif isinstance(t, list): subtablename = table+"_"+name if issubclass(t[0], Storable): for entry in val: data = {table+"_sid": sid, t[0].types['name']+"_sid":} self.insert(subtablename, data) else: for entry in val: data = {table+"_sid": sid, name: entry} self.insert(subtablename, data) # Tuple means numpy array elif isinstance(t, tuple): # Numpy array with fixed number of entries, just flatten and store as _1, _2, ... columns if t[0] >= 1: flat = val.flatten() size = t[0]*t[1] for i in range(size): columname = name+"_"+str(i)[table][sid][columname] = flat[i] # Variable length numpy array, needs subtable if t[0] == 0: subtablename = table+"_"+name for entry in val: # loops over rows in 2d array data = {table+"_sid": sid, name: entry} self.insert(subtablename, data) elif issubclass(t, Storable): if != self: raise Exception("DictStore.put: Can only use Storable variables pertaining to the same store within another Storable.") columnname = name+"_"+t.types['name']+"_sid"[table][sid][columnname] = else: raise Exception("Dictstore.put: unexpected class; can only handle basic types and subclasses of Storable")
[docs] def puts(self, table, sid, **args): for name, val in args.iteritems(): self.set(table, sid, name, val)
[docs] def searcher(self): return FCSqlite(self)
[docs] def delay_commit(self): self._delay_commit = True
[docs] def commit(self): self.db.commit() self._delay_commit = False
[docs] def save(self, obj):