Source code for httk.external.cif2cell_ext

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os, distutils, glob

from httk.core import citation, IoAdapterString
from httk.atomistic.atomisticio.structure_cif_io import struct_to_cif
from httk.atomistic import Structure
citation.add_ext_citation('cif2cell', "Torbjörn Björkman")

from httk import config
from command import Command, find_executable
import httk
import httk.iface

cif2cell_path = None

[docs]def ensure_has_cif2cell(): if cif2cell_path is None or cif2cell_path == "" or not os.path.exists(cif2cell_path): raise ImportError("httk.external.cif2cell_ext imported with no access to cif2cell binary")
try: cif2cell_path = find_executable('cif2cell','cif2cell') if cif2cell_path is None or cif2cell_path == "": from httk.config import httk_root path = os.path.join(httk_root, 'External') externaldirs = [name for name in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name))] extvers = [name.split('-')[1] for name in externaldirs if name.split('-')[0] == "cif2cell"] extvers = sorted(extvers, key=lambda x: map(int, x.split('.'))) bestversion = 'cif2cell-'+extvers[-1] cif2cell_path = os.path.join(path, bestversion, 'cif2cell') except Exception: pass
[docs]def cif2cell(cwd, args, timeout=30): ensure_has_cif2cell() #raise Exception("Debug: cif2cell call!") #p = subprocess.Popen([cif2cell_path]+args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, # stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd) #print "COMMAND CIF2CELL",args out, err, completed = Command(cif2cell_path, args, cwd=cwd).run(timeout) #print "COMMAND CIF2CELL END",out return out, err, completed
#out, err = p.communicate() #return out, err # def cif_to_structure(f): # ioa = httk.IoAdapterFilename.use(f) # #out, err, completed = cif2cell("./",["--no-reduce",ioa.filename]) # out, err, completed = cif2cell("./",["--no-reduce",ioa.filename]) # if err != "": # print err # if completed != 0: # return None # struct = httk.iface.cif2cell_if.out_to_struct(httk.IoAdapterString(out)) # return struct # #return Structure.create(cell=cell, coords=coords, occupations=occupations)
[docs]def cif_to_structure_reduce(f): ioa = httk.IoAdapterFilename.use(f) out, err, completed = cif2cell("./", [ioa.filename]) if err != "": print err if completed != 0: return None struct = httk.iface.cif2cell_if.out_to_struct(httk.IoAdapterString(out)) return struct
[docs]def cif_to_structure_noreduce(f): ioa = httk.IoAdapterFilename.use(f) #out, err, completed = cif2cell("./",["--no-reduce",ioa.filename]) out, err, completed = cif2cell("./", ["--no-reduce", ioa.filename]) if err != "": print err if completed != 0: return None struct = httk.iface.cif2cell_if.out_to_struct(httk.IoAdapterString(out)) return struct
#return Structure.create(cell=cell, coords=coords, occupations=occupations)
[docs]def coordgroups_reduced_rc_to_unitcellsites(coordgroups, basis, hall_symbol): # Just fake representative assignments for the coordgroups assignments = range(1, len(coordgroups)+1) struct = Structure.create(rc_cell=basis, assignments=assignments, rc_reduced_coordgroups=coordgroups, hall_symbol=hall_symbol) ioa = IoAdapterString() struct_to_cif(struct, ioa) struct = cif_to_structure_reduce(ioa) return struct.uc_sites, struct.uc_cell