Source code for httk.httkio.cif

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os, string, re
from collections import OrderedDict

import httk

from httk.core import *

def _read_cif_rewind_if_needed(f, row, done_fields):
    splitstr = row.lstrip().split(None, done_fields)
    if len(splitstr) > 1:
        rest = splitstr[-1]
        if rest.strip() != "":
            return True
        return False
        return False

def _read_cif_loop(f, pragmatic=True, use_types=False):
    #print "Read cif loop"
    noteol = False
    loop_data = OrderedDict()
    header = []
    for row in f:
        striprow = row.strip()
        lowrow = striprow.lower()        
        if lowrow.startswith("_"):
            loop_data[lowrow[1:]] = []
            header += [lowrow[1:]]
            noteol = _read_cif_rewind_if_needed(f, row, 1)

    while True:
        for i in range(len(loop_data)):
                row =
            except StopIteration:
            if row.isspace():
            striprow = row.strip()
            lowrow = striprow.lower()
            if not row or row.startswith("_") or lowrow.startswith("data_") or lowrow.startswith("loop_"):
            val, noteol = _read_cif_data_value(f, noteol, pragmatic, use_types, inloop=True)
    return loop_data

def _read_cif_data_value(f, noteol, pragmatic=True, use_types=False, inloop=False):
    #print "Read cif data value"
    data_value = None
    for row in f:
        #print "read_cif_data_value_row:",row
        striprow = row.strip()
        if striprow == "":
            noteol = False
        elif (not noteol) and row.startswith(';'):
            folded = False
            newline = False
            data_value = ""
            if row[1] == "\\" and row[2:].rstrip("\r\n") == "":
                folded = True
            elif row[1:].isspace():
                if not pragmatic:
                    data_value = row.lstrip().rstrip('\r\n')
                    newline = True
                data_value = row.lstrip()[1:].rstrip('\r\n')
                newline = True
            stripirow = ""
            for irow in f:
                stripirow = irow.strip()
                if irow.startswith(';'):
                if newline:
                    data_value += '\n'
                    newline = True
                if folded and irow.rstrip('\r\n').endswith("\\"):
                    data_value += irow.rstrip('\r\n').rstrip("\\")
                    newline = False
                    data_value += irow.rstrip('\r\n')
                    newline = True
            if len(stripirow) > 1:
                noteol = True
                noteol = False
        elif striprow.startswith("'") or striprow.startswith('"'):
            # The cif quoting rules are ... weird. Quotes are "escaped" if they are not followed by whitespace.
            quote = striprow[0] 
            starti = 1
            for chari in range(1, len(striprow)-1):
                if striprow[chari] == quote and str(striprow[chari+1]).isspace():
                    endi = chari
                    endq = chari+1
                if striprow[-1] != quote:
                    starti = 0
                    endi = len(striprow)
                    endq = len(striprow)
                    endi = len(striprow)-1
                    endq = len(striprow)
            data_value = striprow[starti:endi]
            if endq != len(striprow):
                noteol = True
                noteol = False
            # Unquoted string
            if pragmatic and not inloop:
                # In pragmatic mode, if we are not in a loop and there is more than one data value
                # separated by whitespace, read all of it. This should always be ok to do, since 
                # multiple data values in this situation would be an
                # error in the file otherwise, but if there is whitespace + underscore/data_/loop_ we parse that
                # as a new symbol, since otherwise we COULD misread valid files (with very weird formatting...).
                splitstr = re.split("\s+_|\s+data_|\s+loop_", striprow, maxsplit=1)                    
                splitstr = striprow.split(None, 1)
            data_value = splitstr[0].strip()
            rightside = ""
            if len(splitstr) > 1:
                rightside = splitstr[1].strip()
            if rightside != "":
                noteol = True
                noteol = False
            if use_types:
                if _cif_is_int(data_value):
                    data_value = int(data_value.replace("(", "").replace(")", ""))
                elif _cif_is_float(data_value):
                    data_value = float(data_value.replace("(", "").replace(")", ""))
    return data_value, noteol

def _read_cif_data_block(f, pragmatic=True, use_types=False):
    #print "Read cif data block"
    data_items = OrderedDict()
    loops = 0
    for row in f:
        #print "Read data block read:",row
        striprow = row.strip()
        lowrow = striprow.lower()
        if striprow.startswith("#"):
        elif lowrow.startswith("data_"):
            return data_items
        elif lowrow.startswith("loop_"):
            _read_cif_rewind_if_needed(f, row, 1)
            loopdata = _read_cif_loop(f, pragmatic, use_types)
            data_items['loop_'+str(loops)] = loopdata.keys()
            loops += 1
        elif striprow.startswith(";"):
            # Multi-line string that we've failed to tie to a name, lets just skip it, maybe we should warn
            for irow in f:
                if irow.rstrip() == ";":
        elif striprow.startswith("_"):
            lowsplit = lowrow.split()
            data_name = lowsplit[0][1:]
            if len(lowsplit) > 1:
                noteol = True
                rightside = striprow.split(None, 1)[1].strip()
                noteol = False
            data_value, noteol = _read_cif_data_value(f, noteol, pragmatic, use_types, inloop=False)
            data_items[data_name] = data_value
    return data_items

[docs]def read_cif(ioa, pragmatic=True, use_types=False): """ Generic cif reader, given a filename / ioadapter it places all data in a python dictionary. It returns a tuple: (header, list) Where list are pairs of data blocks names and data blocks Each data block is a dictionary with tag_name:value For loops, value is another dictionary with format column_name:value The optional parameter pragmatic regulates handling of some counter-intuitive aspects of the cif specification, where the default pragmatic=True handles these features the way people usually use them, whereas pragmatic=False means to read the cif file precisely according to the spec. For example, in a multiline text field:: ; some text ; Means the string '\\nsome text'. For this specific case pragmatic=True removes the leading newline. set use_types to True to convert things that look like floats and integers to those respective types """ ioa = IoAdapterFileReader.use(ioa) f = basic.rewindable_iterator(ioa.file) header = "" datalist = [] for row in f: if row.strip().startswith("#"): header += row else: f.rewind() break for row in f: lowrow = row.strip().lower() if lowrow.startswith("data_"): data_block_name = lowrow.partition('_')[2].split()[0].strip() _read_cif_rewind_if_needed(f, row, 1) data_block = _read_cif_data_block(f, pragmatic, use_types) datalist += [(data_block_name, data_block)] ioa.close() return datalist, header
_cif_ordinary_char = "!%&()*+,-./0123456789:<=>?@ABCDEFGHIHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\^`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~" _cif_non_blank_char = _cif_ordinary_char+'"'+"#$"+"'"+"_"+";[]" _cif_text_lead_char = _cif_ordinary_char+'"'+"#$"+"'"+"_ \t[]" _cif_any_print_char = _cif_ordinary_char+'"'+"#$"+"'"+"_ \t;[]" _cif_non_blank_char_table = string.maketrans(_cif_non_blank_char, ' ' * len(_cif_non_blank_char)) _cif_helper_table = string.maketrans('', '') _cif_integer_regex = re.compile('^[+-]?[0-9]+$') _cif_float_regex = re.compile('^[+-]?[0-9]+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+|([+-]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[+-]?[0-9]\.)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?$') _cif_simplestring_regex = re.compile('^[A-Za-z0-9()][A-Za-z0-9()+-]*$') def _cif_validate_name(name_unfiltered, context=None): if context is not None: context = context+": "+name_unfiltered name = _cif_validate_non_blank_char(name_unfiltered, context) if len(name) > 75: sys.stderr.write("***Warning: write_cif: name length > 75, surplus characters removed in "+context+": "+name_unfiltered) name = name[:75] return name def _cif_is_float(data_value): return (_cif_float_regex.match(data_value) is not None) def _cif_is_simplestring(data_value): return (_cif_simplestring_regex.match(data_value) is not None) def _cif_is_int(data_value): return (_cif_integer_regex.match(data_value) is not None) def _cif_validate_non_blank_char(s, context=None): out = s.translate(_cif_helper_table, _cif_non_blank_char_table) if out != s: if context is not None: sys.stderr.write("***Warning: write_cif: non-permitted characters in "+context+" removed.") else: sys.stderr.write("***Warning: write_cif: non-permitted characters removed.") return out def _cif_write_semicolontextfield(f, lines, noteol, max_line_length): if noteol: f.write("\n") noteol = False for i in range(len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip("\r\n") if lines[i][0] == ';': sys.stderr.write("***Warning: write_cif: had to insert space before semicolon at the start of a line of a multi-line string to fulfill arcane quoting rules.") lines[i] = ' '+lines[i] if len(lines[i]) > max_line_length: f.write(";\\"+"\n") break else: f.write(";") for line in lines: if len(line) > max_line_length: sublines = [line[i:i+max_line_length-2] for i in range(0, len(line), max_line_length-2)] # Handle a wonderful corner case: the line splitting for length creates lines that start with one, or more, semi-colons..., sigh... for i in range(1, len(sublines)): if sublines[i][0] == ";": if len(sublines[i]) > 1 and sublines[i][1] != ";": # If its just a single semi-colon, move it to the previous line, which we saved space for by splitting at max_line_length-2 sublines[i-1] += ";" sublines[i] = sublines[i][1:] else: # Multiple semi-colons in a row, or a semi-colon + newline, this is a possibly unresolvable case (think long string of only semi-colons) # fudge a solution by inserting a space sys.stderr.write("***Warning: write_cif: had to insert space before semicolon in a long string to fulfill arcane quoting rules.") sublines[i] = " "+sublines[i] for subline in sublines: f.write(subline+"\\"+"\n") else: f.write(line+"\n") f.write(";\n") return False def _cif_write_data_value(f, orig_data_value, noteol, max_line_length, use_types, inloop): if orig_data_value is None: data_value = "" else: data_value = str(orig_data_value) has_whitespace = len(data_value.split()) > 1 lines = data_value.splitlines() has_lines = len(lines) > 1 has_single_quote = data_value.find("'") != -1 has_double_quote = data_value.find('"') != -1 too_long = len(data_value) + 2 > max_line_length if has_lines or (has_single_quote and has_double_quote) or too_long: noteol = _cif_write_semicolontextfield(f, lines, noteol, max_line_length) return noteol elif has_double_quote or (has_whitespace and not has_single_quote) or data_value == "": f.write("'"+data_value+"'") return True elif has_single_quote or (has_whitespace and not has_double_quote): f.write('"'+data_value+'"') return True elif not use_types: # Skip quotes if it looks like a number or is a simple string used in a loop if _cif_is_float(data_value): f.write(data_value) return True elif _cif_is_int(data_value): f.write(data_value) return True elif inloop and _cif_is_simplestring(data_value): f.write(data_value) return True else: f.write("'"+data_value+"'") return True else: # Always quote when a string, never quote otherwise if isinstance(orig_data_value, basestring): f.write("'"+data_value+"'") else: f.write(data_value) return True def _cif_write_data_block(f, data_block, max_line_length, use_types): for key in data_block: val = data_block[key] if key.startswith("loop_"): f.write("loop_\n") outdata_columns = [] for unfiltered_column in val: column = _cif_validate_non_blank_char(unfiltered_column, "column name: "+unfiltered_column) f.write("_"+column+"\n") outdata_columns += [data_block[unfiltered_column]] if len(outdata_columns) > 0: noteol = False for i in range(len(outdata_columns[0])): column_count = 0 for j in range(len(outdata_columns)): column_count += len(str(outdata_columns[j][i]))+2 if column_count > max_line_length and noteol: f.write("\n") column_count = 0 noteol = False noteol = _cif_write_data_value(f, outdata_columns[j][i], noteol, max_line_length, use_types, inloop=True) if noteol: f.write(" ") column_count += 1 else: column_count = 0 if noteol: noteol = False f.write("\n") elif basic.is_sequence(val): continue else: data_name = _cif_validate_name(key) # Do we have space _ + key + space + quote + the whole data value + quote?, if not, preemptively break line f.write("_"+data_name+" ") if len(data_name)+len(str(val))+4 > max_line_length: f.write("\n") noteol = False else: noteol = True noteol = _cif_write_data_value(f, val, noteol, max_line_length, use_types, inloop=False) if noteol: f.write("\n") noteol = False
[docs]def write_cif(ioa, data, header=None, max_line_length=80, use_types=False): """ Generic cif writer, given a filename / ioadapter data = the cif data to write as an (ordered) dictionary of tag_name:value header = the header (comment) segment max_line_length = the maximum number of characters allowed on each line. This should not be set < 80 (there is no point, and the length calculating algorithm breaks down at some small line length) use_types = if True: always quote values that are of string type. Numeric values are put in the file unquoted (as they should) if False (default): also strings that look like cif numbers are put in the file unquoted For loops, value is another dictionary with format column_name:value The optional parameter pragmatic regulates handling of some counter-intuitive aspects of the cif specification, where the default pragmatic=True handles these features the way people usually use them, whereas pragmatic=False means to read the cif file precisely according to the spec. For example, in a multiline text field:: ; some text ; Means the string '\\nsome text'. For this specific case pragmatic=True removes the leading newline. set use_types to True to convert things that look like floats and integers to those respective types """ ioa = IoAdapterFileWriter.use(ioa) f = ioa.file if header is not None: lines = header.splitlines() for line in lines: if len(line) > max_line_length: header = "#\n" + header break for line in lines: if len(line) > max_line_length: sublines = [line[i:i+79] for i in range(0, len(line), 79)] for subline in sublines: f.write(subline+"\\"+"\n") else: f.write(line+"\n") data_block_count = -1 for data_block in data: data_block_count += 1 data_block_name_unfiltered = data_block[0] if data_block_name_unfiltered is None: data_block_name = "data_"+str(data_block_count) else: data_block_name = _cif_validate_name(data_block_name_unfiltered, "data block name") if data_block_name == "": data_block_name = "data_"+str(data_block_count) f.write("data_"+data_block_name+"\n") _cif_write_data_block(f, data_block[1], max_line_length, use_types) ioa.close()
[docs]def main(): gurk = open("/tmp/gurk.cif", "r") datalist, header = read_cif(gurk) gurk = open("/tmp/gurk2.cif", "w") write_cif(gurk, datalist, header) gurk.close() datalist2, header2 = read_cif("/tmp/gurk2.cif") print "MATCH1", header == header2 print "MATCH2", datalist == datalist2 exit(0)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()