Source code for httk.iface.vasp_if

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os, shutil, math

import httk
from httk import config
from httk.core.template import apply_templates 
from import periodictable
from httk.core.ioadapters import cleveropen 
from httk.core import *
from httk.core.basic import mkdir_p, micro_pyawk
from httk.atomistic import Structure
from httk.atomistic.structureutils import cartesian_to_reduced

[docs]def get_pseudopotential(species, poscarspath=None): if poscarspath is None: try: poscarspath = config.get('paths', 'vasp_pseudolib') except Exception: #return [name for name in os.listdir(a_dir) # if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(a_dir, name))] poscarspath = None if poscarspath is None and "VASP_PSEUDOLIB" in os.environ: poscarspath = os.environ['VASP_PSEUDOLIB'] if poscarspath is None: raise Exception("httk.iface.vasp_if.get_pseudopotentials: No path given for where to find VASP pseudopotentials. \ Please either set vasp_pseudolib in httk.cfg, or define the VASP_PSEUDOLIB variable, or \ pass along a string in your code for the parameter 'poscarspath'") poscarspath = os.path.expanduser(poscarspath) for priority in ["_3", "_2", "_d", "_pv", "_sv", "", "_h", "_s"]: basepath = os.path.join(poscarspath, species) if os.path.exists(basepath+priority): try: f = cleveropen(os.path.join(basepath+priority, 'POTCAR'), 'r') data = f.close() return data except Exception: raise pass raise Exception("httk.iface.vasp_if.get_pseudopotentials: could not find a suitable pseudopotential for "+str(species))
[docs]def write_kpoints_file(fio, kpoints, comment=None, mp=True, gamma_centered=False): """ """ fio = IoAdapterFileWriter.use(fio) f = fio.file f.write(str(comment)+"\n") f.write("0\n") #if mp: # f.write("Monkhorst-Pack\n") #else: # f.write("Gamma\n") if gamma_centered: f.write("Gamma\n") else: f.write("Monkhorst-Pack\n") f.write(" ".join([str(x) for x in kpoints])+"\n") fio.close()
[docs]def write_generic_kpoints_file(fio, comment=None, mp=True): """ """ fio = IoAdapterFileWriter.use(fio) f = fio.file f.write(str(comment)+"\n") f.write("0\n") #if mp: # f.write("Monkhorst-Pack\n") #else: # f.write("Gamma\n") f.write("Auto\n") f.write("20\n") fio.close()
[docs]def get_magmom(symbol): return 8
#magions = ['Sc','Ti','V','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Cu','Zn','Y','Zr','Nb','Mo','Tc','Ru','Rh','Pd','Ag','Cd','La','Hf','Ta','W','Re','Os','Ir','Pt','Au','Hg','Ce','Pr','Nd','Pm','Sm','Eu','Gd','Tb','Dy','Ho','Er','Tm','Yb','Lu','Th','Pa','U'] # From: A. Jain et al. / Computational Materials Science 50 (2011) 2295-2310 magions = ['Ag', 'Au', 'Cd', 'Ce', 'Co', 'Cr', 'Cu', 'Dy', 'Er', 'Eu', 'Fe', 'Gd', 'Hf', 'Hg', 'Ho', 'Ir', 'La', 'Lu', 'Mn', 'Mo', 'Nb', 'Nd', 'Ni', 'Os', 'Pa', 'Pd', 'Pm', 'Pr', 'Pt', 'Re', 'Rh', 'Ru', 'Sc', 'Sm', 'Ta', 'Tb', 'Tc', 'Th', 'Ti', 'Tm', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'Y', 'Yb', 'Zn', 'Zr'] dualmag = {'O': ['Co'], 'S': ['Mn', 'Fe', 'Cr', 'Co']}
[docs]def is_dualmagnetic(ion, ionlist): for i in range(len(ionlist)): if ionlist[i] in dualmag: if ion in dualmag[ionlist[i]]: return True return False
[docs]def magnetization_recurse(basemags, dualmags, high, low): if len(dualmags) == 0: return [basemags] index = dualmags.pop() basemags[index] = high hi_list = magnetization_recurse(list(basemags), list(dualmags), high, low) basemags[index] = low low_list = magnetization_recurse(list(basemags), list(dualmags), high, low) return hi_list + low_list
[docs]def get_magnetizations(ionlist, high, low): basemags = [] dualmags = [] for i in range(len(ionlist)): if is_dualmagnetic(ionlist[i], ionlist): basemags.append(None) dualmags.append(i) else: if ionlist[i] in magions: basemags.append(high) else: basemags.append(low) return magnetization_recurse(basemags, dualmags, high, low)
[docs]def copy_template(dirtemplate, dirname, templatename): template = os.path.join(dirname, "ht.template."+templatename) if os.path.exists(template): raise Exception("Template dir already exists.") shutil.copytree(dirtemplate, template, True)
[docs]def poscar_to_strs(fio): """ Parses a file on VASPs POSCAR format. Returns (cell, scale, vol, coords, coords_reduced, counts, occupations, comment) where cell: 3x3 nested list of *strings* designating the cell scale: *string* representing the overall scale of the cell vol: *string* representing the volume of the cell (only one of scale and vol will be set, the other one = None) coords: Nx3 nested list of *strings* designating the coordinates coords_reduced: bool, true = coords are given in reduced coordinate (in vasp D or Direct), false = coords are given in cartesian coordinates counts: how many atoms of each type occupations: which species of each atom type (integers), or -1, ... -N if no species are given. comment: the comment string given at the top of the file """ fio = IoAdapterFileReader.use(fio) f = fio.file fi = iter(f) comment = next(fi).strip() vol_or_scale = next(fi).strip() vol_or_scale_nbr = float(vol_or_scale) if vol_or_scale_nbr < 0: vol = vol_or_scale[1:] scale = None else: scale = vol_or_scale vol = None cell = [['', '', ''], ['', '', ''], ['', '', '']] for i in [0, 1, 2]: cellline = next(fi).strip().split() for j, v in enumerate(cellline): cell[i][j] = v symbols_or_count = next(fi).strip().split() try: counts = map(int, symbols_or_count) symbols = None occupations = range(-1, -len(counts)-1, -1) except Exception: symbols = symbols_or_count counts = [int(s) for s in next(fi).strip().split()] occupations = [periodictable.numbers[symbol] for symbol in symbols] N = sum(counts) coordtype_or_selectivedynamics = next(fi).strip() if coordtype_or_selectivedynamics[0] in 'Ss': # Skip row if selective dynamics specifier coordtype = next(fi).strip() else: coordtype = coordtype_or_selectivedynamics if coordtype[0] in 'CcKk': coords_reduced = True else: coords_reduced = False coords = [] for i in range(N): nxt = next(fi) strcoord = nxt.strip().split()[:3] coord = map(lambda x: x.strip(), strcoord) coords.append(coord) return (cell, scale, vol, coords, coords_reduced, counts, occupations, comment)
[docs]def poscar_to_structure(f): cell, scale, volume, coords, coords_reduced, counts, occupations, comment = poscar_to_strs(f) frac_cell = FracVector.create(cell, simplify=True) counts = [int(x) for x in counts] if coords_reduced: frac_coords = cartesian_to_reduced(cell, coords) else: frac_coords = FracVector.create(coords, simplify=True) if volume is not None: volume = FracScalar.create(volume) if scale is not None: scale = FracScalar.create(scale) newoccupations = [] for occupation in occupations: newoccupations.append(periodictable.atomic_number(occupation)) struct = Structure.create(uc_basis=frac_cell, uc_volume=volume, uc_scale=scale, uc_reduced_coords=frac_coords, uc_counts=counts, assignments=newoccupations, tags={'comment': comment}, periodicity=0) return struct
[docs]def write_poscar(fio, cell, coords, coords_reduced, counts, occupations, comment="Comment", scale="1", vol=None): """ Writes a file on VASPs POSCAR format. Where it says *string* below, any type that works with str(x) is also ok. Input arguments f: file stream to put output on cell: 3x3 nested list of *strings* designating the cell coords: Nx3 nested list of *strings* designating the coordinates coords_reduced: bool, true = coords are given in reduced coordinate (in vasp D or Direct), false = coords are given in cartesian coordinates counts: how many atoms of each type occupations: which species of each atom type comment: (optional) the comment string given at the top of the file scale: (optional) *string* representing the overall scale of the cell vol: *string* representing the volume of the cell (only one of scale and vol can be set) """ fio = IoAdapterFileWriter.use(fio) f = fio.file f.write(str(comment)+"\n") if vol is not None: f.write("-"+str(vol)+"\n") else: f.write(str(scale)+"\n") for c1, c2, c3 in cell: f.write(str(c1)+" "+str(c2)+" "+str(c3)+"\n") for i in range(len(counts)): if occupations is None: f.write(periodictable.symbols[i] + " ") else: f.write(str(occupations[i]) + " ") f.write("\n") for count in counts: f.write(str(count) + " ") f.write("\n") if coords_reduced: f.write("D\n") else: f.write("K\n") for c1, c2, c3 in coords: f.write(str(c1)+" "+str(c2)+" "+str(c3)+"\n")
[docs]def structure_to_comment(struct): tags = struct.get_tags().values() if len(tags) > 0: tagstr = " tags: " + ", ".join([tag.tag+":"+tag.value for tag in tags]) else: tagstr = "" if struct.has_rc_repr and struct.has_uc_repr: return struct.formula + " " + struct.hexhash + tagstr else: return struct.formula + " " + tagstr
[docs]def structure_to_poscar(f, struct, fix_negative_determinant=False, comment=None, primitive_cell=True): if comment is None: comment = structure_to_comment(struct) if primitive_cell: basis = struct.pc.uc_basis coords = struct.pc.uc_reduced_coords vol = struct.pc.uc_volume counts = struct.pc.uc_counts else: #basis = #coords = #vol = #counts = basis = struct.uc_basis coords = struct.uc_reduced_coords vol = struct.uc_volume counts = struct.uc_counts if basis.det() < 0: if fix_negative_determinant: basis = -basis coords = (-coords).normalize() write_poscar(f, basis.to_strings(), coords.to_strings(), True, counts, struct.symbols, comment, vol=vol.to_string())
[docs]def calculate_kpoints(struct, dens=20): #local KPTSLINE=$(awk -v "LVAL=$LVAL" -v"equalkpts=$EQUAL_KPTS" -v"bumpkpts=$BUMP_KPTS" ' basis = struct.uc_basis celldet = basis.det() cellvol = abs(celldet) if cellvol == 0: raise Exception("vasp_if.calculate_kpoints: Error in VASP_KPOINTSLINE: singular cell vectors. POSCAR is broken.") recip = basis.reciprocal().simplify() half = 0.5 N1 = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(recip[0].lengthsqr())*dens+half)+0.1) N2 = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(recip[1].lengthsqr())*dens+half)+0.1) N3 = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(recip[2].lengthsqr())*dens+half)+0.1) return max(1, N1), max(1, N2), max(1, N3)
[docs]def prepare_single_run(dirpath, struct, poscarspath=None, template='t:/vasp/single/static', overwrite=False): if overwrite: mkdir_p(dirpath) else: os.mkdir(dirpath) structure_to_poscar(os.path.join(dirpath, "POSCAR"), struct, fix_negative_determinant=True) #write_generic_kpoints_file(os.path.join(dirpath,"KPOINTS"),comment=structure_to_comment(struct)) kpoints = calculate_kpoints(struct) write_kpoints_file(os.path.join(dirpath, "KPOINTS"), kpoints, comment=structure_to_comment(struct)) ioa = IoAdapterFileWriter.use(os.path.join(dirpath, "POTCAR")) f = ioa.file spieces_counts = [] magmomlist = get_magnetizations(struct.symbols, 5, 1) magmom_per_ion = magmomlist[0] magmoms = [] nelect = 0 natoms = 0 nmag = 0 for i in range(len(struct.assignments)): assignment = struct.assignments[i] count = struct.uc_counts[i] symbol = periodictable.atomic_symbol(assignment.symbol) pp = get_pseudopotential(symbol, poscarspath) f.write(pp) spieces_counts.append(count) #magmoms.append(str(count)+"*"+str(get_magmom(symbol))) magmom = magmom_per_ion[i] magmoms.append(str(count)+"*"+str(magmom)) def zval(results, match): results['zval'] = float( results = micro_pyawk(IoAdapterString(pp), [["^ *POMASS.*; *ZVAL *= *([^ ]+)", None, zval]]) if not 'zval' in results: raise Exception("vasp_if.prepare_simple_static_run: Could not read ZVAL from potcar file") nelect += results['zval']*count natoms += count nmag += count*magmom ioa.close() nbands1 = int(0.6*nelect + 1.0)+int(math.ceil(natoms/2.0)+0.1) nbands2 = int(0.6*nelect + 1.0)+int(math.ceil(nmag/2.0)+0.1) nbands3 = int(0.6*nelect + 1.0)+20 nbands_spin = max(1, nbands1, nbands2, nbands3) nbands_spin += nbands_spin % 2 nbands1 = int(nelect/2.0 + 2)+int(math.ceil(natoms/2.0)+0.1) nbands2 = int(math.ceil(nelect/2.0)+20+0.1) nbands_nospin = max(1, nbands1, nbands2) nbands_nospin += nbands_spin % 2 data = {} data['VASP_SPIECES_COUNTS'] = " ".join(map(str, spieces_counts)) data['VASP_MAGMOM'] = " ".join(map(str, magmoms)) data['VASP_NBANDS_SPIN'] = str(nbands_spin) data['VASP_NBANDS_NOSPIN'] = str(nbands_nospin) if template.startswith('t:'): template = os.path.join(httk.httk_root, 'Execution', 'tasks-templates', template[2:]) apply_templates(template, dirpath, envglobals=data, mkdir=False)
[docs]class OutcarReader(): def __init__(self, ioa): self.ioa = ioa self.parse() pass
[docs] def parse(self): results = {'final': False} def set_final(results, match): results['final'] = True def read_energy(results, match): self.final_energy_with_entropy = self.final_energy = results = micro_pyawk(self.ioa, [ ["^ *energy *without *entropy= *([^ ]+) *energy\(sigma->0\) *= *([^ ]+) *$", None, read_energy], ["FREE ENERGIE", None, set_final], ], results, debug=False) self.parsed = True
[docs]def read_outcar(ioa): return OutcarReader(ioa)