httk Developers’ Guide


This file is the developers' guide for adding to / changing the functionality of the httk toolset and python library. For other topics the front page.

You likely want to have read the users’ guide before reading this.

Short points for experienced developers

  • Follow PEP8, except –ignore=E226,E265,E266,E401,E402,E501,W291,W293,W391
  • Favor unmutable classes over mutable ones
  • For arrays of numbers, use core/FracVector unless you have a reason
  • Constructors are generally considered private, use a create(…) static method instead.
  • Type conversion should be handled with use(other) methods
  • File I/O should be done with the core/ioadapters classes
  • Note the plugin system that comes via inheritance from HttkObject

Overview of the python library

  • Arrays of numbers: essentially all arrays of numbers within httk.core are implemented using our own vector math class, FracVector. There are many things that can be argued about the pros and cons of re-implementing vector math vs. using numpy vectors. The primary reasons for this design choice was:

    • FracVectors are exact (they are based on fractions), meaning that no information is ever lost about cell shapes and atomic positions, there is no need to handle floating-point ‘fussiness’ with cutoffs etc. Cell matrices can be exactly inverted, and so on.
    • FracVectors are immutable (but there is a MutableFracVector). They can thus be used as e.g., keys in dictionaries, in sets, etc. This lets us avoid certain type of difficult-to-find bugs where one by mistake mutates a vector that is used elsewhere. (For more info, see the section ‘Rant about mutable vs. non-mutable classes’ at the end of this document.)
    • FracVectors are implemented in pure Python, making the core part of httk a pure Python library = very easy to install and get up and running
    • FracVectors are easy to convert to floating point arrays when high speed is needed (the opposite conversion is not as easy, requires cutoffs, and will generally not give the exact same results between different computers due to differences in floating point processing.)
  • Basic structural classes: we implement our own, rather than using a ‘structure’ class of another library (e.g., ‘Atoms’ from ASE). This way we avoid dependencies, but most importantly, our structure classes generally avoid floating point numbers (see discussion about FracVector above). We provide via the ‘httk.iface’ module conversions to many other structure types in other libraries.


The python __init__ constructor is regarded as private throughout httk. These constructors should be very light-weight and not sanitize or process their arguments. The arguments to the constructor normally reflect the internal representation of the data and changes when the internal data representation changes as part of future development.

The public constructor should normally be an @classmethod named ‘create’. The parameters to create are meant to stay the same even when the internal representation of the data in the class changes. We want ‘create’ to be as flexible as possible and able to take data on multiple forms. A very common design pattern is that the create method is a “swiss army knife” type creator that can take a multitude of named arguments, and only some set of those arguments are needed to be given. E.g., both these are valid examples of creating a new Structure object:

mystruct = Structure.create(cell=mycell, coords=mycoords, counts=mycounts)
mystruct = Structure.create(a=my_a, b=my_b, c=my_c, alpha=my_alpha, beta=my_beta, gamma=my_gamma, coords=mycoords, counts=mycounts)

Motivation for using create rather than __init__: if __init__ constructors are used as public, one may get into serious limitations in how the internal data representation of the class can be changed later. Also, sometimes it is necessary to create new objects in a way that bypasses any processing of arguments, and this becomes difficult and inelegant if __init__ is already an established public swiss-army-knife type constructor.

The ‘use’ method

Throughout httk we have another standardized @classmethod method called ‘use’. It means “make a best effort to convert the object given into the class on which we call ‘use’. E.g.,

duck = Duck.use(ducklike)

tries to convert ducklike into a Duck, if it is not already of type Duck, in which case it is just returned unmodified. The primary difference between ‘use’ and ‘create’ is that use always only take one argument (an object we think is ‘equivalent’ with, e.g., a Duck) and that we generally try to avoid creating a new object if we can.

To better explain the need for this, consider the class ‘Structure’ and the database class ‘DbStructure’. We do not want the ‘db’ module to leak into the core module (e.g., there should never be any type testing against, e.g., DbStructure or imports from the db submodule into core.) Yet, a Structure and a DbStructure are essentially “the same thing”, so methods that expect a ‘Structure’ with full freedom to use an object as if it is a normal structure is expected to work like this:

def do_something(struct):
  struct = Structure.use(struct)

This saves the need to have to stop and think “wait, is this a function that takes a UnitcellStructure or a Structure?” when using the functions.

One may suggest that it would be better to use object-oriented inheritance for this functionality. However, inheritance typically does not work that great with primitive types (e.g., functions that can take both a string as a file reference, or a Path object, or an IOStream object). Nor does object oriented programming give an unambiguous solution for cross-converting between subclasses. Note the following example of the ‘use’ method:

uc_struct = UnitcellStructure()
numpy_stuct = NumpyStructure.use(uc_struct)
# now use numpy_struct in a way that requires NumpyStructure specific methods

(Note that there is not yet any NumpyStructure in httk, but will probably be in the future.) In practice NumpyStructure and UnitcellStructure are in different submodules and it makes no sense to make either one inherit from the other, but they (could) both inherit from a common superclass (e.g. ‘AbstractStructure’). Nevertheless, even if they do that, there is no obvious way just from object oriented programming to know how to do the above conversion. One could of course ‘upcast’ UnitcellStructure to AbstractStructure, but the downcast into a NumpyStructure is then not trivial. Also, there could be great benefits in using a conversion ‘shortcut’ between these two classes that saves time over upcast + a generic downcast.

I/O Adapters

For file io we use httk.core.ioadapters. References to files and output streams can have many types, e.g., strings (i.e., a path), instances of the object Path, instances of Stream, etc. The ioadapters help writing functions that can deal with all these types of references to files comparably easy, without large “if elif elif elif” forks in every such function. Lets say that you write a function that generates some output data:

def write_data(fio):
  fio = IoAdapterFileWriter.use(fio)
  f = fio.file

This allows the input argument ‘fio’ to be of many, many, different types. You never really need to bother with “converting” your argument before calling write_data. You just choose that you want whatever ‘fio’ was to be turned into an IoAdapterFileWriter, and then you just pick out the ‘file’ property and use it as a file. You never need to specifically worry about whether fio already was an IoAdapterFileWriter, or just the filename ‘output.txt’, or a Path object.

Classes and interfaces

A design principle is to keep classes short. As a general rule: only methods that absolutely need to work with the internal data structures of a class should go into the class! Other “methods” should simply be written as regular functions that take one (or more) instances of the class. Put the class in ‘’ and the utility methods in ‘’.

The primary benefit of this is that the duck-typing of python allows us to re-use those exact functions even with other objects that fulfill the same API interface as the original class. This cannot be done if they are implemented as instance methods.

However, it is ok to extend the class with convenience methods that are very short calls into functions implemented elsewhere, e.g.,

  return normalized_formula(self)

as this helps finding the right method when calling help(object). The difference is that the full implementation is not put into the class iself.


To avoid dependences on libraries that you may not have installed, httk implements somewhat unusual ‘plugin’-type extensions to any class that inherits from HttkObject.

The practical outcome is that loading a module, e.g., the atomistic visualization module, adds functionality to some objects inside htt.atomistic. E.g.,

from httk import *
from httk.atomistic import *
import httk.atomistic.vis

This adds, e.g., to show a structure.

In practice this is easy to work with in your own code. We’ll use a plugin to the Structure class as example. All you need to do is:

  1. create a class that inherits from httk.HttkPlugin, and which implements a method:

    plugin_init(self, struct)

    which takes the place of the usual __init__ and gives access to the ‘hosting’ structure instance.

  2. add this to the corresponding HttkObject by:

    Structure.myplugin = HttkPluginWrapper(MyStructurePluginClass)

After this has happened during an import, any call on a structure instance, e.g.,


will call the corresponding method in MyStructurePluginClass. Your plugin can also have class methods, which gets called by:


For a concrete example, look at the structurevisualizerplugin in httk.atomistic.vis.

General recommendations for contributed code

Rule #1: Generally read and follow:
You are encouraged to use the pep8 tool (either directly or via your code development platform, but, use: –ignore=E401,E402,E501,W291,W293,W391,E265,E266,E226 (See below for motivations.)
Rule #2: Always organize your code in private sections and a public

API. Never write code that depends on private sections outside the class / module / etc.

It is very very easy for a large Python project to degenerate into a huge pile of code that has such intricate cross-dependences that it is almost impossible to know the implications of a seemingly small change. For example, do you dare changing the internal representation of the data in the X class? You have to be sure no other class reaches into the internal data structures and make assumptions about how they are organized.

The principle of API-oriented organization is simple:

  • Every piece of code is either in a private section or part of the public API.
  • Changes to private sections are “easy”, as they should never break other code
  • Changes to the public API are difficult, and should generally be done only by introducing a new version of the class / module / etc.
  • Every public class should be in its own file named after the class, things not meant to be used outside that class should be named with a prefix underscore ‘_’.
Rule #3: Always make your classes be immutable unless you know why
you need a mutable class. Do not fall for the pressure of the premature optimization fairy and the idea that “it will be faster if I don’t create a new instance”. No one cares if you shave 10 ms of the final program execution time, but people will care if your program has bugs. Only optimize code where speed matters. See longer rant in section below.

Motivations for/discussions about our digressions from pep8

  • E226: missing whitespace around arithmetic operator: This rule as implemented in the pep8 tool is not consistent with the pep0008 standard. Use spaces around arithmetic operators when it adds to readability.
  • E265: block comment should start with ‘# ‘: We do not want to enforce what can go inside comment sections as they are used rather freely throughout the code right now. This may change in the future.
  • E266: too many leading ‘#’ for block comment: see E265
  • E401: multiple imports on one line: In this code we put standard system libraries as a single import line to avoid the file preambles to become overly long. All other imports should be each on one line.
  • E402: module level import not at top of file: We should generally strive to put all module imports at the top of the file. However, we need to depart from this for conditional imports, especially for our handling of external libraries, and, sometimes for speed optimization (only do slow import X if a function is run that absolutely needs it.)
  • E501: line too long: Modern editors allow editing wide source with ease. Try to keep lines down under 100 characters, but this rule should be violated if significantly increased readability is obtained by a few even longer lines.
  • W291: trailing whitespace: Between all different editors used, this simply generates too many warnings that makes more important pep8 violations more difficult to see. Once in a while we should simply run the files through a tool that removes trailing whitespace.
  • W293: blank line contains whitespace: I genuinely disagree with this rule. It is not motivated by the pep0008 standard, but something unmotivated put in by developers of the pep8 tool. Blank lines should be indented to the indentation level of the block that they appear in.
  • W391: blank line at end of file: see W291.

A rant about mutable vs. non-mutable classes

While immutable objects incur some overhead due to extra object creation, they generally make programming much easier. For mutable objects you have to learn the internals of the implementation to understand which operations possibly may affect another object.

Consider the following pseudocode for a mutable vector class,:

A = MutableVector(((1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8)))
B = A[0]
B[1] = 7 # does this also change A at the element [0,1]?!

You cannot know the answer! The answer depends on the internals of MutableVector! However, for an UnMutableVector the answer is trivial (‘A’ never changes!). Since no one has time to read documentation, the usual programmer will learn when and where a MutableVector affects other vectors by trial-and-error. This leads to bugs!

E.g., let us consider numpy (where vectors are mutable for a good reason: the aim of numpy is to do floating point math at very high speed). Below are some examples of possible assignments operations that can be placed on line 2 in the code above, and a comment that specifies whether the subsequent change of B also changes A. Notice how the behavior is not easy to predict without reading the numpy documentation!:

B = A[0]
# Yes, B becomes a reference into A, so changing B also changes A!

B = (A.T)[0].T
# Yes, B is still a reference into A, but with a different shape.
# Changing B also changes A!

B = A.flatten()
# No, flatten() is documented as "returns a copy of the array",
# and indeed, changing B does not change A!

B = A.reshape(8)[0]
# Yes. Despite that this seem to be equivalent to flatten(),
# B becomes a reference into A instead of a copy! Hence, if someone were
# to "clean up the code" by thinking 'flatten is much easier to read'
# and replacing it, they will unintentionally change the behavior of the code!

Contributing, License and Redistribution

If you extend the httk framework for yourself, please consider sending your changes back to us. If your changes are generally useful, they will be included in our distribution, which will make your life much simpler when you want to upgrade versions.

Presently patches, bug reports, etc., are handled via email, i.e., just email your patches / modified source files to us. (In the future we’ll make arrange for a better way, e.g., github.)

The High-Throughput Toolkit uses the GNU Affero General Public License (see the file LICENSE.txt for details), which is an open source license that allows redistribution and re-use if the license requirements are met. (Note that this license contains clauses that are not in the usual GNU Public License, and source code from httk cannot be imported into GPL-only licensed projects.)

If you plan on redistributing / forking httk with major changes, PLEASE edit httk/ and change the ‘version’ variable to contain a personal suffix. E.g., set version=’1.0.rickard.2’. Then run the command ‘make dist’. This creates a httk_v{VERSION}.tgz archive that you can redistribute.


Our primary point of contact is email to: httk [at] (where [at] is replaced by @)